
  • 网络compound object;The Complex Object
  1. 复合宾语在科技英语中的特殊用法

    Special Uses of Complex Object in English for Science and Technology

  2. 通过对比得到结论:英语复合宾语结构与汉语兼语式结构并不是完全对等的,在某些情况下,英语复合宾语结构对应的不是汉语兼语式,而是主谓短语作宾语的结构。

    Thus got the conclusion : The complex object structure and Chinese concurrently language type are not totally equivalent .

  3. with+复合宾语形式及其语法作用

    Forms of " With + Compound Object " and Their Grammatical Function

  4. 4.Therebeing可以用作一个介词的复合宾语中国人以在中国北部有个长城而自豪。

    The Chinese are proud of there being the Great Wall in North China .

  5. 本文从认知的角度对比了汉语兼语句和英语复合宾语句两种句式。

    This thesis contrasts Chinese pivotal sentences with Englishcomplex object sentences from the cognitive aspect .

  6. 试谈英语中可带复合宾语的动词

    Verbs that can carry compound object

  7. 分析了复合宾语的特点及它的各种表达形式和功能。

    According to the relationship of the complex object , this article deals with its patterns and their functions in the sentences .

  8. 转译法在兼语句的英译中占到了19.5%,在复合宾语句的汉译中占到了20%,这两者的使用频率相当。

    Conversion accounts for 19.5 percent in Chinese pivotal sentences and 20 percent in English complex object sentences , which are almost equal .

  9. 因而,英语复合宾语与这两种汉语结构形成的是一种交叉关系。另外,本文还结合教学实践,对汉语兼语式英译的若干类型进行了探讨,并提出了相关学习策略。

    In addition , this text carry on the discussion of the translation from concurrently language type into English , and propose relevant study strategy .

  10. 兼语句主要有四类对应句式,分别是:复合宾语句、主谓宾句、主谓宾状句、致动词句。

    There are four types of Chinese pivotal correspondent construction , namely complex object sentence , S + V + O sentence , S + V + O + A sentence and causative word-sentence .

  11. 举例介绍了复合宾语结构的一般形式,并就其在句中的语法结构作了说明,还对现在分词、with+过去分词和动词不定式在这一结构中作宾补进行了区别。

    General forms of " with + compound object " are introduced through examples and their grammatical functions in sentences are explained , A distinction is made among the present participle , the past participle and the infinitive as complements to the object in sentences .

  12. 复合名词作宾语和状语的条件分析

    A Study on the Conditions of Compound Noun Used as Object and Adverbial

  13. 第二章,从向位格间接宾语、凭借格间接宾语、从比格间接宾语等三个方面解析了复合名词做作间接宾语的条件。

    The second chapter , from three aspects , analyses and lists the conditions of indirect object of compound nouns .

  14. 结构上的偏误又分两种,简单趋向补语和宾语位置的错误、复合趋向补语和宾语位置的错误。

    Structure error is divided into two kinds : the place error of the simple complements of direction and the objective ;

  15. 本文针对蒙古文信息处理的实际需要,用形式化的方法对复合名词作间接宾语和状语的条件进行了分析。

    Aiming at the practical requirements of MLIP , this essay states the conditions of compound noun used as indirect object and adverbial .

  16. 采用语料分析的研究方法,进行数据统计,以期找到这五个复合趋向补语和宾语共现时的位置规律。

    In my research I analyzed the corpus to find the rule governing the use of these five Compound Directional Complements and objects together .

  17. 趋向补语是各种补语中使用频率最高的补语,复合趋向补语与宾语的语序问题是对外汉语教学的重点和难点,这个问题是语法界探讨的一大热点。

    The directional complement is the most frequently used one in all kinds of complements . The word order of the compound directional complement and the object is the key points of TCSL ( teaching Chinese as a Second Language ) .