
  1. 论文根据国内工务维修模式和管理体制,基于轨检车现状,结合近年来对三大干线的线路检查结果,开发出一套基于GJ-4型轨道检查车检测数据的轨道维修管理信息系统(TIC-MIS);

    In this paper , according to the current railway engineering maintenance and management model and the inspection car condition , synthesized the track inspection data of three mainline in recent years , a management information system based on type GJ-4 track inspection car ( TIC-MIS ) was developed .

  2. 关于六大干线提速安全标准线地对车安全监控体系建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Construction of Ground-Train Safety Supervision System for Speed-up Safety Standard Line of Six Main Trunk Lines

  3. 我国四大干线提速前后的列车重量、速度、密度分析

    Analysis on Train Weight , Speed and Density before and after the Train Speed Increased on the Four Main Lines in China

  4. 京汉铁路是晚清政府为图自强、实现近代化而兴筑的一条纵贯南北的大干线。

    Beijing-Hankow railway is a main line which go through the south and north china . It was built by Late Qing Dynasty to achieve self-reliance and modernization .

  5. 本文根据四大干线的技术条件,论证了提速客货列车的牵引质量,运行速度,行车密度间的合理匹配。

    Based on the technical conditions of the four major trunk lines , this article demonstrates the rational match between hauled weight , operating speed and traffic density .

  6. 并利用该管理信息系统,分析研究了三大干线几个典型工务段管内线路轨道质量状态的特点及其变化规律;

    Using this MIS , the track quality state feature and variation rule of a few typical railway engineering divisions on the three mainline was analysed and researched .

  7. 京九铁路全长2553km,途经京、津、冀、鲁、豫、皖、鄂、赣、粤九省市,为我国纵贯南北的第三大干线。

    Beijing-kowloon Railway line is one of three main railway lines from north to south in China via Beijing , Tianjin , Hebei , Henan , Anhui , Hubei , Jiangxi and Guangdong with total length of 2553 km .

  8. 阐述了我国铁路京广、京沪、京哈、陇海四大干线提速前后的列车重量、速度、密度的变化状况,据此对今后的发展提出了设想。

    It describes the variations of train weight , speed and density before and after the train speed increased on the four main lines of Beijing - Guangzhou , Beijing - Shanghai , Beijing - Harbin and Lanzhou - Lianyungang and puts forward the imagination for future development .

  9. 大功率干线内燃机车冷却水系统的研究

    Research on cooling water system for high-power main-line diesel locomotive

  10. 大城市的干线交通朝着以快速轨道交通为主体的多层次综合客运体系发展已成为必然趋势。

    Urban rail transit is the shaft of the traffic system of city , arterial traffic of big city that is moving to rapid rail transit as the main part with multi-level development of comprehensive passenger transport system has already been the inevitable trend .

  11. 复杂地质艰险山区修建大能力南昆铁路干线成套技术含39项科技攻关和25项科技推广项目,获2000年度国家科技进步一等奖。

    The complete package for building high capacity Nan Kun railway in complicated difficult mountainous areas includes 39 key technical projects and 25 technical projects that need be promoted .

  12. 应该分4个层次建设3个枢纽和3大组团并与大运量快速干线相连接,构建区域一体化的交通运输网络。

    The integrated transportation network in the PRD should be constituted by four systems , three pivots and three groups which are connected by trunk lines of high speed and great quantity of transport .

  13. 我国河流众多,以长江、珠江、黑龙江三大水系和京杭大运河为主干线组成了我国三横一纵为主体的内河网。

    Our country is watered by numerous rivers . And the main framework of the inland river network can be seen as a structure called " Four longitudinal and four horizontal ", which is composed of Changjiang River , Pearl River , Heilongjiang River and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal .

  14. 尤斯顿站是一个大的地铁站&它是一个比国王十字车站大的铁路干线车站的配备地铁站。

    Euston is a big Underground station - it serves a main line station bigger than King 's Cross .