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  • Fudan University
  1. 汤姆:我在复旦大学。我是这所大学的老师。

    Tom : I 'm in Fudan University . I have been a teacher of the university .

  2. 我刚刚接到复旦大学的入学通知书。

    I just got the enrollment notice from Fudan University .

  3. 上海复旦大学管理学院(FudanSchoolofManagement)排名第六。

    Shanghai 's Fudan School of Management is ranked sixth .

  4. 迄今为止,香港大学商学院一直在复旦大学(fudanuniversity)的上海校园内授课。

    To date hkubs has taught its programmes on the campus of Fudan University in the city .

  5. 其中排名最高的是上海复旦大学管理学院(FudanUniversitySchoolofManagement),排在第40位,较此前在2014年的排名下滑8个名次。

    The highest ranked of these is Fudan University School of Management in Shanghai at 40 , down eight places on its previous rank in 2014 .

  6. 上海复旦大学发现,市场对会讲普通话的MBA学员的需求越来越大。

    At Shanghai business school Fudan , the school is seeing an increasing demand for MBAs who speak Mandarin .

  7. 上海复旦大学(FudanUniversity)管理学院院长陆雄文说,原因之一是很难聘请到教师。

    One reason is that it is difficult to hire faculty , says Lu Xiongwen , dean of management at Fudan University in Shanghai .

  8. 通过运用复旦大学历史地理研究中心提供的GIS数据所作出的地图,来表达财政的结构层次。

    And the structural level of finance is represented by the maps made by using the GIS data provided by the Research Center of the History and Geography of Fudan University .

  9. 对于本周达成的协议,上海复旦大学(FudanUniversity)教授沈丁立给予了中国更多赞誉。他表示,在推动朝鲜在协议上签字方面,中国的决心非常重要。

    Shen Dingli , of Fudan University in Shanghai , gave China more credit for this week 's deal , saying its assertiveness was important in pushing North Korea into signing .

  10. 只有中国内地MBA毕业生的国际流动性比美国更低,复旦大学、上海交通大学和中国人民大学MBA毕业生都在中国国内工作。

    Only the students from mainland China at the universities of Fudan , Shanghai Jiao Tong and Renmin , who all work in China , are less mobile .

  11. 周一抵达中国后,科斯特洛将在上海待几天,在那里他将与上海复旦大学(FudanUniversity)的学者和学生会面。在科斯特洛的首次中国之旅中,他将与上海政府官员会晤,但不会访问北京。

    Arriving on Monday , he will spend a few days in Shanghai , where he will also meet academics and students at Shanghai 's Fudan University , but will not visit Beijing .

  12. 复旦大学–华盛顿大学EMBA项目完全符合了这些要求,而且大大超出了我的预期。

    The Washington University-Fudan University EMBA Program offered all of these aspects , and has delivered much more than what I was expecting .

  13. 我选择复旦大学-华盛顿大学EMBA项目是因为它的定位–培养中国最为训练有素,最有社会关系的高管与我的个人目标相符合。

    I chose the Washington University-Fudan University EMBA program because it 's positioning-the best-trained and best-connected general managers in China-matched well with my personal objectives .

  14. 她是东英吉利大学(UniversityofEastAnglia)气候科学与政策研究教授、廷德尔气候变化研究中心(TyndallCentreforClimateChangeResearch)主任、复旦大学(FudanUniversity)廷德尔中心(TyndallCentre)定期访问人员。

    She is Professor of Climate Science and Policy at the University of East Anglia , Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and a regular visitor to the Tyndall Centre at Fudan University in Shanghai .

  15. 复旦大学(FudanUniversity)国际关系与公共事务学院的沈逸为该法辩护称,“没有必要夸大在关键设备和安全产品上对外国企业的要求”。

    Shen Yi of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University defended the law , saying " there 's no need to exaggerate the requirements on key equipment and security products for foreign companies . "

  16. 材料与方法:选择复旦大学妇产科医院分娩的早产及对照组病人各10例,在娩出后即采集胎盘组织及蜕膜组织标本,用RT-PCR法检测18种趋化因子受体的表达;

    Materials and methods : Placentae and deciduas were obtained from 20 women in the following groups : 10 preterm labor samples , 10 preterm samples from artificial labor . Expressions of the 18 chemokine receptors were accomplished by RT-PCR .

  17. 材料与方法:选取复旦大学妇产科医院正常早孕、中孕、晚孕的胎盘组织各5例,通过RT-PCR方法检测18种趋化因子受体的表达水平。

    Materials and methods : Placental samples were obtained from placentae of 1st trimester , 2nd trimester , and 3rd trimester in the Obstetrics and gynecology hospital of Fudan university . Expressions of 18 chemokine receptors were investigated by RT-PCR .

  18. 复旦大学图书馆利用网络为读者提供常见问题回答、读者留言板、BBS等多种咨询服务,为虚拟参考咨询系统建设提供有关的研究和服务基础。

    Our construction of VRD is based on the network services of Fudan University Library ( FDL ), such as FAQs , Readers ' Message Board , BBS and so on .

  19. 医学教学进度管理任务繁重,而利用基于网络的教学进度管理系统可以较好地解决此问题。复旦大学上海医学院的教学进度管理系统利用ASP和数据库开发而成并进行了初步应用;

    The task of medical teaching management is very onerous and the managing system in web , which is developed by ASP ( Active Service Page ) and Access database , can go to it through in Shanghai Medical College , Fadan University .

  20. 上海复旦大学信息技术学院迟楠教授对新华网记者表示,一个微芯片灯泡可以产生高达150M每秒的网速。

    A microchipped bulb can produce data speeds of up to 150 megabits per second ( Mbps ) , Chi Nan , IT professor at Shanghai 's Fudan University told Xinhua News .

  21. 叙述了在复旦大学加速器实验室30keV同位素分离器上建立的一套离子注入装置。

    An ion implantation system based on a 30 keV mini-separator has been set up and tested at Fudan University .

  22. ERES-ET是复旦大学与华东计算技术研究所合作研制的计算机设计模拟验证环境。

    ERES-ET is a computer design simulation and verification environment which was developed by Fudan university and East China Institute of Computer Technologies .

  23. 大约80%的孩子痴迷于ipad——他们玩游戏,上网,甚至在中国最大的电子商务网站淘宝上购物,据上海复旦大学新闻学院的曹晋教授说。

    About 80 percent of children are obsessed with iPads - playing games on them , surfing the Internet and even shopping on China 's biggest e-commerce website taobao.com , according to Cao Jin , a professor with the Journalism School at Shanghai 's Fudan University .

  24. 在第二章中,我们利用蛋清蛋白为模板合成了大孔无机氧化物(SiLO2和TiO2),它复旦大学博士毕业论文摘要们的孔径可通过添加表面活性剂在30一400nm调控。

    In chapter 2 , we describe the preparation of macroporous inorganic oxides ( silica and titania ) by using egg white as the templates . Their pore size can be tailored from 30 to 400 nm with the additive of surfactants .

  25. 材料:2000-10/2002-06在复旦大学医学院卫生部手功能重建重点实验室进行实验,雄性清洁级SD大鼠10只,体质量250~300g。

    MATERIALS : The experiment was conducted in the Key Laboratory of Hand Function Reconstruction of Ministry of Public Health in Medical College of Fudan University from October 2000 to June 2002.Totally 10 male SD mice of clean class with body mass between 250 and 300 g were chosen .

  26. 复旦大学质子显微镜用于单细胞分析

    Single cell analysis with the scanning proton microprobe of Fudan University

  27. 关于社会学术问题的讨论&复旦大学知名学者访谈录

    Discussions of Academic Issues & Interviews with scholars with Fudan University

  28. 复旦大学虚拟参考咨询系统探索与建设

    Exploration and Construction of the Virtual Reference System of Fudan University

  29. 1916年入上海复旦大学法文系半工半读,并自修素描。

    In1916 the fudan university in Shanghai in repentance and sketch .

  30. 复旦大学复旦学报(自然科学版);

    Journal of Fudan University ( Natural Science ), Fudan University ;