
  1. 旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。

    The Old Town has a whole collection of churches , palaces and mosques .

  2. 保安人员仍禁止任何人进入这所大宅院。

    Guards still stopped anyone from actually entering the compound .

  3. 第七章恐怖大宅院

    Chapter Seven The House of Horrors

  4. 他们住在马尔福庄园里,那是他们家族世代相传的一个大宅院。

    They live in Malfoy Manor , a large house which has been in the family for generations .

  5. 比如,像詹姆斯•邦德一样乘坐快艇环游伦敦,或者到简•奥斯丁电影中那样的大宅院中游览。

    For instance , touring London in a high-speed boat like James Bond , or visiting the stately homes that are seen in the Jane Austen films .

  6. 离开那寂静的、从未发生过什么事的小村庄而去一个热闹的大宅院里与姓氏和血缘和我相同的、有钱有势的人待在一起,这可真是一次历险!

    What an adventure , to leave that sleepy place , where nothing ever happened , and go to a great , busy house , to be with rich and important people of my own name and blood !

  7. 他的时代,是一个幽闭的时代,这个时代的文学语境,呈现了一种大宅院的后花园状态,这个花园是建立在文化废墟传统废墟之上的。

    As Mao 's era is a circumscribed one , its literary context has assumed a state of the rear garden built upon the ruins of culture and tradition , and the end of Mao 's era has foreshadowed the start of a new literature era .