
tǎ lóu
  • tower;turret;belfry;turrent;guerite
塔楼 [tǎ lóu]
  • [turret] 塔式楼房

塔楼[tǎ lóu]
  1. 塔楼上的钟当当地敲响了。

    Bells were clanging in the tower .

  2. 一阵飓风级强风掀掉了教堂塔楼的一角。

    A hurricane-force gust blew off part of a church tower .

  3. 大教堂白色的塔楼优雅庄重地耸入云霄。

    The cathedral 's white towers climb gracefully into the sky .

  4. 这些塔楼是钢结构,花岗岩贴面。

    The towers are made of steel cased in granite .

  5. 他们占用了塔楼的头两层。

    They occupied the first two floors of the tower .

  6. 这些塔楼耸立在一个混凝土墩座上。

    The towers rise out of a concrete podium .

  7. 他还设计了爱丁堡大学一座投影于乔治广场的塔楼。

    He also designed one of the Edinburgh University towers that overshadows George Square

  8. 去年,他们曾控制过一幢20世纪60年代的破旧塔楼一个晚上。

    They took over a condemned 1960s tower block last year for one night .

  9. 行程B-游览牛津和斯特拉特福德,包含大学圣玛丽教堂塔楼和安妮·海瑟薇家的门票——3月12日之前32英镑,之后36英镑。

    Tour B-Oxford & Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Mary 's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway 's house - £ 32 until 12 March and £ 36 thereafter .

  10. 烟囱和塔楼的轮廓

    the silhouette of chimneys and towers

  11. 深深的壕堑,单吊桥,厚重的石壁,八座巨大的塔楼。大炮、毛瑟枪、火焰与烟雾

    Deep ditch , single drawbridge , massive stone walls , eight at towers , cannon , muskets , fire and smoke .

  12. 基于ANSYS的天气雷达站塔楼结构分析

    Construction Analysis of a Weather Radar Tower Based on ANSYS

  13. 重庆市某大厦A塔楼转换层RC梁裂缝分析与防治

    Crack Analysis and Precaution of the RC Beams of the Transition Layer of the A-tower Dwelling of A Tall Block in Chongqing

  14. 塔楼在四层裙房内包含了大型宴会厅,会议中心,餐饮区,健身中心和SPA设施。

    The tower sits atop a four-level podium that houses large banquet , meeting , dining , fitness and spa facilities .

  15. 本文运用ANSYS软件对一双塔楼连体结构建立了考虑土体参与共同作用和不考虑土体共同作用的三维模型。

    By contrast with the common one , the model with the dynamic soil-structure interaction of a double-tower connecting structure is founded by ANSYS program in this paper .

  16. 最优参数的TMD可使得电视塔上塔楼峰值加速度响应下降54%

    With the optimal parameters of TMD , the peak acceleration responses of the upper turret were reduced by 54 % .

  17. 今天,他的总部位于洛克菲勒中心(rockefellercenter)一座塔楼的50层,在纽约、伦敦和香港的三个办事处有11位全职员工。

    Today he is based on the 50th floor of a Rockefeller Center tower . He has 11 full-time staffIn three offices in New York , London and Hong Kong .

  18. 东北世贸广场主塔楼为260m高的钢筋混凝土超高层建筑。

    The main tower of northeast Shimao plaza is a high-rise building with the height of 260m .

  19. 景洪水电站升船机塔楼的振动台模型试验Spar平台垂荡板受迫振荡水动力特性研究

    Shaking Table Model Test of Ship Lift Tower in Jinghong Water Power Station Research on hydrodynamic characteristics of forced oscillation heave damping plates of Spar platforms

  20. 广州CTF塔楼并不仅仅是广州第一高楼--它还是世上第一高的陶土建筑。

    The CTF Tower isn 't just the tallest skyscraper in Guangzhou -- it 's the tallest terracotta building in the world .

  21. 世界各地的买家都对这幢位于波托马克(potomac)河畔的12层塔楼表示出了兴趣。

    Expressions of interest from around the world have been received for the 12 - storey tower on the Potomac River .

  22. 日前,巴黎当局40年来首次批准了一个高楼项目,建造一座由瑞士赫尔佐格-德梅隆建筑公司(Herzog&deMeuron)设计、高180米的三角形塔楼。

    The French capital last week backed plans for a 180-metre high triangular tower by Herzog & de Meuron of Switzerland , its first in four decades .

  23. RWE塔楼,埃森

    RWE Tower , Essen

  24. 放纵地享用一个甜筒之后,可以向北走到科佩德街区(QuartiereCoppedè),把冰激凌的热量消耗掉一些。这个奇特的街区以美丽的新艺术派宫殿闻名,它们古怪的塔楼和华丽的正面像是来自童话世界。

    After indulging in a cone , walk off some of the calories on a stroll north to Quartiere Copped è , a curious quarter marked by beautiful Art Nouveau palazzi whose whimsical towers and ornate facades look plucked from a fairy tale .

  25. 底盘与塔楼刚度比对非对称塔楼结构地震响应的影响

    Influence of Base-Tower Stiffness Ratio on Seismic Response of Unsymmetrical Tower

  26. 结构刚度变化对非对称塔楼结构地震反应的影响

    Impacts of structural stiffness change on seismic response of unsymmetrical tower

  27. 塔楼上的夜光钟指示着时间是午夜12点。

    A lighted tower clock showed the time to be 12:00 p.m.

  28. 城堡塔楼的顶部已被炸掉了。

    The top of the castle tower has been shot off .

  29. 星城广厦是一栋大底盘多塔楼的复杂结构体系。

    Xingcheng building is a complex structure with multi - towers .

  30. 他们正在街边建起一栋20层的塔楼。

    They are setting up a20-story tower building up the street .