- 网络lent;lenten

The early Christians celebrated the Mother 's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary , the mother of Christ .
Oddly , it was brewed during Lent , when fasting allowed only the consumption of liquids .
Jelly-filled doughnuts ( with no doughnut hole ) originated in Germany , where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year 's Eve and the carnival days before Lent ( Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday ) .
The word " tempura " is actually thought to have derived from the Portuguese word " temporas " which means " Lent . " This makes sense , as the Catholic population would eat fish on Fridays and eventually decided to fry it - possibly because everything tastes better when it 's fried .
The children have promised to give up sweets for lent .
Today marks the beginning of the church 's forty-day season of Lent .
During Lent , the number more than doubled .
I gave up beer for Lent and this whisky is killing me !
In Lent , let us be free , but let us be responsible .
Please use these materials to shape and deepen your Lenten journey this year .
Through God 's grace , the Lenten disciplines can bring about growth in Christ-likeness .
I hope that God will grant all of us a Lent of joy and freedom .
Before Lent , about 15 percent of hair in hyena scat samples came from hunted donkeys .
This is a religious holiday on the day before Ash Wednesday , the start of Lent .
Those with eating disorders should fast not from food during Lent , but from unhealthy attitudes about food .
Therefore , let us avoid any thought that ashes and Lenten disciplines are sure formulas for spiritual maturation .
Many Christians give up meat for Lent , a practice that indirectly affects ... hyenas , believe it or not .
The theological focus of the fifth-century Lent was the suffering and death of Jesus , rather than the preparation of converts for baptism .
The origins of Lent are old and complex , and our current observance is actually a combination of practices from different times and places .
They collected samples as the fast began , when it ended 55 days later and then again 55 days after the regular diet resumed .
Theological students should perish any thought about submitting a paper late with the excuse that a Lenten " prayer discipline " demanded too much time !
In the early medi period the first day of Lent became a day for distributing ashes to Christians as a sign of mortality and penance .
I hope that those of you from churches with no Lenten practices will consider adopting the traditions of Lent for yourselves and for your churches .
In contrast with club , there is the popular Pancake Day.It is on the first day of Lent , and usually occurs between February 2 and March 8 .
Based on animal fur found in the scat , the researchers discovered that the hyenas hunt more during Lent , when meaty leftovers from human meals are scarcer .
Lent , in other words , provides us with practical exercise in dying and rising with Christ , such that we embody the meaning of Easter in our very lives .
To aid you in your Lenten journey , I have placed on our library 's reserve shelf a collection of articles that describe and explain the Lenten disciplines , along with a short bibliography .