
  1. 技术贸易中的垄断高价及其法律规制&以标准化专利的许可为视角

    Monopolized high price in technology trade and its legal regulation & from the angle of standard patent 's admission

  2. 垄断高价行为作为一种危害市场经济秩序健康有序发展的行为已为世界各国反垄断法普遍关注。

    Monopolistic high price behavior acting against the healthy and orderly development of the economic market has aroused widespread concern of anti-monopoly law from all around the world .

  3. 对城市燃气产业进行价格管制可以抑制垄断高价,促进资源有效配置,维护社会分配效率,激励降低成本,提高内部生产效率和防止交叉补贴等垄断行为,以促进燃气市场的健康发展。

    Price regulation on gas industry can inhibit the monopoly prices , promote the allocation of resources efficiently , maintain efficiency of social allocation , motivate costs reduction , improve internal productivity and prevent monopolies such as cross-subsidies , in order to promote the healthy development of the gas market .

  4. 金融垄断抑制了市场竞争,使金融机构得以实施垄断高价、不合理收费等市场滥用行为,并给金融消费者维权造成困难。

    Financial monopoly inhibits competition in the market enable financial institutions to carry out monopoly high prices , unreasonable charges and other market abuses .

  5. 收费公路属于自然垄断行业,具有垄断性和准公共性。收费公路企业有制定垄断高价的可能,为了不损害公路使用者的利益,政府有必要对收费公路通行费价格进行管制。

    Toll road is a natural monopoly industry with Economies scale and quasi-public nature and the toll road enterprises have the chance to make high price to road users .