
  1. 他们的历史追溯到基督时代

    Their history actually goes back to about the time of Christ .

  2. 我们不要忘记,从基督时代开始就有许多的基督教团一直坚持实践着素食主义。

    Remember , many Christian groups from the time of Christ have practiced vegetarianism .

  3. 是亚兰文的叫法,在基督的时代,亚兰文是巴勒斯坦地的一种通用语言。

    Cephas is the same name in Aramaic , the common language of Palestine in Christ 's day .

  4. 克尔凯郭尔提出了一个著名的问题:作为基督的同时代人是什么意思?

    S ö ren Kiekegaard asked famously : What does it mean to be a contemporary of Christ ?

  5. 早期孙中山正处于个性形成的黄金季节。影响他个性形成的因素是多方面的,包括地理遗传因素、家庭教育、教会教育、异质文化、基督精神和青少年时代的团体行为等等。

    The early period ( 1866-1895 ) was the gold season to form his personality connecting with many factors such as geographical and inherent ones , family education , parochial education , heterogeneous culture , Christ 's spirits and group behavior .