首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 那天晚上,我独自坐在房内,故意不开灯。

    That evening I sat in the room alone for choice without light .

  2. 安静地坐在房边。

    She sits beside a house .

  3. 波克听她的声音急了,便赶忙走出去,留下思嘉单独跟杰拉尔德坐在房里。

    Pork scurried from the room as her voice roughened and Scarlett was left alone with Gerald .

  4. 使我最惊奇的是看见村民们坐在房后的长凳上。

    What surprised me most was to see some of the village people seated on the bench at the end of the room .

  5. 而我只是坐在我房里越来越恨他。

    While I just sat in my room hating him more .

  6. 第二种形象:她坐在电视房里的沙发上。

    The second image : She 's on the couch in our TV room .

  7. 你可以坐在桑拿房里蒸掉5磅,但这并不是说你减掉了5磅脂肪。实际上,你多喝点水就能恢复原来的体重。

    You can even sit in a sauna and sweat off five pounds , but that doesn 't mean that you 've lost five pounds of body fat .

  8. 我比平时下楼迟些,靠着百叶窗缝中透进来的阳光,看见凯瑟琳小姐还坐在壁炉房。

    Coming down somewhat later than usual , I saw , by the sunbeams piercing the chinks of the shutters , Miss Catherine still seated near the fireplace .

  9. 屠维岳坐在自己的房里,低着头;

    Tu Wei-yueh was sitting in his office with bent head .

  10. 独自坐在你的房里有什么意思?

    What good is sitting alone in your room ?

  11. 独自一人坐在一间房里。

    Sits in a room alone .

  12. 查克要他弟弟坐下来开始教他怎么摆脱警察他们会肩并肩坐在他们房后的走廊望着公共小巷的深处查克会叫提姆怎样辩认出伪装的警车怎样和深夜巡逻的警察交涉,还有哪里能躲避

    Chuck sat his little brother down and began teaching him how to run from the police . They would sit side by side on their back porch looking out into the shared alleyway and Chuck would coach Tim how to spot undercover cars , how to negotiate a late-night police raid , how and where to hide .