
  • 网络large transport aircraft;VLTA
  1. 翼身融合飞机(BlendedWingBodyAircraft-BWBAircraft)是一种新型高升阻比无尾布局的大型运输机,其气动特性的研究是BWB布局飞机克服众多技术难题的基础。

    Blended-Wing-Body ( BWB ) aircraft is a tailless large transport with high lift-drag ratio , and the aerodynamic study for BWB aircraft is a basis of overcoming the technology challenges about it . Firstly , research history on BWB configuration is presented in this paper ;

  2. 大型运输机全寿命成本模型分析

    Analysis on Life Cycle Cost Model for Large Transport

  3. 空军将配备以常规方式起降的战机版本(CTOL),海军陆战队将装备短距离起飞和垂直降落版战机,而海军配备的是加大型运输机版本。

    There would be a conventional take-off and landing ( CTOL ) version for the air force , a short take-off and vertical landing ( STOVL ) version for the marines and a beefier carrier version for the navy .

  4. 最后根据大型运输机的特点,对部分飞行品质指标提出了一些建议。

    The view and suggestions about partial flying qualities requirements are put forward .

  5. 浅谈大型运输机的地位和作用

    The Role of Large Transport Transport Processes of Plasmas

  6. 大型运输机机翼弯曲载荷计算

    Estimation of Wing Bending Loads for a Large Transport

  7. 结合某大型运输机,计算了几种不同实施机动载荷控制方案的收益。

    Calculate benefits of some maneuver-load control schemes applying to a large transport .

  8. 大型运输机多缝富勒襟翼运动机构设计研究

    The Design Study on the Kinematical Mechanism of Multi-Gap-Fowler-flap of Large-scale Cargo Airplane

  9. 本文介绍了机动载荷控制在大型运输机上应用的原理和功能。

    This paper introduces maneuver-load control principle and function applying to large transport .

  10. 外吹式动力增升技术在大型运输机上的应用研究

    A Study of Externally Blowing Powered Lift Technique for Application to Large Transport

  11. 大型运输机横航向飞行品质要求探讨

    Inquire into Lateral-Directional Flying Qualities of a Large Transport

  12. 大型运输机的发展,对于国民经济及国防事业发展具有重要的意义。

    The development of large transport is very important to national economy and defense .

  13. 钛合金在大型运输机上的应用

    Applications of Titanium Alloys on Large Transporter

  14. 中国引进大型运输机的影响

    Significance of Importing Large Transports in China

  15. 大型运输机机动载荷控制方法研究

    Benefits Study of Large Transport Maneuver-load Control

  16. 随着航空业的复苏,大型运输机的需求量日益增多。

    With the recovery of aerospace industry , the demands of the large transporter are increasing .

  17. 超大型运输机发展展望

    Prospects for Ultra-High Capacity Aircraft

  18. 到目前为止,世界各国大型运输机加装翼梢小翼已经越来越普遍。

    So far , it becomes more and more popular to amount winglets on the large transport aircraft over the world .

  19. 最后指出,高性能铝合金的研制和生产是保证我国大型运输机研制的重要基础之一。

    At last , it is pointed out that high-performance aluminum alloys are the important basis of developing huge transport planes in our country .

  20. 本文从大型运输机概念设计中对经济性分析的需求出发,结合我国国情,探讨了大型运输机全寿命成本模型的建立方法。

    From the requirement of economic analysis for large transport conceptual design in our country , the large transport life cycle cost models are established .

  21. 14日16时许,空军一架大型运输机首次为四川绵竹灾区空投了包括矿泉水、鲜牛奶、方便面等在内的5蹲救援物资。

    Around 4:00 pm on May 14th , China 's air force dropped 5 tons of disaster relief materials , including mineral water , milk , instant noodles , into Mianzhu City in quake-stricken Sichuan .

  22. 分析了自动着陆过程的特点,采用稳定逆控制方法并结合反馈控制器设计了大型运输机的自动着陆控制律。

    The characteristic of aircraft automatic landing process was analyzed . Combined with a feedback controller , the stable inversion control method was adopted to design the automatic landing control law of a commercial jet airplane .

  23. 目前国内航空工业的发展对大型运输机的需求变得越来越紧迫,而研制大型运输机的关键技术之一富勒襟翼运动机构的设计方法必须得到解决。

    At present , the domestic development of large-scale cargo airplane is getting urgent , such that the design methodology of the mechanisms of Fowler-wing flap must be investigated thoroughly as one of the critical technologies of developing large-scale cargo airplane .

  24. 由于研制大型运输机发展人力、财力投入大,使用周期长,因而,早期研制阶段进行全寿命成本模型分析对于研制方案的优选、提高竞争水平具有重要影响。

    Owing to the fact that increasing R & D cost and time , the study on life cycle cost model for large transport is necessary , it can be used to optimize the design and improving the quality of produce .

  25. 介绍了PLC主要部件的功能及控制原理,阐述了12种安全保护技术在大型胶带运输机安全保护方面的应用,并指出了安全保护技术方面尚存在的不足。

    This paper introduces the functions and control theory of PLC 's main components , expounds the application of twelve kinds of safety protection techniques in the large-scale belt transporter , and advances the deficiencies existing in the safety protection techniques .

  26. 安全保护技术在大型胶带运输机中的应用

    Application of the Safety Protection Techniques in the Large-scale Belt Transporter

  27. 大型胶带运输机大悬臂栈桥设计研究

    Study and design of large cantilevered structure of belt conveyor

  28. 大型胶带运输机胶带横向振动分析

    Analyzing the transverse vibration of a large-size belt conveyor

  29. 根据跑偏原因本文提出一些改进的措施与方法,最后分别从小型皮带运输机和大型皮带运输机两个方面着手进行纠偏分析。

    According to the running deviation , some methods and measures have been improved in this article . Eventually , it is analyzed respectively from a small rubber belt conveyor and a large rubber belt conveyor so as to rectify deviation .

  30. 大型飞机一般是指起飞总重超过100吨的运输类飞机,包括军用、民用大型运输机,也包括150座以上的干线客机。

    Trunk-liner generally refers to transport aircrafts whose take-off weight is above 100 tons , including both military and commercial ones and also large aircraft that are above 150 seats .