
yè māo
  • night owl;sb. who goes to bed late
  1. 如果你是夜猫子,那么来这里吧!

    If you are a night owl , just come here .

  2. 他进大学前,是个夜猫子。

    He was a night owl before he entered the university .

  3. 那些深夜派对把酒店变成了夜猫子的乐园,对于带着孩子的人们则成了地狱。

    The late-night parties make the hotel a haven for night owls and a hell for anyone with children .

  4. 为了与妹妹联系,玛丽开始改变自己的生活,结果发现了一个由形形色色的"夜猫子"组成的世界,他们都藏着秘密。

    In trying to connect to her sister , Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse " night people " who are hiding secrets .

  5. 生活对于夜猫子来说可能会比较艰难。

    Life can be hard for night owls1 .

  6. 此项研究让近9万人选择自己是“夜猫子”还是“早起鸟”,并分析了他们的DNA。

    Almost 90000 people were asked if they were naturally a morning or a night person and had their DNA analysed .

  7. 在一项研究中,夜猫子几乎都很easy地高分通过了标准化创造能力测试(英文版,中文版),而那些信奉“早起的鸟儿有食吃”的老兄们则在及格线上挣扎。

    In one study , " evening people " almost universally slam-dunked a standardized creativity test . Their early-bird brethren struggled for passing scores .

  8. 通过分析“夜猫子”和“早起鸟”的DNA,研究发现:早起的人会比晚睡的人更瘦。

    A study that analysed the DNA of self-professed ' nights owls ' and ' morning larks ' found that people who like to rise early tend to be thinner than those who go to bed later .

  9. 不是。Raj和我正打算去好莱坞一家哥特人俱乐部,跟夜猫子社交去。

    Howard : No. Raj and I are going to a Goth club in Hollywood to hang with the night people .

  10. 兰德尔在接受HBR采访时称,“夜猫子”们可能更具创造力,“但他们与公司的正常安排不合拍。事关职业成就,晨型人总能占得先机。”

    While night owls may be more creative , " they 're out of sync with the typical corporate schedule , " Randler told HBR . " When it comes to business success , morning people hold the important cards . "

  11. 该死的夜猫子,从来都不会学乖。

    Goddamn creatures of the night , they never learn .

  12. 在调查与夜猫子案相关的事件时。

    During our investigation * Of events surrounding the Nite Owl case .

  13. 如果你是一个“夜猫子”,那么做法就正好相反。

    If you are a night person you should do the opposite .

  14. 如果他们没有杀死夜猫子那些白人。

    Would anyone care that they raped a Mexican girl .

  15. 你是一个早起的人还是一个夜猫子?

    Are you a morning person or a night person ?

  16. 你是哪种人呢?早起鸟还是夜猫子?

    Which are you ... an Early Bird or the Night Owl ?

  17. 夜猫子们也为自己不运动找了很多理由。

    Night owls also make up more reasons not to be active .

  18. 每当考试来临,杰克都会变成夜猫子。

    Jack becomes a night owl every time the examination is coming .

  19. 你是夜猫子型的,还是习惯早起工作的人呢?

    Are you a night owl or an early bird ?

  20. 对于夜猫子来说,这有时就意味着早点上床。

    And that sometimes means owls succumbing to early nights .

  21. 对,我经常是一个夜猫子。

    Yes , I 'm a regular night owl .

  22. 我是有点夜猫子的人。

    I 'm a bit of a night owl .

  23. “夜猫子”也不完全一无是处。

    Night owls aren 't totally out of luck .

  24. 夜猫子们起床晚,坚持运动锻炼的可能性也就很小了。

    Night owls who wake up late are less likely to take exercise .

  25. 我并不是很经常去,因为我并不是一个夜猫子。

    I don 't often , as I 'm not a night owl .

  26. 如果你是“夜猫子”,就睡得迟些;

    If you are a " night owl ", sleep a bit later ;

  27. 事实证明,夜猫子可能是高智商的特征。

    It turns out , this may be a trait of higher intelligence .

  28. 很多“夜猫子”每晚都在网上冲浪。

    Many owls surf on the Internet every night .

  29. 你是天生的“夜猫子精英”吗?

    Are you a member of the sleepless elite ?

  30. 当然可以了,我是夜猫子。

    Of course , I 'm a night owl .