
  • 网络daxing;Daxing district
  1. 基于GIS的城乡交错带土壤养分时空变化及格局分析&以北京市大兴区为例

    GIS based analysis of spatial-temporal distribution of soil nutrients in a suburb region : A case study of the daxing district in Beijing City

  2. DMC数据在土地利用动态监测中的应用分析&以北京市大兴区为例

    The Application of DMC Data to the Land Use Change Dynamic Monitoring & Taking Daxing District of Beijing as an Example

  3. 基于GIS和RS的风沙危害风险性评价&以大兴区永定河沙地为例

    Risk Assessment of Wind Erosion Based on RS and GIS & A Case Study in Yongding River , Beijing

  4. 这些车辆将在大兴区被称为E-Town的自动驾驶示范区内运行。

    The vehicles will operate in the autonomous driving demonstration area known as E-Town in Daxing District .

  5. 北京市大兴区农业信息技术应用发展概况

    Introduction of application and development of agricultural information technology in Daxing

  6. 基于可持续发展的北京市大兴区土地整理潜力评价

    Land-consolidation-potentiality evaluation based on sustainable development for Daxing District in Beijing

  7. 大兴区智能化农业信息技术应用与发展思考

    Application and prospect of agricultural intelligent information technology in Daxing district

  8. 北京市大兴区典型土壤水分入渗规律田间试验研究

    Field experimental study on soil infiltration process of Daxing District , Beijing

  9. 其中丰台区6例,大兴区1例。

    Six of them were found in Fengtai and one in Daxing .

  10. 大兴区乙肝病毒感染有关慢性肝病死亡情况分析

    Death analysis of chronic hepatopathy related to HBV infection in Daxing District

  11. 北京市大兴区新农村住宅设计

    House Design in the New Countryside of Daxing District , Beijing Municipality

  12. 大兴区地下水资源开发利用分析及合理利用对策

    Countermeasures for rational development and utilization of groundwater resource in Daxing district

  13. 北京大兴区浅层地下水水质初步评价

    Preliminary Evaluation of the Shallow Groundwater Quality in Daxing District of Beijing City

  14. 北京市大兴区秋大棚黄瓜品种比较结果初报

    Test of Variety Comparison on Autumn Greenhouse Cucumber in Daxing county , Beijing

  15. 北京市大兴区旅游业生长极认定

    A Cognizance to the Growth Poles of Tourism Daxing District in Beijing City

  16. 大兴区城市营销战略选型分析

    Analysis on Urban Marketing Strategic Choice of Daxing District

  17. 北京市大兴区地下水资源开采潜力分析

    An Analysis of the Exploitation Potential of Groundwater Resources in Daxing District of Beijing

  18. 大兴区第八小学位于京南大兴卫星城南。

    Daxing area eighth elementary school to be located Jingnan energetically satellite Chengnan energetically .

  19. 北京市大兴区农村社区卫生服务模式探讨

    Approach to the Model of Rural Community Health Service in Daxing District of Beijing

  20. 北京市大兴区绿色食品产地重金属状况评价

    Heavy Metal Assessment of the Green Food Producing Area in Daxing District in Beijing

  21. 大兴区可持续发展指标体系分析与评价研究

    Study on the System of Indicators for Sustainable Development and Evaluation in Daxing District

  22. 2004年北京市大兴区工矿企业劳动环境检测结果分析

    Data Analysis of Environmental Monitoring in 2004 among Industrial and Mining Enterprises of Daxing Distract

  23. 2000~2008年北京市大兴区流行性脑脊髓膜炎流行病学分析

    An epidemiological study on meningococcal meningitis in urban Daxing , Beijing during 2000 ~ 2008

  24. 北京市大兴区劳教系统在押高危人群艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查

    Survey of AIDS related-knowledge , attitude and practice among high-risk populations in correctional system in Beijing

  25. 2000~2005年北京市大兴区麻疹疫情资料分析

    Analysis on the Epidemic of Measles in Daxing District of Beijing City from 2000 to 2005

  26. 北京大兴区人民医院借鉴台湾的相关资料,制定了符合自己院情的急诊医疗安全指导方案,并在实践中取得了明显效果。

    Beijing Daxing People Hospital made a safety guideline for emergency services and has made good effectiveness .

  27. 大兴区2004.6~2006.6卫生从业人员体检结果分析

    Analysis of results of health examination ( 2004.6 ~ 2006.6 ) the health-related practitioners of Daxing District

  28. 耕地整理的潜在效益评价&以北京市大兴区为例

    Evaluation of Potential Benefits of Cultivated Land Consolidation : A Case in Daxing District of Beijing Municipality

  29. 北京市大兴区部分社区卫生服务项目实行项目管理初探

    A Preliminary Discussion on Carrying on Project-management in Community Health Service Project of Daxing District of Beijing

  30. 区位模型在小城镇发展过程中的应用研究&以北京市大兴区为例

    A case study on the application of location models for small town development of Daxing district Beijing