- diplomatic protection;foreign protection

The sixth chapter introduces diplomatic protection in China .
Civil Claim for Compensation Against Japan and the Political Basis for China 's Diplomatic Protection
Analyses of Major Issues on Diplomatic Protection
The nations perform the diplomatic protection right because they have personal supremacy over their citizens .
On Draft Articles of Diplomatic Protection
Diplomatic protection is an old issue in international law , which includes the ambassador protection and the consul protection .
The Rules on Exhaustion of Local Remedies under Diplomatic Protection : Comment on 2006 " Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection ";
The second Chapter is to analyze the working of Overseas Protection according to the introduction of Consular and Diplomacy Protection .
I will research the diplomatic protection on the dual nationality and hope that the scholar will improve it in the future .
In the process of diplomatic protection , States usually decide the strategy which should be used according to the base values they have controlled .
The problem how to protect the people who have own the dual or multiple nationality has become the research subject of the international community .
At last this chapter discusses the " clean hands " doctrine . Chapter ⅴ discusses the base values and strategies in the process of diplomatic protection .
To establish overseas investment insurance , to support fully and reliably , to supervise properly and to use diplomatic protection are four legal terms that our government should adopt to protect overseas direct investment .
On the basis of subrogation , the main legal basis in international law , there are two views , one bilateral investment protection agreements , subrogation clause ; the other is the diplomatic protection of international law theory .
The case of diplomatic protection on the dual or multiple is the same . So this article is mainly putting the multiple nationality into the case of dual nationality and discussing the diplomatic protection on the dual nationality .
So we have to study and make use of the legal system of the diplomatic protection , but current related research made by the Chinese international law academe is a little superficial and lack of system , practice and practicability .
Three requirements need to be met if the nationality state is going to exercise the diplomatic protection to protect its overseas natural person and legal person , that is , nationality principle , actual loss principle and local remedies principle .
The diplomatic protection we often talk about is mainly directed against a nature person , of course , the object of diplomatic protection also includes legal person , this article is mainly discussing the protection of natural persons , legal persons is not involved .
Diplomatic protection involves the claiming right of one country to another while the national 's rights were infringed upon by another for violating international law in accordance with general international law , the implementation of which shall meet certain conditions and take some appropriate measures .
The legal protection of international investment is one of the key items in International Investment Law . It includes the standards of treatment for foreign investment and the investor , state responsibilities , the right to apply for diplomatic protection , nationalization and compensation , etc.
Exercise of the right of subrogation correspondingly divided into two modes , one is based on bilateral investment protection agreements in the relevant regulations , through litigation or arbitration manner ; Then there through diplomatic protection , through diplomatic means to achieve the right of subrogation .
The author believes that under the circumstance of the economic globalization and harmonious world , our county should take part in making and studying the diplomatic protection rules actively , holds the principle of the state sovereign in practice and makes efforts to develop the consular protection system .
The state responsibility in international investment deals with the legal protection in the international investment , such as , the standard of treatment for those foreign investors and foreign investment , nationalization , levy and compensation , agreement on special permission right , judicial refusal and diplomatic protection etc.
Politically , North Korean shenanigans are shielded from possible retribution by a defense treaty with China as well as its diplomatic efforts to diffuse the ongoing nuclear crisis .
Relatively stable relations with its neighbors act as protection against volatility in relations with the United States & particularly as that superpower is absent from many of the groupings .
This paper tries to make , on a theoretical basis , a comprehensive analysis of the jurisdiction of the aliens , the treatment of the aliens , the diplomatic protection and the consular protection .
China News Service : Foreign Minister Wang , shortly after you took office , you visited the Foreign Ministry 's Consular Service and Protection Center . You stressed that Chinese diplomats must listen to the voice of the people at all times and uphold their interests .
Claim diplomatic immunity , the protection of the law , etc
China 's environmental diplomacy and domestic environmental protection
The Australian government needed to exert diplomatic pressure to protect the local industry , he said .