- 名polygenic character;multifactorial character

Methodology of QTL 's Linkage Analysis for Discrete Traits Controlled by Polygenes
Mammalian coat color is a polygenic trait , as well as agouti gene is a major candidate gene about studying mammalian coat color .
As well , MAS technique could quickly pyramide the multiple traits together which always control by QTL to develop the super maize cultivar with high yield , good quality and multi-resistances .
Plant somatic hybridization provides the possibility of genetic material recombination of sexual cross-incompatibility plants , results in novel plant cultivars and even new species . It is a preponderant technique , especially for improving agronomic traits controlled by multiple genes .
Moreover , wheat recurrent selection can obtain better results on improving the characters influenced by multiple genes , the characters having lower hereditary capacity or the characters having gene accumulation mechanism , such as resistance to wheat scab and tolerance to salt or drought .
All traits including kernel hardness , protein content , SDS sedimentation and extension area appeared a continuous distribution near to normal , which means that they were quantitative traits controlled by multi-genes .
The results showed that calyx color grade value of F2 is single peak and partial distribution , it is proved that the fruit calyx color is quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes .
PKV was a typical quantitative character , while HPV , BDV , CPV , SBV and CSV , each might be controled by a major gene and several minor genes .
In all the F3 families , the performance of cold tolerance at germination and seedling stage was continuous distribution , and closed to the normal distribution , indicating the cold resistance was quantitative trait controlled by multiple loci . 3 .
The result indicated that the cold tolerance at seedling stage in Dongxiang wild rice fitted for quantitative trait model , which was controlled by some genes .
According to the analysis on the leafing rate of the parents ( Yanhui 559 , Lemont ), two backcross populations and F2 plants , it was suggested that several quantitative trait genes possibly including main effect members regulated the rapid leafing character .
Most of the important agronomic characters of soybean are quantitative traits .
Lipometabolism are complex traits controlled by multiple genes .
The rice kernel chalkiness is the quantitative trait that is controlled by many genes .
Most of crop traits are quantitative in nature , which are controlled by polygene .
Many important agronomic traits are quantitative .
The ear - kernel characters were quantitative in nature , controlled by many genes with small effects ;
In the littoral of our Country , many concrete bridges are under the influence of salt and alkali .
The results indicated that the grain volume of the large-grain mutant was quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes .
The resistance to Aspergillus flavus seemed to be the character of quantitative inheritance which is controlled by multiple genes .
P efficiency related traits are typical quantitative traits , which were controlled by various genes and easily affected by environment .
The variance component of cross and backcross generations of quantitative character controlled by multigenes is studied on condition of chromosome translocation .
Tolerant corn is controlled by multiple genes of quantitative traits using traditional breeding methods to improve their tolerant and less efficient .
Grain shape of paddy rice , including length width , thickness and ratio of length to width were quantitative traits controlled by polygene .
It was reported that salt resistance in plant is a scalar property manipulated by many genes , which means mechanism of excluding salt is complex .
According to the research of the pioneers , Resistance to BLS in rice was a quantitative trait , which controlled by a few minor genes .
Most of the photosynthesis-related traits of maize , such as Chlorophyll content , photosynthetic function , and yield , are quantitative traits controlled by many genes .
Improvement of muscle growth and meat quality , quantitative traits both controlled by multigenes , is always one of the main goals for livestock genetics and breeding .
Four functional components in brown and polished rice showed a wide range of genetic variation , this indicated that they were quantitative traits controlled by multi-genes . 2 .
By analysing the genetic variations of 357 strains of 9 crossing combinations , it showed that the maturation period of grape was quantitative character genetics , controlled by ploy gene .