
  1. 注重提高对声誉的投资;

    Increasing investment in hospital reputation ;

  2. 声誉指投资银行的品牌价值。

    Reputation is its brand value .

  3. 由于在中国目前状况下,促使会计师事务所对审计声誉的投资刻不容缓,我们着重探讨了独立审计声誉的建立与维持的必要性、影响因素,以及相应的改进审计声誉投资环境的措施;

    As regard to the great urgency to impel the auditor reputation investment in today 's China , we emphasize the necessary and its influential factors of auditor reputation building and maintaining , and bring up some suggestions to improve the investment circumstance .

  4. 考虑声誉的风险投资知识转移激励机制研究

    Incentive mechanism for knowledge-transferred venture capital based on reputation

  5. 如此混乱的局面为精明玩家提供了机遇,尤其是在声誉扫地的投资银行业。

    Such turmoil creates opportunities for smart players , particularly in the discredited investment-banking sector .

  6. 他拒绝在没有良好社会声誉的公司进行投资。

    He refuses to invest in companies without good social record .

  7. 基于声誉机制的风险投资与风险企业博弈分析

    Analyses on Risk Investment and Venture Business Gambling Based on Fame Mechanism

  8. 并总结了媒体关注影响企业环境绩效的四种途径:管理者声誉,投资者的投资决策,其他行政机构介入,社会公众及消费者的购买行为。

    And summarizes the media attention influences the environmental performance of enterprise four ways : managers ' reputation , investment decisions of investors and other institutions of administrative intervention , the social public and consumer buying behavior .

  9. 在分析目前中国会计师事务所创建、提升审计声誉方面所面临的诸多障碍之后,提出了全面优化中国审计市场环境、促进独立审计声誉投资的主要政策性建议。

    Based on the analysis of the external and internal factors that prevented the building and improving of auditor reputation , we raise some advices to ameliorate Chinese audit market 's conditions and promote more investment on auditor reputation .