
shēng yuè
  • vocal music;song;vocalist;music and musical activity used in general sense
声乐 [shēng yuè]
  • (1) [vocal music]∶指歌唱的艺术,可以有乐器伴奏

  • (2) [music and musical activity used in general sense]∶古代泛指音乐和音乐活动

声乐[shēng yuè]
  1. 我喜欢器乐甚于声乐。

    I like instrument better than vocal music .

  2. 论声乐教学实践中一些观点的辩证认识

    On Dialectical Knowledge Concerning Some Viewpoints in Vocal Music Teaching Practice

  3. 这两张唱片还包含了布里顿两首不甚知名的声乐套曲。

    The two discs also contain two of Britten 's lesser-known song-cycles .

  4. 她从小就喜欢唱歌,12岁开始了声乐训练。

    She loved singing as a child and started vocal training at 12 .

  5. 她利用接受的声乐训练给盲人录制磁带图书。

    She uses her vocal training to record audio tapes of books for blind people .

  6. 她在上声乐课。

    She 's having singing lessons .

  7. 意大利是声乐的故乡,意大利语音有自己的特点,对于美声歌唱艺术,语言中的语音是最重要的部分

    For the art of euphonic singing , the speech in the language is the most important part .

  8. belcanto(美歌)被世界多数国家的声乐家们所公认,并被视为正统的歌唱方法。

    The vocalists of the world most nation all think that the bel canto is a orthodox method .

  9. 从声乐教学的一个重要方面&belcanto声乐理论的科学应用着手研究,可以充分认识和发挥理论知识的功效,更能有效提高声乐教学的质量。

    This paper tries to demonstrate the efficiency of theory application , and improve the quality of vocal teaching effectively from an important aspect & the scientific application of Bel canto vocal theory .

  10. 音乐剧:应该走进高师声乐课堂

    Musicals : It Should Enter the Singing Class of Normal Universities

  11. 对于声乐技术而言,实践经验具有十分特殊的意义;

    That the practice experience is significance to the singing technique .

  12. 声乐艺术是一种由多元文化构成的综合艺术。

    Vocal art is an art integration composed of multi cultures .

  13. 艺术美是每个声乐表演者所追求的目标。

    Therefore , artistic beauty is pursued by each Vocal Performance .

  14. 关于高师成人声乐教学质量的思考

    How to Improve the Quality of Vocals Teaching for Adults Education

  15. 艺术嗓音医学与高师声乐教学

    Artistic Voice Medicine and Vocal Music Teaching in Higher Normal Education

  16. 谈声乐表演和器乐表演中的呼吸美

    Aesthetics of breath - control in vocal and instrumental music performance

  17. 论中国民族声乐艺术之情、声、韵

    On the " Sentiment , Sound and Charm " of Chinese

  18. 声乐艺术与人体生理学和心理学是密不可分的。

    Vocal music is closely related to human physiology and psychology .

  19. 声乐教学中歌唱的心理活动与生理技能探究

    On the mental and physiological reflections of singing in vocality teaching

  20. 这只是一段器乐曲,根本没有声乐部分。

    It 's just an instrumental-there are no vocals at all .

  21. 论莫扎特声乐作品的艺术风格

    A Review Of The Art Style In Mozarts Vocal Music Works

  22. 声乐教学中的小声训练方法及其意义

    The Methods and Significance of Undertone Training in Vocal Music Teaching

  23. 我已经给您发送一条米色的声乐开衫检查。

    I have sent you a beige Vocal cardigan to check .

  24. 中国传统声乐歌唱技巧探析

    An Exploration of the Singing Skills in Traditional Chinese Vocal Music

  25. 声乐教学要培养学生的想象能力

    The Vocality Teaching Should Train the Imaginary Ability of the Students

  26. 声乐艺术在电视节目主持人中的应用研究

    Vocal Music Art in Television Program Director 's Applied Research

  27. 高师声乐钢琴伴奏初探

    The Elementary Exploration of Piano Accompaniment of Vocal Music in Higher Teachers'Colleges

  28. 浅谈声乐舞台表演的动作性

    A Brief Talk on the Action of Vocal Music Performance

  29. 谈高校音乐专业学生如何学好声乐

    How to Master Vocal Music for Music Students of University

  30. 声乐学习的练唱方法

    On Methods of Practicing Sing in the Course of Learning Vocal Music