
  1. 英国设计师法耶·图古德(FayeToogood)为伦敦的塞尔福里奇百货商场设计了无性别区域。

    The British designer Faye Toogood designed Agender areas in the London store .

  2. 盖蒂的产品“在网店尤其畅销”,莱莫斯说,这个时装季,盖蒂将进场塞尔福里奇百货(Selfridges)销售。

    Getty " does incredibly well online , " says Lemos , and this season will be available at Selfridges .

  3. 特效设计师参与迪斯尼以及卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)组织的为伦敦大奥蒙德街儿科医院慈善募捐的《星球大战激发时尚灵感》(StarWars:FashionFindstheForce)活动,设计的慈善T恤在塞尔福里奇百货店(Selfridges)公开销售。

    Designers featured participated in Disney and Lucasfilm 's ' Star Wars : Fashion Finds the Force " event , in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital . Charity sweatshirts are available at Selfridges stores . ' Star Wars : The Force Awakens " is in UK cinemas from December 17

  4. 相反,塞尔福里奇百货公司还建议你“搭配裙子、牛仔裤和任何高腰的衣服”。

    Instead , Selfridges suggests you " wear it with skirts , denim and anything high-rise . "

  5. 塞尔福里奇百货公司的总监安妮?皮彻称,在经济困难时期,女性尤其钟爱亮红色,因为这能给她们带来更多自信。

    Selfridges director Anne Pitcher said that women particularly favour bright red shades during periods of economic hardship because it brings them more confidence .

  6. 塞尔福里奇高端百货连锁公司已开始接受中国银联卡付款,银联卡是一种只能在中国国内使用的信用卡。

    The Selfridges chain of high end department stores has started accepting China UnionPay cards , the domestic credit card only available in China .

  7. 塞尔福里奇(selfridges)百货店今春将发布一个在线评论平台,以配合网络零售活动。

    This spring Selfridges department store is launching an online editorial platform to partner its Web retail .

  8. 今年,伦敦的塞尔福里奇(Selfridges)百货公司把销售空间的一个显著位置划给了“无性别”,这是一个店中店,Nicopanda、安·迪穆拉米斯特(AnnDemeulemeester)和李阳等性别模糊的品牌都混合放在这里。

    This year , Selfridges in London dedicated a significant swath of its selling space to Agender , a store-within-the-store where gender-fluid labels like Nicopanda , Ann Demeulemeester and Yang Li commingle .