
  • 网络daphnia magna;Daphnia magna Straus;daphnia
  1. 化纤废水中主要污染物对大型蚤的急性毒性及联合毒性作用

    Acute toxicity and joint effect of pollutants in fibre wastewater on Daphnia magna

  2. 饮用水中余氯对大型蚤的急性和慢性毒性

    Acute and chronic toxicities of residual chlorine in drinking water on Daphnia magna

  3. 取代苯胺和苯酚类化合物对大型蚤的毒性及pH值对其毒性的影响

    Effect of pH on Daphnia magna toxicity of substituted anilines and phenols

  4. 苯胺类化合物在不同pH值下对大型蚤的急性毒性及QSAR研究

    Toxicities of Anilines to Daphnia magna at Different pH and QSAR Study

  5. 三种杀菌剂对大型蚤的内禀增长率均有显著性影响,rm是一个反映大型蚤中毒水平更敏感的指标。

    The three fungicides all can impact the intrinsic rate of Daphnia magna significantly ;

  6. 苯胺和硝基苯胺对大型蚤(Daphniamagna)的联合毒性

    Joint Toxicity of Aniline and Nitroanilines to Daphnia magna

  7. 从久效磷和SDBS对大型蚤的联合毒性结果来看,两者之间为独立关系。

    It was independent joint action between monocrotophos and SDBS .

  8. 取代氮杂环类化合物对大型蚤(DaphniamagnaStraus)的定量结构-活性关系研究

    Quantitative Structure - Activity Relationships Studies of Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds

  9. 在邻接矩阵基础上,提出一种新的原子生物活性特征值αi,由αi建构结构信息指数G,将其用于苯砜基乙酸酯类化合物对大型蚤急性毒性的研究。

    On the basis of α I , a novel characteristic value of bioactivity for atom I , a structure information index has been developed for research on acute toxicity of phenylsulfonyl acetates to daphnia magna .

  10. 4种杀虫药剂对大型蚤(Daphniamagna)的毒性和酶活性影响的比较

    Comparison of the Toxicity and the Influence of Enzyme Activity of Four Kinds of Insecticides to Daphnia magna

  11. 大型蚤24h死亡率主要与水质指标中的酚、Cr6+、As2+三个指标相关。

    And 24-hour death rate of large flea is mainly correlated with hydroxybenzene , Cr 6 + and As 2 + of water quality index .

  12. 利用环境毒理学标准生物大型蚤D.magna,对植物生长调节剂类农药多效唑进行21d慢性毒性研究。

    The standard environmental toxicity organism Daphnia magna was used to study the chronic toxicity of PGR pesticide paclobutrazol ( MET ) in 21d chronic test .

  13. 通过48h暴露,以标准水为对照,研究了经差分滤除以后,大型蚤在一定农药浓度下的相对行为变化,进一步说明生物行为生态学变化在水体生物监测中的指示作用。

    In this paper , the 48 hours behavioral changes of Daphnia magna exposure to three typical pesticides were studied . After the difference-filtration with the control of Standard Reference Water ( SRW ), there would be comparable behavioral changes under organic pesticides stress .

  14. 21d试验结束时,毒死蜱和三唑磷对大型蚤体长变化没有显著影响,而0.025μg/kg及以上浓度氰戊菊酯和高效氯氰菊酯显著缩短了大型蚤的体长。

    At the end of 21 d exposure the body length was not affected by chlorpyrifos and triazophos , while fenvalerate and beta - ( cypermethrin ) of ≥ 0.025 μ g / kg significantly degraded the length of the body of the daphnia .

  15. 苯砜基乙酸酯类化合物对大型蚤的急性毒性效应以及定量结构活性相关分析

    Acute toxicity and QSAR of phenylsulfonyl acetates to Daphnia magna

  16. 大型蚤毒理试验应用与研究进展

    Application and study progress of toxicity test of daphnia magna

  17. 同时经过21天大型蚤慢性毒性试验,浙江路河段在第一次产仔的天数,第一次产仔数上与对照有着显著的差异,表明的该段河水对大型蚤具有一定的生理影响。

    And also the data with 21-days chronic test for Zhejiang Road with D.

  18. 多效唑对大型蚤的慢性毒性研究

    Research on Chronic Toxicity of MET to Daphnia magna

  19. 重金属污染土壤毒性的大型蚤法诊断

    Assessment on Ecotoxicity of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils by Daphnia Magna Straus ' Movement

  20. 对铁岭市32家有代表性的企业所排放的废水进行大型蚤急性毒性试验。

    The large flea 's acute toxic test was engaged into the wastewater discharged from thirty-two representative enterprises .

  21. 在分析中,主要介绍了大型蚤的试验培养技术和国内外对其毒理试验方面的研究概况。

    This article mainly introduces the cultivate technology of daphnia magna and the domestic and foreign situation of its toxicity test .

  22. 人工神经网络方法研究含硫芳香衍生物毒性与结构的关系18种硝基苯对大型蚤的毒性与结构相关性研究


  23. 为评估有机胂添加剂对水环境的影响,以蛋白核小球藻、大型蚤为研究对象,研究了洛克沙胂、阿散酸对蛋白核小球藻和大型蚤的急性毒性。

    In order to evaluate impact of organoarsenics on aquatic system , the acute toxicity of organoarsenics to Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Deaphnia magna was examined in this study .

  24. 为了建构结构信息指数回归模型,研究了苯砜基乙酸酯类化合物结构与其对大型蚤急性毒性的关系。

    This paper introduces regression model based on structure information index for the study of the relationship between structure and biological toxicity for some phenylsulfonyl acetates to daphnia magna .

  25. 研究结果表明,在不同浓度百菌清、除草醚和溴氰菊酯的作用下,大型蚤的运动行为强度会发生剧烈变化,并呈现明显的剂量-效应关系。

    The results showed that the behavior responses of Daphnia magna to three pesticides ( Chlorothalonil , Nitrofen and Deltamethrin ) were intensive , and they were evident dose-effect relationship .

  26. 大型蚤是水体生态系统中对农药十分敏感的生物,被世界各国列为农药登记中必测非靶标生物之一。

    As the key part of the natural water food chain , the Daphnia magna is very sensitive to pesticides and listed as the essential non-target organism in the pesticide registration .

  27. 按照该毒性鉴别操作流程对某石化厂乙烯工业废水进行毒性鉴别试验发现,废水中的苯和硫化物对测试生物大型蚤具有明显的致死性,其中苯是废水中的主要致毒物质。

    In accordance with toxic identification operation process for Ethylene industrial wastewater of a petrochemical plant for toxicity testing , it has be found that benzene and sulfur compounds in wastewater to Daphnia magna have significantly toxicity .

  28. 分别用发光菌急性毒性测试法、大型蚤急性毒性测试法及微生物氧吸收累计量测试法三种毒性测试方法测试了上海市三个不同工艺的城市污水厂进出水的综合毒性。

    The comprehensive toxicity of influents and effluents in three municipal wastewater treatment plants with different treatment processes in Shanghai were measured by three bioassays ( photoluminescent bacteria test , Daphnia magna acute toxicity test and microorganism respirometry technique ) .

  29. 试验结果表明,纳米材料处于悬浮状态不同,大型蚤的致死原因有所差别。当处于悬浮态时,大型蚤可能由于摄入过量纳米材料或水中含氧量过低而窒息死亡。

    The result showed the death reason was difference at its different states . When nano - ZnO was in suspending state , Daphnia Magna was died because of eating too much nano - ZnO or asphyxia as the low oxygen content .

  30. 海水盐度对大型氵蚤的存活和内禀增长率的影响

    Effects of Salinity of Seawater on the Survival and Intrinsic Rate of Increase of Two Populations of Daphnia Magna