
  • 网络PUBLIC BANK;Laiki;popular bank;PUBLIC BANK BERHAD
  1. 大火发生在马芬大众银行(marfinpopularbank)的一个分行内。

    The fire broke out in a branch of the marfin popular bank .

  2. 大众银行和安泰银行就是其中的两家。

    TA Chong and entie are two of these .

  3. 将成为大众银行第一大股东的凯雷,一直是在台湾最活跃的私人股本集团之一。

    Carlyle , which will become Ta Chong 's largest single shareholder , has been one of the most active private equity groups in Taiwan .

  4. 借记卡是大众型的银行卡,具有易用、安全可靠、不承担风险等特点,因此很受消费者的欢迎。

    The debit card is a kind of popular bank card , it has lots of advantages , including usableness , reliability , and not having risk , and so on .