
tǎ sī shè
  • Tass
  1. 周三,据俄罗斯通讯社塔斯社(Tass)报道,一名俄罗斯官员说,曾被普京亲自释放到俄罗斯远东地区的野生西伯利亚虎越境进入了中国。

    On Wednesday , a Russian official said that a Siberian tiger that Mr. Putin had personally released into the wild in the Russian Far East had crossed into China , the Russian news agency Tass reported .

  2. 但前苏联政府仍保持沉默,直到事故发生近68个小时后,官方新闻通讯社塔斯社(tass)才发表了一篇短小且含糊的文章,称切尔诺贝利发生了事故。

    But still the Soviet government maintained its silence until , almost 68 hours after the accident , the official news agency TASS published a short , opaque article indicating that there had been an accident at Chernobyl .

  3. 穆特科部长并未直接作出回应,而是组织召开了面向国有新闻通讯社塔斯社(TASS)记者的新闻发布会。他说时报的质问毫无根据,并暗示这是里约奥运会开幕前又一抹黑俄罗斯体育界之举。

    Instead of responding directly , Mutko , the minister , organized a news conference with journalists from the state-run news agency TASS , calling the Times inquiry baseless and suggesting it was part of an attempt to discredit Russian sports ahead of the Rio Games .

  4. 俄通-塔斯社记者:总理您好。

    ITAR-TASS : Good morning , Mr. Premier .

  5. 俄通社-塔斯社周五报道

    state-run Itar-Tass news agency said Friday .

  6. 塔斯社援引卫生官员的话指出,大约50人伤势严重。

    Some 50 people were in a serious condition , the Itar-Tass news agency reported , quoting a health official .

  7. 伊塔-塔斯社说,这名攀登者可能会以违反工地安全规定而遭罚款。

    The ITAR-Tass news agency said the climber could face a fine for violating safety norms at a construction site .

  8. 据俄通社-塔斯社公布,这艘遇险货船离有救援船的钻井平台有90英里远,

    According to Itar-Tass , the vessel is about 90 miles from an oil rig where rescue vessels are based ,

  9. 根据塔斯社的报道,普京当时是问:”什么时候我可以给我的狗“柯尼”装一种系统,这样就不会迷失很远“;

    When can I get a system for my dog , Koni , so she can 't go too far astray ?

  10. 据塔斯社报道,前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫,也是叶利钦的主要政治对手,向叶利钦的遗孀致电表示哀悼。

    Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev , also Yeltsin 's once main opponent , has sent condolences to Naina , according toItar-Tass .

  11. 塔斯社说,这次险査是测试舰队的能力以确保俄罗斯在北冰洋的军事安全。

    The checks are intended to test the fleet 's capacity to ensure Russia 's military security in the Arctic , Tass said .

  12. 塔斯社援引克里姆林宫的消息称,这位前俄罗斯总统是星期一在莫斯科猝死的。

    The former president " died a sudden death in Moscow on Monday ," the Itar-Tass news agency quoted Kremlin source as saying .

  13. 据塔斯社报道,星期日清晨俄罗斯一架飞机不幸失事,造成至少八人遇难。

    A cargo plane crashed in Russia early on Sunday , killing at least eight people on board , the Itar-Tass news agency reported .

  14. 另据俄通社&塔斯社报道,俄航天轨道站运行跨部门委员会今天也召开会议研究对策。

    Also , the Russian Correspondence Agency - Tass reported that the Inter-department Committee of the Russian Space Orbital Station Operations will also convene a meeting today to research countermeasures .

  15. 本着由来已久的、只关心为党国宣传,而不关注事实的作风,塔斯社紧接着又发表了第二篇文章,称单单1979年这一年,美国就经历过2300次核事故和故障。

    Dwelling in time-honoured fashion on propaganda rather than facts , Tass then issued a second article alleging the US had experienced 2,300 nuclear accidents and breakdowns in 1979 alone .

  16. 一年前,在斯塔夫罗波尔地区南部的一个警方检查站收养了一只名为鲁西科的猫,现在,这只猫正帮助反走私官员检查车辆,这是塔斯社于周二报道的。

    A police control post in the southern Stavropol region adopted Rusik one year ago ; the cat now helps officers conduct spot checks on vehicles , the Itar-Tass news agency reported on Tuesday .

  17. 根据塔斯社报道,这间独立的“生态卫生间”设立于和平大道地铁站,位于红场北部约3公里(1.8英里)处,可免费使用。

    The single " bio toilet " has been installed on a platform at Prospekt Mira metro station , about 3km ( 1.8 miles ) north of Red Square , and is free to use , the Tass news agency reports .