
  1. 坟上有些花。

    There were flowers on the grave .

  2. 他在他哥哥的坟上哭泣。

    He weeps over the grave of his brother .

  3. 她把花放在坟上。

    She laid flowers on the grave .

  4. Summerof85《85年盛夏》弗朗索瓦·欧容是一位作品类型多样又多产的法国编剧兼导演,他的新片改编自艾登·钱伯斯的开拓性同性恋成长小说《在我坟上起舞》,这部电影回到了欧容的起点,或许也是对他自己青春期的回顾。

    Fran ç ois Ozon , the prolific14 , genre-hopping French writer-director , gets back to his roots – and , perhaps , his own adolescence15 – with an adaptation of Aidan Chambers16 ' ground-breaking gay coming-of-age novel , Dance On My Grave .

  5. 它一直生长在先王的坟上。

    Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers .

  6. 明天我得在我母亲的坟上放上鲜花。

    I need to put flowers on my mother 's grave tomorrow .

  7. 访客随意在坟上采花是不被允许的,除非是在自己的坟上。

    Visitors are prohibited from picking flowers from any but their own graves .

  8. 啊,是你在我坟上动土?

    Ah , Are You Digging on My Grave ?

  9. 我看出来有一只泽地羊在啮着坟上的矮草。

    I distinguished a moor sheep cropping the short turf on the graves .

  10. 你就要往你的的坟上送白菊花了。

    You 'll be raising daisies on your grave .

  11. 站在或躺在坟上好长一段时间。

    " And stood or lain " on the grave for a long time .

  12. 我不冷但却打了个冷颤&有人一定在我坟上走过。

    I shivered but I 'm not cold-somebody must have walked over my grave .

  13. 坟上摆了许多鲜花。

    Flowers had been put on the grave .

  14. 每周她都去墓地,并把鲜花放在他的坟上。

    Every week she went to the cemetery and put fresh flowers on his grave .

  15. 坟上新植的草皮。

    Sods newly placed on a grave .

  16. 而且得常常在你坟上放鲜花。

    And we see to it that there 's always fresh flowers on your grave .

  17. 墓穴,坟墓明天我得在我母亲的坟上放上鲜花。

    grave ( n. ) I need to put flowers on my mother 's grave tomorrow .

  18. 而她必将带到坟墓中去的那个耻辱,将是矗立在她坟上的唯一墓碑。

    And over her grave , the infamy that she must carry thither would be her only monument .

  19. 雅各在她的坟上立了一统碑,就是拉结的墓碑,到今日还在。

    And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave : that is the pillar of Rachel 's grave unto this day .

  20. 这僧人懂些巫术,为人凶恶,死后葬在鲁昂附近波什维尔地方的圣乔治修道院,他坟上竟生了些癞虾蟆。

    This Tryphon is buried at the Abbey of Saint-Georges de Bocherville , near Rouen , and toads spawn on his grave .

  21. 在坟上,我要弄个类似泡泡糖自动贩卖机的东西来分发我的骨灰。

    And at that site , I would like to have my ashes in a dispenser of some kind , like a bubblegum machine .

  22. 猎犬在追逐着;整群的雁儿在远古的土坟上飞过,发出凄凉的叫声;荆棘丛在古墓碑上纠做一团。

    The dogs came leaping along , and whole flocks of wild-fowl flew over the cairn , where blackberry-bushes were hanging round the old stones .

  23. 外面大雪纷飞,我的思潮不断地转到墓园和那新修的坟上,那时上楼去好像很凄惨!

    It seemed so dismal to go upstairs , with the wild snow blowing outside , and my thoughts continually reverting to the kirkyard and the new-made grave !

  24. 第二天,在床单上干成片片的泥土是黑的,更像在小屋附近的泥土而不像她第一个坟上的红土。

    The mud drying in the sheets the next morning was black , more like the soil near the cabin than the red clay of her first grave .

  25. 而就在可怜的丁梅斯代尔先生虑及他的坟墓的时候,或许一直在扪心自问:既然墓中葬着一个可诅咒的东西,那坟上还会不会长出青草!

    Dimmesdale was thinking of his grave , he questioned with himself whether the grass would ever grow on it , because an accursed thing must there be buried !

  26. 他回去时,新墓碑已经安放到位,他在教堂墓地连续干了几个小时,把那些花苗栽到她坟上松软的土里。

    The new gravestone was already in place , and he worked solidly for several hours in the churchyard , putting the plants carefully into the soft earth of her grave .

  27. 如今她丈夫也葬在同一个地点,他们坟上各竖立一块简单的石碑,它们的脚下也各有一块平平的灰石,作为坟墓的标志。

    Her husband lies in the same spot now ; and they have each a simple headstone above , and a plain grey block at their feet , to mark the graves .

  28. 但是上帝的太阳照在基督徒的墓地上,也照在墙外犹太女子的坟上。基督教徒墓地里的赞美歌声,也在她的坟墓上空盘旋。

    And God 's sun , which shines upon the graves of the churchyard of the Christians , also throws its beams on the grave of the Jewish maiden beyond the wall .

  29. 那座坟上没有墓碑,除去长着这种丑陋的野草也没有其它东西纪念死者。

    I found them growing on a grave , which bore no tombstone , nor other memorial of the dead man , save these ugly weeds , that have taken upon themselves to keep him in remembrance .

  30. “Skuppy”写了个相似的故事:“我的女儿在半夜一直哭喊尖叫。我去她坟上要她停下,但没用。”

    Skuppy shared a similar story , writing : ' My daughter won 't stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night . I visit her grave and ask her to stop , but it doesn 't help . '