
  • 网络wall
  1. h维墙式环托

    The h - Dimensional Wall Torus

  2. 四角切向燃烧和墙式对冲燃烧方式都有此问题,而W火焰双拱燃烧锅炉则更严重,值得关注。

    This problem had occurred under corner tangential firing and wall opposed firing , and it became even more serious under W-shaped flame double-arch firing .

  3. 墙式燃烧锅炉的NOx较高,并有一些锅炉存在炉内结渣等问题;

    The higher NOX emission concentration and furnace slagging etc.

  4. 350MW机组锅炉墙式再热器密封板焊缝裂纹原因分析及改进方法

    Cause and Remedy for Cracks in Weld Seams of Reheater Sealing Plate of Wall Type for 350 MW Power Generating Set Boiler

  5. 某电厂300MW亚临界压力锅炉墙式再热器水压泄漏原因分析套管式高压氨加热器内管泄漏原因分析及技术改进

    The analysis of leaking reason in the wall reheater during hydrostatic test on A Power Plant REASONS FOR LEAKAGE OF INTERNAL PIPE OF DOUBLE-PIPE HIGH PRESSURE AMMONIA HEATER AND TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENT

  6. 研究结果表明:单线铁路隧道直墙式衬砌高水压第一分界值为0.05~0.10MPa,第二分界值为0.18MPa;

    The results show that in single-track railway tunnel , the first boundary value of high hydraulic pressure upon upright wall lining is 0.05-0.10 MPa and the second boundary value is 0.18 MPa ;

  7. 曲墙式混凝土衬砌水窖设计及力学分析

    Design and Mechanical Analysis of Curved Wall Lining Concrete Water Cellar

  8. 斜墙式橡胶坝在东北地区的推广应用

    The application on miter wall rubber dam in the northeast area

  9. 花格墙式被动太阳房的数学模拟

    Computer simulation of passive solar heating buildings with lattice solar wall

  10. 根据墙式立体显示原理实现了立体显示。

    Wall type stereo viewing has realized according to the principle .

  11. 直墙式防水墙设计方法与实践

    Design Method and Practice of Vertical Wall Type Water Dam

  12. 直墙式建筑物上立波作用力计算的讨论

    Discussion on Computation of Standing Wave Forces on Vertical Walls

  13. 大型墙式嵌岩桩基础的简化计算方法

    A Simplified Calculation Method for Large Embedded Rock Wall Foundations

  14. 集热蓄热墙式太阳能建筑的能耗模拟研究

    Simulative Investigations of Thermal Performance of Solar House with Thermal Storage Wall

  15. 变厚度挡水墙式池壁断面优化设计

    Sectional Optimizing Design of Variable-thickness Retaining Wall of Water Tank

  16. 陡墙式海堤平台对波浪爬高影响

    Effect of the berm of steep slope seawall on irregular wave run-up

  17. 桥梁墙式防撞护栏不规则裂缝的分析与防治

    Analysis and Prevention Measure of Irregular Crack of Protection Fence

  18. 公路桥梁钢筋混凝土墙式护栏设计

    The Design of Reinforced Concrete Safety Barrier of Highway Bridges

  19. 附加短肢剪力墙式转换结构的初步探讨

    Discussion about the transfer structure appending with short shear wall

  20. 运用墙式覆土栽培技术培育平菇的研究

    The Study of Cultivating Mushroom with Wall-soil-covered Cultivation Technology

  21. 介绍了一种用于普通建筑物供暖的太阳墙式空气集热器。

    A wall-mounted solar air collector used for heating common buildings is introduced .

  22. 斜坡式和直墙式防波堤技术的新进展

    A New Progress in Technology of Rubble Mound Breakwater and Vertical Wall Breakwater

  23. 集热蓄热墙式太阳房灵敏度分析

    Sensitivity Analysis of Solar House with Collector-Storage Wall

  24. 扶臂墙式混凝土面板土坝

    Soil dam with concrete board supporting wall

  25. 附加短肢墙式转换结构在竖向荷载下承载能力的试验研究

    Experimental Research of Bearing Capacity of Transfer Structures with Short Shear Walls under Vertical Load

  26. 目的探讨手术室护士走出手术室与病人交往并建立良好的护患关系,实施无墙式围手术期护理的效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of non-wall perioperative nursing on patients who need surgery .

  27. 太长高速M形曲墙式双联拱隧道施工

    On construction of M-shape curved wall twin arched tunnel on highway from Taiyuan to Changzhi

  28. 耳墙式桥台扩大基础优化设计

    The Optimization Design of Wall-eared Abutment Foundation

  29. 对一种新型带有透明蜂窝储能墙式太阳房进行了模拟计算。

    This paper shows a new solar house design with TIM an improved Trombe wall .

  30. 翼墙式隧道洞门可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Wing Wall Tunnel Portal