- 网络cenarius

Malfurion brought his concerns to Cenarius , who was greatly worried .
The enchanted Keepers are the favored sons of the demigod Cenarius .
The demigods had agreed to fight under Jarod 's direction .
Cenarius knew that Malfurion alone would go on to become a druid .
Night elves claim that centaur are the bastard children of the demigod Cenarius .
The laughing trio was shocked into silence when Cenarius stepped out of a shadowed thicket .
When Cenarius'birth sent a ripple through the Emerald Dream , Ysera took an immediate interest in him .
Fixed a bug that prevented Arcane Missiles from being able to trigger the effect of Wrath of cenarius .
Cenarius : Who dares defile this ancient land ? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and the night elves ?
As the crisis unfolded , Cenarius taught Malfurion all he could and then sought out the other demigods of Azeroth .
Yet Cenarius and the night elves did not emerge from their seclusion , for they knew nothing of any events that occurred outside Kalimdor .
However , with Tyrande 's patient support , he was able to restrain himself and help his brother find the reclusive demigod , Cenarius .
Millennia before the night elves'interest in arcane magic led to the Great Sundering , Malfurion Stormrage came across several legends that referenced the mysterious Cenarius .
From that point forward , Cenarius retreated into the wilds of the world and avoided most sentient races until they came to doubt his very existence .
The Legion had not forgotten the valor and might that Cenarius displayed during the War of the Ancients , and they were determined to see him defeated .
In fact , the affectionate understanding that she and Cenarius shared has led many of Azeroth 's elder races to mistake the pair for mother and son .
The number of night elves pursuing their studies with the demigod dwindled , and Cenarius was grieved to realize that all his work had been for naught .
In a far more recent tragedy , Cenarius was killed during the Third War by mortals under the influence of demon blood : a group of orcs led by Grom Hellscream .
The intelligent Hippogryphs have given their allegiance to the Night Elves in honor of Cenarius , the Night Elves'god , who stands as the protector of nature and all its creatures .
Rumors among the night elves suggest Alexstrasza and the demigod Cenarius were close friends , and that it was he that called her during the first invasion of the Burning Legion .
The three night elves decided that it would be an exciting adventure to search for Cenarius , though in truth they no more believed in the demigod than the rest of their people did .