
  1. 最后对RIC工法在郑少高速公路中的填路堤和桥台背填土压实中的应用情况进行了简单介绍。

    At the end , the paper also introduces some applications of RIC construction technology to the Zhengzhou to Shaolinsi highway .

  2. 输水管道工程回填土压实度探讨

    Discussion on Compaction of Backfill in Water Transportation Pipeline Construction

  3. 填土压实检测新技术及压实机械集成系统分析

    Earth Fill Compactness New Test Technology & Compacting Machinery Integrated System Analysis

  4. 填土压实质量检测技术的发展与评析

    Advance and comment of checking technique on the quality of filled soil compaction

  5. 以力学指标评定填土压实质量的现场试验研究

    Experimental Research on Evaluation of Embankment Filling Quality Based on the Mechanical Index

  6. 路基填土压实注重强度和均匀性几个问题初探

    Discussion on Several Problem of Subgrade Fill Compaction Paying Attention to Strength and Uniformity

  7. 路基填土压实特性的分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics of Embankment Compaction

  8. 通过多年来在路基施工中的经验,对路基填土压实应注意的问题提出了几点建议供同行参考。

    By many years ′ construction experience , some advice of several problem of subgrade fill compaction are given for reference .

  9. 从施工的角度阐述了道路不平整的形成原因,并从路堤填筑前原地面处理、路堤填料的要求、路基填土压实、路面基层施工等方面分析了预防措施。

    Based on the construction , discussion is made on the causes of formation of highway unevenness , and given the preventions in embankment and subgrade settlement .

  10. 根据布西内斯克半无限体表面局部加压下地基土的沉降计算公式,推导出变形模量与地基系数的关系式,从而可以计算出评定填土压实质量的变形模量指标。

    The formula of ground coefficient and deformation modulus derived from ( Boussinesq ′ s ) equation can calculate deformation modulus index for evaluating filled-soil compaction quality .

  11. 利用冲击压实技术处理路基,可以进一步保证路基填土压实度指标的控制,减少路基工后沉降。

    Making the use of impact compaction technique to treat roadbed can assure the degree of compaction of roadbed banquette further , and reduce the sedimentation of roadbed .

  12. 利用现有检测数据,用曲线拟合法得出每个检测点回填土压实度的直线方程,由此计算回填土的沉降。

    Use of existing test data , derived using curve fitting each detection point backfill the degree of compaction of the linear equation to calculate the settlement of backfill .

  13. 道路路基回填土及压实的施工质量问题剖析

    Analysis of the problem in roadbed backfill earth press solid construction quality

  14. 填土路基压实方法与环刀法取样深度中的误区

    Correct Application of Subgrade Compaction Method and Reasonable Cutting Ring Sampling Depth

  15. 浅谈填土有效压实最佳含水区间在路基施工中的作用

    On the Function of the Optimal Water Content Interval for Effective Compaction of Earth Fill in Subgrade Construction

  16. 在公路施工中,为了提高路基的强度和稳定性,必须对路基的填土进行压实。

    In the construction of highroad , the filling of roadbed must be pressed solid in order to improve the intensity and stability .

  17. 简要阐述了公路路基施工技术中的路基填土与压实、路基路面排水、路基防护、软土地基处理、黄土陷穴处理等常用的相关措施。

    The roadbed fill and compaction , roadbed drainage and pavement drainage , roadbed protection , mollisol roadbed handling and loess sink handling etc. conventional relative measures in highway roadbed construction technology are simply elaborated .

  18. 就山西省的公路建设,介绍了公路的路基填土与压实,路基路面排水及路基防护,软土地基、黄土陷穴的处理。

    According to the situation of highway construction in Shanxi Province , the paper introduces the filling and compaction of roadbed , road surface drainage and roadbed protection and the treatment of soft ground and loess cratering .

  19. 针对施工中遇到的不同密度砂土混填路基的实际情况,通过采用加权平均的方法对砂土的干密度进行检测,从而有效地控制了路基填土的压实度。

    In view of the actual situation of the mixed fill subgrade with sand in different density in the process of construction , the weighted average method was used to detect the dry density , thus controlling effectively the degree of compaction for the fill of subgrade .

  20. 公路路基填土试验与压实质量的探讨

    Discussion on fill test and compaction quality of highway subgrade

  21. 渭南-潼关高速公路路基填土试验和压实质量的探讨

    Discussion on Subgrade Fill Test and Compaction Quality of Weinan to Tongguan Freeway

  22. 对于公路、铁路等路基而言,还与填土速度、压实方法以及压实机具的使用等有关。

    With regard to the subgrade of highway and railway , it relates to fill velocity , compacting methods and the utilization of compacting machineries .

  23. 路堤填筑压实的公式化控制强风化软岩用于高等级公路路基填土时,压实特性和湿化变形性能是评价填料性能的主要指标。

    Formulation Control of Embankment Compaction Quality When highly weathered soft rock used to fill high grade highway embankment , compaction character and wetting deformation character are major indicators to estimate the filling performance .

  24. 填土斜坡的均等压实度轴向可压缩压杆的压缩失稳实验研究

    Homogeneous compaction of fill slope Experimental Study of Compressive Buckling for an Axial Compressible Rod

  25. 阐述了合理选择填土含水量改善压实度的方法。

    The method of choosing proper water content of fill to improve compaction degree is elaborated mainly .

  26. 涡旋压缩腔几何模型与涡旋齿强度研究填土斜坡的均等压实度

    Modeling of Scroll Compressor Chamber and Investigation on Strength of Scroll Wrap ; homogeneous compaction of fill slope