
  • 【体】qualification standards of physical education for college students
  1. Windows环境下大学生体育合格标准综合管理系统软件的开发

    Development of college students sports qualified standard comprehensive management system software in Windows Environment

  2. 对《大学生体育合格标准》分值统计学分析

    Statistics analysis of scoring of students ' sport qualification standard

  3. 《大学生体育合格标准》是非辨大学生体育合格标准改革的探讨

    A Discussion on the Passing Criteria for the Physical Qualification of College Students

  4. 大学生体育合格标准改革的探讨

    On the Reforming of University P.E. Qualification Standards

  5. 大学生体育合格标准计算机管理研究

    The Research of Computer in the Management of College Student ' P. E. Criterion

  6. 《大学生体育合格标准》管理系统开发及应用

    Developing and Application of 《 University student qualified Standard Physical education 》 managing system

  7. 主成分分析在《大学生体育合格标准》综合评价中的应用

    The Application of Principal component Analysis to a Comprehensive Evaluation in the Standard Required for Physical Training for College Students

  8. 四川农业大学施行《大学生体育合格标准》的效果研究

    Research on the Effects of Sichuan Agricultural University in the Implementation of the Qualification Standard for University Students ′ Physical Training

  9. 大学生体育合格标准成绩统计方法的研究

    Studies on the Method of Counting up the students ' Achivements According to the Physical Education Qualified Standard for College Students

  10. 我校从91年级开始实施国家教委颁发的《大学生体育合格标准》,在实施过程中,我们发现《标准》中仅用肺活量指数这一项指标来评价大学生个体的身体机能状况是不完善的。

    It was not enough that spiro-index was an only somatic function index in [ Physical culture qualified standards of university students ] .

  11. 摘要依据《大学生体育合格标准》,建立起神经网络的学习样本,提出了基于神经网络的的男子大学生身体素质评估的训练模型。

    University student physical quality test evaluation model based on neural network was set up according to " university Student Sports Qualification standard " .

  12. 通过对高校实施《大学生体育合格标准》状况进行总结和分析,对在高校实施《学生体质健康标准》提出建设性意见。

    The article makes some constructive suggestions on the enforcement of the criteria through the summary and analysis of the enforcement situation in universities .

  13. 运用作者自行开发的大学生体育合格标准管理系统软件对本院部分学生有关体能指标进行了计算机统计分析,为改进体育教育提供了量化数据。

    By appling " college students sports qualified standard comprehensive management system software " that has been developed by author , the article has described how to been statistical analysis for parameters of physical constitution of some students in our institute , to provide quantitative data for improving sport education .

  14. 随机抽样495名西南民族大学2002级少数民族学生,按照大学生体育锻炼合格标准的有关内容测试其身体素质,并对照普通高校大学生身体素质的相关资料对测试结果进行分析讨论。

    With a sample of 495 minority students of Southwest Nationality University in ( random ,) their physique was tested according to the contents of the qualified standard of exercises for college students and the testing results were analyzed and discussed .

  15. 关于大学生对《大学生体育合格标准》承受能力的研究

    On University Students ' endurance capacity for passing standards of Physical Education