
  1. 他参观了西溪国家湿地公园和城市大脑,城市大脑是旨在改善城市管理的智能城市平台。

    He visited the Xixi National Wetland Park and the City Brain , a smart city platform aiming to improve urban management .

  2. 2016年,杭州市启动“城市大脑”项目,帮助该市利用大数据、云计算和人工智能,在公共安全、交通和医疗保健等领地制定规划。

    Hangzhou 's City Brain project was launched in 2016 to help the city make plans in areas including public security , transport and healthcare with the use of big data , cloud computing and artificial intelligence .

  3. 城市人的大脑异于乡村

    Urban brains behave differently from rural ones

  4. 研究该现象的科学家来自不同国家,他们目前还不清楚为什么城市生活会损伤大脑神经。

    The team of international scientists behind the finding are unsure why city life is so bad for the nerves .