
duō dǎng zhì
  • multi-party system
多党制[duō dǎng zhì]
  1. 作为多党制的一种特殊形式,独大型政党制度一直是比较政党研究的重点。

    As a unique type of multi-party system , the predominant party system has always been the emphases of the comparative party research .

  2. 坚决抵制西方多党制和三权鼎立等政治模式的影响。

    We must resolutely resist the impact of Western political models such as the multi-party system or separation of powers among the executive , legislative and judicial branches .

  3. 他的论点是多党制会助长集团主义。

    His argument was that multi-party systems encourage tribalism .

  4. 本次民意调查是苏丹24年内第一次多党制选举。

    The polls were Sudan 's first multi-party elections in24 years .

  5. 解构和重建&多党制与中国传统政治理念

    Deconstruction and Reconstruction & The Multi-party System and the Chinese Traditional Political Ideas

  6. 肯尼亚多党制和三次大选初析

    Multi-Party System and Three Multi-Party Elections in Kenya

  7. 土耳其的多党制半总统制政体

    Turkey 's multi-party and semi-presidential system of government

  8. 斯蒂文斯总统退休之后,塞拉利昂重归多党制。

    Then after the resign of Stevens , Sierra Leone made its way back to the multi-party system .

  9. 非洲国家实行多党制和一党制的经验及其改革初探

    A preliminary probe into the experiences and reforms of African countries in implementing multi-party system and one-party system

  10. 公众范围在多党制国家与一党制国家有着不同的理解与不同的行使方式。

    Countries of multi-party system and one-party system have different understandings and exercise styles over the public sphere .

  11. 苏联模式政党制度彻底瓦解,多党制在世界范围内不断扩展;

    The party system of Soviet Union style was completely disorganized and the multi-party system has expanded in the globe ;

  12. 尽管多党制体系不完善,但却变得平常了很多;政治责任及政治选择已经被更为广泛的接受。

    Multi-party systems , however fraught , are more usual ; the notion of political accountability and choice is more widely accepted .

  13. 多党制是东欧政治体制变革的基础,也是左翼联合政府存在的基础。

    Multi-party system is the basis of political system changes in Eastern Europe and is also the basis of left-wing coalition government .

  14. 这种坚持不仅来自于我们所论述的纵向研究,而且来自于横向比较,来自对一党制、多党制的理性分析。

    Such insistence on not only comes from our previously discussed longitudinal study , but from the horizontal , from the one-party system .

  15. 巴西政治权力和经济资源的集中与分散体现在总统制、多党制和联邦制的相互关系中。

    Concentration and distribution of Brazil 's political power and economic resources are reflected in the relations among its presidency , multi-party ruling and federalism .

  16. 从权力的获得来看,两党制国家内一般实行单选区制的多数代表制,多党制国家更多使用比例代表制,或者包含比例代表制和多数代表制的混合制;

    In power 's winning , Majority representation is often used in the two-party countries , while proportional representation is used in the multi-party countries .

  17. 各个派别未了争取议会多数上台执政,便组成联盟参加竞选。1875年法兰西第三共和国宪法通过以后,法国正式确立多党制的政党制度。

    Each faction for parliament took many outstanding , union campaigning.1875 the third French constitution by later , France formal establishment system came the political party system .

  18. 虽然投票应以多党制的要求来进行,但是由于参加竞选的唯一政党仍然是支持纳扎尔巴耶夫的,所以并不影响。

    The vote is supposed to usher in a multiparty system , though the only other party expected to join the race is sympathetic towards Mr Nazarbayev .

  19. 这一符合中国国情的社会主义政党制度,既不同于西方资本主义国家的多党制,也不同于一些社会主义国家的一党制,它是马克思列宁主义同中国革命与建设结合的一个典范。

    This political party system is suitable for the current situation in China . It is different neither from the western multi-party system nor from the one-party system in some socialist countries , It .

  20. 试论具有中国特色的多党合作制

    Try to Talk about the Poly-Party System with Chinese Characteristics

  21. 民国初年多党议会制的追求与挫折

    Pursuit of and Setback for the Multi-Party Parliamentarism in Early Republic of China

  22. 论第三代领导集体对多党合作制的理论贡献

    On the Theoretical Contributions of the Third-generation CPC Leadership to the Multi-party Cooperation System

  23. 对我国多党合作制本质的探讨

    Probing into The Essence of Multi-partisan Cooperation System

  24. 政治文明建设进程中多党合作制的新思考

    New Thinking on the Cooperation System of Multi-Party in the Constructing Course of Political Civilization

  25. 多党合作制发展的历史性转变与政治文明建设

    The Three Changes of the Systems Of Multi-party Cooperation And The Construction Of Political Civilization

  26. 进而从党际领导与政党制度的关系角度,分析只有在多党合作制条件下才有可能形成明确、稳定、持久的党际领导关系。

    Secondly , from the prospective of relationship between the inter-party leadership and the political party system , the author deemed that only under the multiparty cooperation system can form the relation of inter-party leadership .

  27. 因此,我们要坚持和不断完善多党合作制度,坚决反对多党制。

    Therefore , we must uphold and perfect our multi-party cooperation system resolutely opposing to multi-party system .

  28. 坚持党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度不能照搬西方的多党制

    Upholding the System of Multiparty Cooperation and Political consultation under the Leadership of the CPC and Never Copying the Multiparty System from the West

  29. 中国历史上多党政治的失败以及当前我国的国情,证明了我国没有推行两党制或多党制的条件。

    The failure of more parties system in Chinese history and the current situation prove that our country has not been provided with the conditions of pushing one or two parties system .