
  • 网络University Club
  1. 我们就去大学俱乐部见见Charley吧。

    Let 's meet with Charley at the university club .

  2. 那个是我在大学俱乐部用的,我过来拿的。

    I came to pick that up for my college club .

  3. 他在牛津大学俱乐部作过精采的演讲。

    He had spoken with distinction at the Oxford Union .

  4. 大学俱乐部制体育课模式的实践研究

    A Practical Research of the P.E Class Model of the College Club System

  5. 吉林大学俱乐部式体育课程学生群体活动创新的实践研究

    Practical Research on Innovation in Student Community Activity of Club Type Athletics Course in Jilin University

  6. 广西大学俱乐部制体育课内外一体化教学改革现状及发展趋势

    Current Situation and Development of the Reform on In-and-out Class Integration P.E. Teaching Under the Club System in Guangxi University

  7. 参加一些大学俱乐部来结识美国学生,去认识你的美国同学和同事。

    Join some university clubs to begin to get to know some American students . Get to know your American classmates and office mates .

  8. 北京化工大学足球俱乐部现状与发展研究

    Present Situation Development Research of Football in Beijing University of Chemical Technology

  9. 从大学体育俱乐部的普及化看大学体育教学

    On University Physical Education from the Perspective of the Popularity of University Sports Clubs

  10. 接着,任老师为中山大学微软俱乐部的新一届成员颁发的聘书。

    Next , teacher Ren awarded for the new members of MSTC of Zhongshan University .

  11. 晚上:斯坦福大学高尔夫俱乐部举行的酒会和美国晚餐的欢迎宴会。

    Evening : Reception at Stanford Golf Club with Stanford University professors and VIP guests .

  12. 兰州交通大学实行俱乐部制体育教学模式探析

    A Research on the PE Teaching Model of Club System Adopted in Lanzhou University of Communication

  13. 主讲人是山东大学微软俱乐部技术部部长张剑楠。

    The speaker was Zhang Jiannan , minister of technology department of MSTC of Shandong University .

  14. 当医生兰赫尔对史丹福大学葡萄酒俱乐部成员进行反复实验后,他得到了类似的结果。

    When Dr Rangel repeated the experiment on members of the Stanford University wine club he got similar results .

  15. 19岁的卢卡斯·卡瓦尔和印第安纳大学探洞俱乐部于日前前往印第安纳州南部的沙利文洞里参观。

    Lukas Cavar , 19 , was visiting the Sullivan Cave in southern Indiana with the Indiana University Caving Club .

  16. 我想说,在华南理工大学微软俱乐部,我是幸福的。

    I want to say , I am very happy in MSTC of South China University of Science and Technology .

  17. 大学体育俱乐部课程结构体系初探&以河北理工大学为例

    A tentative study of the patterning of physical education clubs in universities & A case study of the Hebei University of Technology

  18. 如联合社团的会员或哈佛的会员到纽约时就可以住进摩天大楼,在华盛顿时就可以住进大学的俱乐部中;

    Members of the Union League or Harvard club in New York stay at the Cosmos or The University club when they visit Washington ;

  19. 目的:本研究目的是比较南非中学,大学,俱乐部和省级比赛中橄榄球员脑震荡的季度发生率。

    Objective : The objective of this study was to compare the seasonal concussion incidence for school , university , club and provincial level Rugby Union players in South Africa .

  20. 四川大学微软俱乐部与电子科技大学微软俱乐部合作,邀请到了一支在电子科技大学非常有影响力的学生团队“梦飞无线”团队。

    Cooperating with the MSTC of University of electronical science and technology , the MSTC of Sichuan University invites Dream-flying team who has extreme influence in University of electronical science and technology .

  21. 运用模块度优化启发式算法划分空手道俱乐部网络、大学足球俱乐部网络和区域贸易网络等,并对其结构和功能做出一定的分析。

    Applying a heuristic method based on modularity optimization to detect the karate club network , the university football club network and Regional Trade Agreements network and making some analysis of its structure and function network .

  22. 内蒙古师范大学体育教学俱乐部改革与发展探讨

    Exploration of Reform and Development of Physical Education Teaching Club in Inner Mongolia Normal University

  23. 构建多样化内容体系的研究与实践&深圳大学网球教学俱乐部教学内容

    Study and Practice of Constituting a Variety of Contents System ── The Content of Tennis Club in Shenzhen University

  24. 2005年4月20日南开大学微软技术俱乐部四周年庆典活动月正式开始!

    On Apr , 20 , 2005 , the Fourth Anniversary of MSTC in Nankai University started in due form .

  25. 关于高校体育教学俱乐部发育规律的研究&深圳大学体育教学俱乐部的现状和对策

    RESEARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLUBS AT UNIVERSITIES ── the present situation and development strategy of Shenzhen University 's physical education clubs

  26. 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部首届平面设计大赛闪亮启动!本次大赛由微软技术俱乐部举办,并得到微软亚洲研究院的鼎力支持。

    The first Ichnography Design Competition in South China University of Technology initiated by MS club and sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia debuted stately .

  27. “智慧与梦想共飞翔”南开大学微软技术俱乐部四周年庆典活动,精彩不容错过!

    " Let the dream and wisdom wing together " & the fourth anniversary of MSTC of Nankai university , the highlight cannot be missed .

  28. 采用访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,对沈阳大学开设体育俱乐部的情况进行分析。

    By using the visits , questionnaire to investigate the method , the covariance the method the etc. to Shenyang the university set up the athletics club to proceed the analysis .

  29. 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部的技术活动正在如火如荼地进行中,我们所有队员一起努力,向俱乐部六周年献礼!

    The technical activities of Nanjing University of science & technology are carrying on like a ranging fire . let 's try our best to give the present for the6th anniversary .

  30. 生日会在热闹的气氛中结束了,我们都期待着在新的一岁中,重庆大学微软技术俱乐部能有更好的发展,取得更好的成绩。

    The birthday party has finished in a lively atmosphere , we expect that in a new year , the MSTC of Chongqing University can develop better , and get better achievements .