
  • 网络Mount Etna;Etna;Mt. Etna
  1. 问题16:关于埃特纳火山,他们谈到了哪些?

    Question 16 What does the speakers say about Mount Etna ?

  2. 埃特纳火山是地球上最活跃的火山之一。

    Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth .

  3. 在过去的一百年中,爆发过的大火山有三座(埃特纳火山,斯特龙博利火山和维苏威火山)。

    Three major volcanoes ( Etna , Stromboli , and Vesuvius ) have erupted in the last hundred years .

  4. 从11年间获取的数据中可以看出,埃特纳火山很显然正在朝东南偏东方向滑动。

    and with 11 years of data , it ’ s now obvious Etna is moving in an east-south-east direction .

  5. 穆雷博士的团队强调,目前没有证据表明这种情况会在埃特纳火山发生,但说在未来时间里,需密切关注火山滑动的情况。

    Dr Murray 's team stress there is no evidence that this is about to happen at Etna , but say the slide will need close attention in the years ahead .

  6. 十多年前,罗伯特•皮列特里(RobertPillitteri)的女友送了一幅意大利埃特纳火山的古董画给他。

    More than a decade ago , Robert Pillitteri 's then-girlfriend gave him an antique print of Italy 's Mt. Etna .

  7. 意大利有两个著名的火山:一个是位于那不勒斯并在目前处于休眠状态维苏威火山,另一个是位于西西里岛上的活火山埃特纳火山(Etna)。

    Italy is more typically associated with two famous volcanoes : the currently dormant Vesuvius near Naples and the very active Etna on Sicily .

  8. 埃特纳火山喷发的历史可以追溯到公元前1500年。

    Etna 's eruption history dates back as far as 1500 BC .

  9. 问题17:关于埃特纳火山的低斜坡,我们了解到哪些?

    Question 17 What do we learn about the lower slopes of Mount Etna ?

  10. 问题24通过文章我们可以了解到埃特纳火山的什么信息?

    Question 24 . What do we know about Mount Etna from the passage ?

  11. 本质上,埃特纳火山倾斜滑塌了1至3度的斜度。

    Essentially , Etna is sliding down a very gentle slope of 1-3 degrees .

  12. 埃特纳火山位于意大利南部,是欧洲最高的活火山。

    Located in southern Italy , Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe .

  13. 咱们就以埃特纳火山为例吧。

    Let 's take Mount Etna for example .

  14. 欧洲最活跃的火山埃特纳火山正在向大海滑行。

    Europe 's most active volcano , Mount Etna , is sliding towards the sea .

  15. 熔岩从西西里岛埃特纳火山的瓦尔德博韦流出。

    Lava flows from Mount Etna 's Valle del Bove , on the island of Sicily .

  16. 本文的研究工作,得到了埃特纳火山下面的一组新的三维速度模型。

    A new set of three dimensional velocity models beneath Etna volcano is derived in the present work .

  17. 但是,不管你信不信,在意大利的埃特纳火山周围却挤满了人。

    But believe it or not , the area surrounding Mount Etna in Italy is packed with people .

  18. 但是假设埃特纳火山每天喷发一次或者每次喷发都会造成上千万人死亡。

    But suppose Mount Etna erupted every day or imagine that each eruption there killed thousands of people .

  19. 无奈之下,她在深不可测的埃特纳火山口点燃了两支松木火把,把整个世界照得一片通明。

    In desperation , her unfathomable at Mount Etna volcano two pine torches lit to light up a whole world bright .

  20. 英国领导的团队表示,这种情况需要仔细监控,因为这可能会导致未来埃特纳火山的危害增加。

    The UK-led team says the situation will need careful monitoring because it may lead to increased hazards at Etna in the future .

  21. 西西里岛在阳光下,是家庭到天堂的海滩,这里拥有雄伟壮观的山脉和欧洲最大的自然奇观,埃特纳火山。

    Sicilia , the island in the sun , is home to Heavenly beaches , majestic mountains and Europe 's greatest natural wonder , Mount Etna .

  22. 不仅如此,这里还有大量文艺复兴时期的大教堂、有珍藏像卡拉瓦乔这样大师级作品的博物馆,还有古遗址博物馆。此外,它还是埃特纳火山的门户。

    Chock full of Renaissance cathedrals , museums featuring works by masters like Caravaggio and ancient ruins , Messina is also the gateway to Mount Etna .

  23. 欧洲是世界上最活跃的火山带,意大利的埃特纳火山周二爆发,在西西里岛的夜空中喷射出火山灰和熔岩。

    And Europe 's highest active volcano , Italy 's Mount Etna , erupted Tuesday , sending plumes of ash and lava into the night sky on the Island of Sicily .

  24. 埃特纳火山是一座活火山(要小心哦),那里还有很多勇敢的人爬到顶峰去看火山的翻腾和炽热的熔岩,下面西西里岛屿的全景一览无余。

    It is an active volcano watch out ! where many brave souls visit the top to get a glimpse of the churning , red hot lava and the panoramic views of the Sicilian islands below .

  25. 西西里岛的埃特纳火山是世界上最古老的栗树的家乡,这颗栗树前辈可能有4000岁并且被吉尼斯世界纪录持有人认证它拥有最大的周长,一圈有58米(19尺)长。

    Mount Etna in Sicily is home to the oldest chestnut tree in the world , an old-timer possibly 4000 years old and certified Guinness World Record holder for the largest girth at 58 meters ( 190 ft ) in circumference .