
  • 网络multi-step;multistep methods
  1. 本文导出了一类非线性多步法,它们是R步R+2阶stiff稳定的,而且比同步的赵双锁方法高一阶。

    A class of nonlinear multistep methods is presented .

  2. 单支方法及线性多步法的稳定性准则

    Stability criteria for one-leg methods and linear multistep methods

  3. 本文对其中的平均功率法、多步法和PCM法进行了分析和比较。

    We analyze and compare some of them such as average power method , multi-steps method and PCM .

  4. 用环丙沙星对敏感株组和产ESBLs敏感株组菌株进行体外多步法诱导耐药。

    Sensitive strains group and producing ESBLs sensitive strains group were induced to ciprofloxacin resistant by multi-step method in vitro .

  5. 我们知道,求解各类延迟微分方程,线性多步法,θ-方法和Runge-Kutta方法都是非常有效和常用的方法。

    Linear multi-step method , θ - method , and Runge-Kutta method are effectively numerical methods for solving DDEs and NDDEs .

  6. 其次,给出了一种基于Godunov格式的求解Burgers方程的多步法。

    Then , this paper advances multi-step method that is to solve Burgers equation which based on Godunov scheme .

  7. 本文主要研究了基于Godunov格式的求解Burgers方程的有限差分多步法。

    This paper mainly researches about finite difference multi-step method , which is used in solving the Burgers equation based on the Godunov scheme .

  8. 并针对球锥简谐振动过程,数值比较RungeKutta多步法和双时间法的计算精度。

    The computational results achieved by four-stage Runge-Kutta scheme and dual-time method were compared through numerical simulation unsteady harmonic oscillating flow around sphere-cone .

  9. 本文结合高精度TVD格式的数值通量和时间进展多步法给出了一种求解定常流问题的数值方法。

    A method which Combines the numerical flux of high accurate TVD scheme with multistage method in time approaching is developed to calculate the problems of 2-D steady flow .

  10. 采用四步Runge-Kutta时间推进多步法及冻结粘性技术,加速了迭代收敛,节省了计算机时。

    In order to accelerate the convergence , Four-Stage Runge-Kutta time stepping method and " freezing fiscous " technique have been used , and the computational time is saved .

  11. 由于采用这种格式在求解有粘Burgers方程时会出现数值震荡现象,因此,本文从积分的角度对数值通量做了适当地修正,并且为了提高精度,在扩散项上采用了积分多步法。

    Because of that this form would produce numerical oscillations when solving viscid Burgers equation , so this paper makes proper modification from the point of integral and adopts integral multi-step method in diffusion terms for increasing precision .

  12. 隐式线性多步法的一种新的简单迭代技巧

    A new simple iterative technique for the implicit linear multistep methods

  13. 论多步法误差分离技术的测量精度

    Measuring Accuracy of Errors Separation Technique by Using Multistep Method

  14. 多步法是一种求解波动方程的新的数值算法。

    The SSA is a new numerical method for solving wave equations .

  15. 线性多步法求解广义中立型滞时微分代数方程组的渐近稳定性(英文)中立型时滞抛物偏微分方程组解的振动性

    Asymptotic Stability of Linear Multistep Methods for Generalized Neutral Delay Differential-Algebraic Equations

  16. 线性多步法求解中立型延迟微分方程的步长准则

    The Step Criteria of Linear Multi-step Methods for Neutrally Delayed Differential Equations

  17. 多步法分离和纯化雪旺细胞的实验研究

    Experimental study of separation and purification of Schwann cells by multiple steps

  18. 解刚性常微分方程的一种线性多步法

    A Linear Multistep Method for Solving Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations

  19. 延迟微分方程隐-显式线性多步法的稳定性

    Stability of Implicit-explicit Linear Multi-step Methods for Delay Differential Equation

  20. 结构非线性动力分析的精细积分多步法

    Precise integral multi-step method for nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures

  21. 内向量不同选取下线性多步法和单支法的代数稳定性

    Algebraic Stability of Linear and One-leg Methods Under Different Choices of Inner Vectors

  22. 用线性多步法训练神经网络

    Training neural networks by using the linear multi-step method

  23. 求解常微分方程的广义线性多步法校正公式

    The Correction Formula of the Generalized Multi-step Method in Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

  24. 多步法抗菌药物诱导性肠球菌耐药的实验研究

    Enterococcus Induced Resistance : A Laboratory Study of Antibacterial Agents by Multiple-step Method

  25. 适用于人造卫星轨道数值积分的线性多步法的研究

    Studies on Linear Multistep Algorithm for the Orbital Integration of Artificial Earth Satellites

  26. 主要成果是:(1)提出了一种平行耦合微带带通滤波器的多步法改进设计方法;

    An optimized multi-step design method of parallel-coupled microstrip bandpass filters is proposed .

  27. 一类线性多步法关于变延迟微分方程的渐近稳定性

    Asymptotic Stability of a Class of Linear Multistep Methods for Delay Differential Equations

  28. 一类带有差分扰动项的显式线性多步法的讨论

    A discussion on a class of explicit linear multistep methods with difference perturbation terms

  29. 基于多步法绘制理论的抛物线裁剪算法

    Parabola Clipping Algorithm Based on N-Steps Rendering Theory

  30. 改善多步法谐波抑制的新方法&鉴相法

    A New Error Separation Method & Phase-distinguish Method to Improve Multi-step Error Separation Method