
  • 网络Princess Charlotte
  1. 今年36岁的凯特带着乔治王子和夏洛特公主,跟随人群进入打折店TheRange。

    Kate , 36 , who was with Prince George and Princess Charlotte , mingled with crowds in cut-price outlet The Range .

  2. 去年,在皮帕·米德尔顿和金融家JamesMatthews的婚礼上,所有的目光都盯着乔治小王子和夏洛特公主。

    All eyes were on Prince George and Princess Charlotte at their aunt Pippa 's wedding to financier James Matthews last year .

  3. 在一场皇家礼仪聚会间歇期,凯特王妃(KateMiddleton)亲自给夏洛特公主拍下第一组官方照片——并通过推特(Twitter)肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)账号发布。

    In a break from Royal protocol , the Duchess of Cambridge has taken Princess Charlotte 's first official portraits herself - and released them on Twitter via the Kensington Palace account .

  4. 说道夏洛特公主时,凯特说,“她真心喜欢跳舞。”

    Speaking about Charlotte , Kate said : " She absolutely loves it . "

  5. 尽管夏洛特公主只是个蹒跚学步的孩子,她却已经是婚礼的行家了。

    Princess Charlotte is just a toddler , and she 's already a pro at weddings .

  6. 乔治王子与夏洛特公主的照片是由剑桥公爵夫人5月中旬拍摄。

    The photo of Prince George and Princess Charlotte was taken by The Duchess of Cambridge in mid-May .

  7. 夏洛特公主周一(5月2日)迎来了她的一周岁生日,到目前为止我们对她的了解都有多少呢?

    Princess Charlotte celebrates her first birthday on Monday , what do we know about her so far ?

  8. 这是第一次拍到女王抱着家族最小的成员,11个月的夏洛特公主。

    The Queen is seen for the first time cuddling the youngest of her family , 11-month-old Princess Charlotte .

  9. 夏洛特公主的哥哥,乔治王子,据报道开始骑马的年纪比夏洛特还小,两岁的时候就上马了。

    Charlotte 's big brother , Prince George , reportedly took up the sport at an even younger age - two .

  10. 为庆祝夏洛特公主一周岁生日,肯辛顿宫公开了凯特王妃为其拍摄的四张照片。

    For Princess Charlotte 's first birthday , Kensington Palace released four pictures taken by her mother , the Duchess of Cambridge .

  11. 上个月有报道说夏洛特公主尽管才两岁,但天生是个网球运动员。

    Last month reports emerged that Princess Charlotte was a ' natural tennis player ' , despite being just two years old .

  12. 在凯特生下孩子约六小时之后,乔治王子和夏洛特公主穿着校服去探望了他们的弟弟。

    Prince George and Princess Charlotte were taken to meet him in their school uniform nearly six hours after Kate gave birth .

  13. 这三个月里,夏洛特公主和乔治王子看上去长大了不少。

    Now , almost three months later , it 's clear to see how much both Princess Charlotte and Prince George have grown .

  14. 他们否认了威廉王子夫妇在夏洛特公主出生数月后便宣布怀孕的消息。

    They denied any rumors of the couple making an announcement of a third pregnancy just months after the birth of Princess Charlotte .

  15. 包括乔治王子,夏洛特公主和哈珀·贝克汉姆都被预测了2岁、7岁、20岁、40岁以及60岁的长相。

    Prince George , Princess Charlotte and Harper Beckham are all imagined at ages two , seven , 20 , 40 and 60 .

  16. 夏洛特公主上月刚满3岁。在她与母亲一起亮相的场合中,两人的衣服色彩经常很搭。

    The little princess , who turned three last month , can often be seen colour-coordinating with Kate during their joint public appearances .

  17. 而且,这样看来乔治王子、夏洛特公主和路易斯王子都不会有个人社交媒体账户,对吗?

    Also , it looks like Prince George , Princess Charlotte , and Prince Louis won 't have personal social media accounts , right ?

  18. 夏洛特公主问候了在外面的等候的媒体,甚至在进医院门之前还回头看了一眼,专业地向大家挥手示意。

    Princess Charlotte greeted those waiting outside and even glanced back and gave a cheeky royal wave as she walked through the hospital doors .

  19. 为庆祝英国夏洛特公主两周岁生日,由母亲凯特王妃为她拍摄的一张最新萌照近日曝光。

    A new photograph of Princess Charlotte , taken by her mother the Duchess of Cambridge , has been released to celebrate her second birthday .

  20. 夏洛特公主一周岁时,威廉王子和凯特王妃就曾公开过一张她的照片,如今他们遵循这一惯例,给王室粉丝们发布了一张这位宝宝公主的最新萌照。

    The Cambridges have followed a trend they set with their daughter 's first birthday and given royal fans a new image of the toddler princess .

  21. 今天夏洛特公主和乔治王子的小弟弟于上午11:01分出生了。据威廉王子透露,他们“非常高兴”迎来小弟弟。

    Prince William today revealed how Princess Charlotte and Prince George are ' delighted ' at the arrival of their little brother who was born at 11.01am .

  22. 另一张由凯特在夏洛特公主5月2日的三岁生日上拍摄的照片显示,路易斯从他姐姐夏洛特公主那里得到了一个吻。

    A second photograph shows Louis receiving a kiss from his sister Princess Charlotte , taken by their mother on 2 May , Charlotte 's third birthday .

  23. 在英国王室中,凯特王妃的衣橱最令人羡慕,而如今夏洛特公主的衣品也与她的母亲相似。

    The Duchess of Cambridge has one of the most enviable wardrobes in the Royal family , and it seems Princess Charlotte is taking after her mother .

  24. 威廉王子和凯特王妃说,他们非常“开心”地和大家分享这张照片,纪念夏洛特公主5月2日的生日。

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge said they are " delighted " to share the photograph to mark their only daughter 's special day on Tuesday .

  25. 由于夏洛特公主极少公开亮相,这张最新照片对王室仰慕者来说更加珍贵。

    The latest picture of Princess Charlotte will be all the more precious to admirers of the Royal family thanks to the scarcity of her public appearances .

  26. 如图是女王在夏洛特公主的洗礼仪式上,照片上还有威廉王子、乔治小王子和抱着小公主的剑桥公爵夫人。

    The Queen is pictured at Princess Charlotte 's christening along with Prince William , Prince George , and the Duchess of Cambridge , holding the little princess .

  27. 英国皇室本周六晒出了一张夏洛特公主和她的哥哥乔治小王子的合影,第一张包含兄妹俩的合影。

    The British royal family on Saturday released a new photo of Princess Charlotte and her older brother Prince George , the first to feature both siblings together .

  28. 去年7月,在凯特王妃和夏洛特公主结束波兰和德国之行,从德国汉堡乘飞机离开时,身穿了相配的粉色和紫色裙装。

    And the duo wore coordinating shades of pink and purple as they wrapped up their tour of Poland and Germany last July , flying out from Hamburg .

  29. 如今他是三个幼儿的父亲了,他的三个孩子有刚出生两天的儿子、下个月就满三岁的夏洛特公主以及四岁的乔治王子。

    He now has three young children at home - his two-day-old son , Princess Charlotte , who will turn three next month , and Prince George , four .

  30. 在参观慈善机构的时候,凯特帮助制作了珠子手镯,并表示他们3岁的女儿夏洛特公主“会很喜欢制作这些手镯”。

    During their visit to the charity , Kate helped make bead bracelets and remarked that their 3-year-old daughter , Princess Charlotte , " would love making these . "