
  • 网络Trash Talk;trash talking
  1. 换句话说,我们不是说垃圾话的博客,虽然人们总是会去读那些文章。

    In other words , we are not trash talking bloggers , but people that put their head on the block with such articles .

  2. 两个人开始嘴角不干净,靠近对方,不一会儿,就开始互相头顶着投,飚垃圾话。

    The two began jawing at one another and inching closer . Soon , they were forehead to forehead , talking trash .

  3. 格里芬在送给休斯顿火箭队29分以及说出大量的垃圾话、给球队造成巨大损失之前就应该被驱逐出场。

    Griffin would be ejected , but not before giving the Houston Rockets 29 points , plenty of trash talk and a loss .

  4. 杜兰特本人在比赛中还和威斯布鲁克喷起了垃圾话。勇士笑到了最后,他们在客场完胜雷霆。勇士球员甚至还穿上了“纸杯蛋糕”T恤参加赛后采访。

    While Durant 's new team had the last laugh , stomping all over the Thunder and then co-opting the t-shirts for their post-game interviews ,

  5. 这些天,谁跟他说垃圾话,他就会对他们说,在家里好好看火箭打季后赛。

    Anytime someone talks trash to him these days , he tells them to enjoy watching the Rockets in the playoffs while they sit at home .

  6. 至少他不会象库里那样的童子鸡,知道在下赛季之前不会再遇到姚明了,就说一堆垃圾话。

    At least he wasn 't a baby chicken like Eddie Curry by saying a lot of garbage after he knows he won 't see Yao until next season .

  7. 每次只要裁判把球判给曼联,一个球迷就会阴沉着脸转过来看我和帕蒂并且大倒垃圾话。

    Every time even a slightly contentious decision went United 's way , one fan with an alarmingly intense stare would turn round to face me and Paddy and gave us a bit of an earful .

  8. 被问到这一问题时,罗斯承认当球队处在一个绝对优势时,他也渴望喷垃圾话,他甚至承认和妈妈玩棋盘游戏时有说过垃圾话。

    When asked about this issue , Rose admits when the team was in an absolute advantage , he is also eager to spray garbage , he even admitted he said trash when playing board games with his mother .

  9. 在小牛输给勇士那场比赛的第三节,当丹尼斯·史密斯试图隔扣最佳防守球员——德雷蒙德·格林时,格林以并不受联盟欢迎的垃圾话以及凶狠的犯规回应了他。

    In the third quarter of the Mavericks ' loss to the Warriors , Draymond Green followed up a highlight-halting hard foul with a little welcome-to-the-NBA trash talk when Smith attempted to dunk on the reigning Defensive Player of the Year .

  10. 勒布朗詹姆斯在谈到乔尔恩比德在场上的垃圾话和滑稽表演令人烦躁时表示:“谁在乎?谁在乎?你打算怎么做呢?你要跟他对抗吗?谁在乎呢?人们太敏感了”。

    LeBron James on Joel Embiid 's trash talk and on-court antics rubbing some people the wrong way : " Who cares ? Who cares ? What are you going to do about it ? You 're going to fight him ? Who cares ? People are so sensitive . "

  11. 在过道里看到垃圾的话请捡起来。

    If you see litter in the corridor , pick it up

  12. 我老婆再让我去扔垃圾的话。

    When my wife asks me to take out the garbage .

  13. 如果我们不扔掉太多垃圾的话,保持环境清洁就比较容易办到了。

    It will be easier to keep the environment clean if we don 't throw away so much rubbish .

  14. 更重要的是,顾客如果得知,运送他们食物的货车就在几小时前装过垃圾的话,肯定会不舒服的。

    More importantly , we don 't believe our customers would feel comfortable knowing that the fresh food they were eating had been delivered in a lorry that a few hours earlier had been carrying waste food products .