
duō yì cí
  • polysememe;polynomial/polysemous word
多义词 [duō yì cí]
  • [polysemant;ambivalent word] 具有两个或更多意义的词,如发有送出(发信)、发射(发炮)、产生(发芽)、表达(发言)等义。多义词的各项意义之间有共同点,如发的几个意义都表示由里往外出去。意义如果各不相关,就不是多义词而是同音词

  1. 在此章最后附带了对多义词interest的研究。

    In this chapter , a case study of polysemous interest is also attached .

  2. 基于改进的Bayes判别法的中文多义词消歧

    Study on Approach of Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Improved Bayes Discriminance

  3. 它是一个多义词,中文中现在还没有一个与外语architecture准确对应的译名。

    It is a multivocal word in Chinese , The author suggests that there isn 't an appropriate and accurate term for " architecture " in Chinese .

  4. 在BoW模型中,视觉词汇通过特征聚类而来,难免会产生一些同义词和多义词。

    In BoW , the code words come from feature clustering , which may generate some " polysemy " and " synonymy " .

  5. 构建特征词之间的相关度与相似度的RS语义模型考虑特征抽取中避免近义词与多义词对文本特征的影响。

    RS semantic model build the correlation between the characteristic words and similarity , and consider the feature extraction to avoid synonyms and polysemy in text features .

  6. 而多义词学习也是语言学习的难点之一,特别是对多义词比喻意义的学习,因为许多多义词的词项经常是以其派生的比喻意义出现的(Low,1988)。

    It is one of the difficult parts in language learning , especially for the figurative senses of polysemous words . Many polysemous lexical items occur more frequently in their derived figurative senses than in their original literal senses ( Low , 1988 ) .

  7. 使用k-means聚类的方法对一个多义词的多个上下文进行聚类,每一个类中的多义词对应同一个义项;

    We classify the contexts of the Polysemous word by clustering of k-means and the contexts in each category correspond to the same word sense ;

  8. 本文以认知语言学的基本理论为基础,通过HEART一词的个案研究探讨多义词意义范畴的内部结构、拓展机制和意义构建的特点,旨在从本质上解释词汇多义现象的认知特征。

    This thesis conducts a case study of HEART from a cognitive perspective within the theoretical framework of categorization , metaphor and metonymy , the goal of which is to find the internal structure , semantic extension mechanism as well as the characteristics of polysemy .

  9. Visser关于多义词隐喻义的教学能够促进学习者对词义的深加工的理论。

    Visser 's theory that the teaching of metaphorically extended meanings of a new word can enhance deep processing .

  10. 本文直接以LOB和CLEC语料库作为课堂教学材料,在语料库软件的辅助下,从近义词及多义词的角度分别进行课堂词汇教学设计。

    It centers on how to teach synonym and polysemy with the assistance of corpora as a direct teaching material . The corpora used in this instructional design are LOB and CLEC .

  11. 俄语多义词转义过程的认知语义分析

    A Cognitive-semantic Analysis of Semantic Transfer of Polysemous Words in Russian

  12. 在英语中,很多高频词汇都是多义词。

    In the English language , many high-frequency words are polysemous .

  13. 电力工业英语中的多义词占的比重大,是翻译中的重点和难点。

    Polysemants hold a large proportion in English for electric power industry .

  14. 转喻与隐喻的连续体现象与多义词的认知研究

    Continuum of Metonymy and Metaphor and Cognitive Study of Polysemy

  15. 基于语义语言的多义词译文选择研究

    Study of Translation Selection of Polyseme Base on Semantic Language

  16. 人类语言中的多义词现象同样体现出范畴化的特点。

    Polysemous phenomenon embodies characteristics of categorization in human language .

  17. 第3章是关于初中语文多义词教学的现状调查。

    Chapter 3 is about the middle school teaching language polysemy Survey .

  18. 隐喻意识与英语多义词记忆的实证性研究

    On Metaphor Awareness and Retention of Polysemous Words : An Empirical Study

  19. 一种基于贝叶斯分类与机读词典的多义词排歧方法

    Method of word sense disambiguation based on bayes and machine readable dictionary

  20. 英语多义词在翻译中的词义判别

    Determination of the Meanings of English Polysemous Words in Translation

  21. 英语多义词隐喻教学法的有效性研究

    Empirical Research on the Validity of Metaphoric Approach to Teaching English Polysemants

  22. 目前,汉语多义词的研究已经取得了较大的成果。

    At present , Chinese research has made great achievements .

  23. 第2章为原型范畴理论与多义词教学。

    Chapter 2 is the Prototype Theory and the Teaching of polysemy .

  24. 第三章主要分析了多义词的语用充实现象。

    Chapter Three mainly analyzes the pragmatic enrichment of polysemy .

  25. 英语多义词的传统和认知研究

    Analysis on Traditional and Cognitive Approaches to English Polysemy

  26. 浅谈电力工业英语多义词的翻译

    Translation of Polysemant in English for Electric Power Industry

  27. 其中,本义是源,引申义是流,义项间具有演化派生关系,因此抓住本义是理解和掌握多义词的关键。

    The key to understanding polysemantic words is to master their original meaning .

  28. 从语境角度看汉语多义词俄语翻译

    Russian Translation of Chinese Polysemous Words from Context Approach

  29. 歧义多因为多义词和同义词引起的。

    Amibiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy .

  30. 多义词是大学英语词汇教学的一大难点。

    Polysemy is one of major difficulties in college English teaching and learning .