
  1. 基于IPO择时视角的辽宁老工业基地企业融资问题研究

    Research of Corporate Finance in Liaoning Province Based on IPO Market Timing

  2. 提高东北地区老工业基地企业竞争力的对策研究

    On improving the competitiveness of traditional industrial bases in Northeast China

  3. 老工业基地企业核心竞争力的培育与提升研究

    Research on Cultivating and Enhancing Core Enterprises Competence in Old Industrial Base

  4. 东北老工业基地企业中的义家族现象分析

    The Phenomena of " personal - loyalty " in the Traditional Northeast Enterprises

  5. 论老工业基地企业园区网络建设

    Development of network for old industrial enterprise

  6. 在辽宁老工业基地企业技术创新的过程中,企业技术创新的立法研究是相当重要的,也是十分迫切的,本文以辽宁老工业基地振兴为视角,对企业技术进行了立法方面的研究。

    The legislation of corporation technical innovation is so important to the revitalization of the old industrial base .

  7. 东北老工业基地企业人力资源流动与管理的研究

    Research on the Staff Turnover and Management of Enterprise Human Resource on Old Industrial Base of the Northeast China

  8. 越来越多的辽宁老工业基地企业也加入到了首次公开发行的行列。

    An increasing number of old industrial base of Liaoning enterprises have also joined the ranks of the initial public offering .

  9. 东北地区老工业基地企业的技术创新能力,是决定东北地区老工业基地企业竞争力是否提高的的重要因素。

    Technical innovation ability of businesses is an important factor that can improve the business competitiveness in old industrial base of northeast region .

  10. 在第二届动漫节上,仅烟台动漫基地企业所达成的合作意向就多达20多个。

    In the second session of the Animation Festival , the only base in Yantai , cartoon business letter of intent reached as many as20 .

  11. 所以要从黑龙江省老工业基地企业的会计基础工作开始,相应地加强各企业的内部、外部监督,并且要进行会计创新,这样,才能为黑龙江省老工业基地的改造开辟出一条捷径。

    This paper analyses the fundamental accounting work in Heilongjiang Province old , and suggests the relevant planning to strengthen the internal and external supervision and conduct the accounting innovation .

  12. 本文论述了当前转型时期,东北老工业基地企业核心竞争力的现状及其培育的主要途径。

    It discusses the current situation and the chief way of the enterprise in the old industrial base of the Northeast to develop the core competitive ability at the present period .

  13. 通过研究发现东北老工业基地企业融资渠道单一,对银行贷款依赖性强,资本结构不合理,尤其是长期贷款比例偏高,导致了企业利息负担沉重、业绩不断下降的问题。

    Through this article research we discovered northeast old industrial base enterprise financing channel sole , relying on strongly to the bank loan , unreasonable capital structure , in particular high long term loan proportion , which caused the enterprise interest burden to be heavy and the achievement drops unceasingly .

  14. 国际管理咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)在本周一发表的一份报告中得出的结论是:对于在中国拥有大型生产基地的企业来说,最低工资提高30%,仅会使利润率下降1%至5%。

    Accenture , the global management consultancy , concluded in a report published on Monday that a minimum wage rise of 30 per cent would cut margins by just 1 to 5 per cent for companies with a large Chinese manufacturing base .

  15. 老工业基地国有企业制度创新研究

    Researches of the System Innovation for State-owned Enterprises of the Old Industrial Bases

  16. 东北老工业基地中小企业政府扶持政策研究

    Study on the Government 's Support Policy to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Old Industrial Base in Northeast

  17. 体制机制创新与改革成本支付&东北地区等老工业基地国有企业改制论

    Innovation of Mechanism and Payment of Reform Cost & Theory on reforming system of state-owned enterprises in northeastern areas

  18. 华盛顿方面声称,中国向179个示范基地的企业提供与出口业绩挂钩的优惠服务和现金补贴。

    Washington alleges China provides discount services and cash bonuses tied to export performance to businesses located in 179 demonstration bases .

  19. 而伴随着老工业基地国有企业兴衰的工商银行未来的发展也成为人们关注的焦点。

    The future development of ICBC that has witnessed ups and downs of the old industrial base has also been a focus of attention .

  20. 我国致力于建造世界级制造业基地,企业网络联盟是发展制造业的重要战略之一。

    It is planning to become the global-level manufacture base in our country and enterprise alliance is one of the important strategies to promote manufacture .

  21. 跨国企业日益重视获得不断增长的中国市场,而仅将中国视为出口基地的企业数量继续减少。

    Multinationals are increasingly focused on accessing the growing China market while the number of companies viewing China purely as an export base continues to decline .

  22. 对于将东欧视为市场和廉价劳动力基地的企业来说,它们乐于见到薪酬上升所带来的支出能力提高。

    Companies that see Eastern Europe as a market as well as a cheap-labour base are glad of the increased spending power that higher pay brings .

  23. 第三部分介绍了东北老工业基地中小企业融资难的现状并进行了简要的分析。

    Among these , the long-term difficulty in financing has already become the biggest bottleneck in the development of SMEs in the old industrial bases in northeast China .

  24. 老工业基地国有企业单一的产权结构带来了企业效率低下、政企不分等一系列问题,严重影响了老工业基地经济的发展。

    The state-owned enterprises ' simplex property rights in old industrial bases lead to many problems , such as bad performance , confusion of government function and enterprise affairs , etc.

  25. 东北老工业基地民营企业作为东北地区经济结构中重要的组成部分,为东北振兴起着决定性作用。

    Private-owed enterprises of northeastern old industrial bases are thought as the important component in national economy , which can play an important role for the invigoration of northeastern old industrial bases .

  26. 全程质量监控的关键环节和监控质量标准,基地与企业自身监控和执法认证部门监控机制构成监控体系的基本框架。

    The frame of quality control system is composed of the key points and the standards of quality control , self-control of producing base and enterprise , supervision of the executable and identifiable agency .

  27. 在此基础上,坚持理论和实践相结合,根据北京中关村永丰基地科技企业加速器建设和发展中存在的突出问题,提出了推进科技企业加速器发展的重要对策和措施。

    In this basis , the theory and practice , combined with Yongfeng base ( Beijing ) under construction and development of outstanding problems , this article puts forward important development policies and countermeasures .

  28. 在这种环境下,那些尽力让中国成功变为制造业试验基地的企业可能发现,它们已在全球竞争方面建立了自己的优势。

    In this environment , the companies that do most to make a success of the manufacturing test bed that China is turning into may indeed find they have produced an advantage when it comes to competing globally .

  29. 自改革开放以来,东北老工业基地国有企业发展明显滞后,其根本的原因之一是企业所有权配置失当。

    Since the reforming and opening - up of China , the development of the state-owned enterprises in the old northeast industrial base is obviously sluggish . One of the foundational reasons for this phenomenon is the inappropriate distribution of enterprise ownership .

  30. 东北老工业基地国有工业企业改造的战略构想

    The Strategy of Restructuring State-owned Enterprises in Old Northeast Industrial Bases