
  • 网络cultivation cost;training cost
  1. 论高校人才培养成本核算的理论依据与原则要求

    On the Theoretical Basis and the Principles of Personnel Training Cost Accounting in Universities

  2. 关于高校教育培养成本的思考

    On the Training Cost of Higher Education

  3. 普通高校人才培养成本构成内容探讨

    Research on the Cultivation Cost of Talents in Colleges and Universities

  4. 会计法对高校生均培养成本的实证研究

    Empirical Study of the Cost of College Student with Accounting Law

  5. 高等学校人才培养成本问题的思考

    Reflect on Issue of Personnel Training Costs in Colleges and Universities

  6. 湖北省高水平篮球运动员群体培养成本与绩效研究

    Hubei Province Groups Cultivate High-level Basketball Player Costs and Performance Study

  7. 高校学费依据教育培养成本收取的悖论

    The dilemma of the tuition criterion according to the cost of education

  8. 高校研究生培养成本计量方法探讨&以M大学为例

    A Case Study of Measurement Method for Graduate Students ' Cultivation Cost

  9. 高校人才培养成本与资金使用效益探讨

    Cultivation of the Talented and Benefit of the Financial Use in Colleges and Universities

  10. 高等院校人才培养成本研究

    Cost of Personnel Training for Colleges and Universities

  11. 略谈高校人才培养成本核算

    A Tentative Study on the Cost of Talent Cultivation in Institutions of Higher Learning

  12. 高校人才培养成本核算问题的探讨

    Cost Accounting for Talent Cultivation by Universities

  13. 高校学生培养成本的核算和分析&以普通高校A大学为例

    Accounting and Analysis of Educational Cost of University Students & Taking A University as Example

  14. 论高校人才培养成本

    Cost for talent cultivation in universities

  15. 高校不同层次、不同专业的学生培养成本相差很大。

    The education cost differs very much among different levels of universities and different majors of students .

  16. 高等院校人才培养成本与助学贷款政策的研究

    A Study on Cost of New Talents Cultivation and Policy of Study-support Loan in Colleges and Universities in China

  17. 研究生生均培养成本、居民的可支付能力和接受教育的收益率是影响研究收费标准制定的主要因素。

    Unit educational cost , student affordability , and investment return rate are important factors in setting the tuition .

  18. 指导高校人才培养成本核算的理论依据主要有投资理论、成本价格理论和效益理论。

    The theories that guide university personnel training cost accounting are investment theory , cost price theory and benefit theory .

  19. 高等学校人才培养成本是高等学校管理者必须关注的问题之一。

    The cost of new talents cultivation is a problem on which the administrators in colleges and universities must focus .

  20. 最后一个部分是结束语,本文通过五个部分对我国公立高职教育培养成本分担所存在的问题进行剖析。

    It analyzes the question which exists in the cost share of the public vocational education with five parts above .

  21. 普通高等院校理工农林类与文法财经类学生培养成本差异分析高等教育学生培养成本核算的思索

    An Analysis of the Higher School Student Fostering Cost Checks On Difference in Educational Cost between Science Students and Arts Students

  22. 本科生、硕士生和博士生的培养成本相对比例为1∶1.5∶4。

    The ratio among costs of undergraduates , master ′ s candidate and doctoral candidate is 1 ∶ 1.5 ∶ 4 .

  23. 高校进行人才培养成本核算对加强高校教育经费的核算和管理具有重大意义。

    Conducting cost accounting for talent cultivation by universities has great significance for intensifying the accounting and administration of educational expenditure of universities .

  24. 同时,定额是基于历史经验确定的,并不能全面反映公立高校真实的培养成本。

    At the same time , quota set is based on historical experience , which can not fully reflect the true training cost .

  25. 影响高等教育培养成本的因素很多,但最关键的是国家办教育的体制和政策。

    Many factors affect the cultivating cost of higher education , of which the system and policy of a country are the key ones .

  26. 在高校人才培养成本诸因素中,固定资产损耗是其中之一,应予准确核算。

    The fixed asset wastage is one of the cost facts of cultivating personnel in colleges and universities , and should be exactly worked out .

  27. 高等教育属于非义务教育,高校依据国家有关规定,按照年生均培养成本的一定比例向学生收取学费。

    According to the related regulations , universities may charge students tuition fees in terms of a certain proportion of the costs for their higher education .

  28. 通过对知识的有效管理,IT类咨询公司可以降低人员培养成本,提高利润率,提升客户满意度。

    According to efficient management of knowledge , the cost of employee taining can be reduced ; the profit rate and customer satisfaction can be improved .

  29. 高校会计制度下的会计账目实际是一个收与支的账目,难以准确核算培养成本。

    Accounts under the accounting system of institutions of higher education are in essence records of revenue and expenditure . Therefore , cost accounting is hardly accurate .

  30. 地方民族院校也要在保证教学质量前提下,降低生均培养成本,加大对学生的资助力度。

    Also regional colleges for nationalities should reduce the average cost of per-student , increasing the subsidies for the students on the premise of guaranteeing the teaching quality .