
  • 网络Uniform flow;uniform stream
  1. 发展了一种模态匹配方法进行有均匀流条件下敷设声衬的二维矩形流管中声传播的计算,计算结果与NASA流管实验结果和CAA计算结果符合得很好。

    A mode-match method was developed for calculating the sound propagation in two-dimensional lined rectangular flow duct with uniform flow , the prediction results agree well with the data from NASA flow duct facility and CAA calculation .

  2. 依据均匀流假设,采用理论分析与试验研究相结合的方法,借助床面相对剪切应力的推求,得到了沟道植树前后,推移质相对输沙车与植物因子FV之间的关系。

    According to assumption of uniform flow , by using theoretical analyses and experimental research and based on the solving method of dimensionless shear stress , authors obtain the relationship between relative bed load transport rate and plant factor before and after planting vegetation in open channels .

  3. 2通过水槽试验资料分析,论述比较了恒定均匀流摩阻流速u的各种研究方法,其取值将直接影响卡门常数κ、积分常数a或b、尾流系数∏及悬浮指数z等参数。

    Various methods to determine the friction velocity u in steady uniform flows are analyzed and then compared based on experimental data .

  4. 若定义均匀流垂线流速分布为A型,则非恒定流或恒定非均匀流垂线流速分布一般为B型和C型。

    If vertical velocity distribution of uniform flow is defined as Type A , vertical velocity distribution of the unsteady flow or steady non uniform flow is generally Type B and Type C.

  5. 应用布辛涅斯克(Boussinesq)假定,最后获得二度恒定非均匀流垂线流速分布公式。

    Based on the Boussinesq supposition , the formula of vertical velocity distribution for two-dimensional steady ununiform flow is established .

  6. 采用计算流体软件CFX-5中Large-eddysimulation(LES)模型计算了二维不可压缩均匀流中孤立圆柱及串列双圆柱的水动力特性。

    The hydrodynamic characteristics of two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement in a two-dimensional incompressible uniform cross flow were calculated using the large-eddy simulation ( LES ) method .

  7. 在一定假设下,利用均匀流上Stokes波仍为Stokes波和波流作用前后质量、动量、能量守恒及色散关系,求出水流中波要素的变化和波流场势函数。

    Under certain hypotheses , Stokes waves on uniform current are still Stokes waves with variant parameters . The effects of current on wave parameters are obtained by the conservation of mass , momentum , energy and dispersion relation . So the velocity potential of wave-current field can be determined .

  8. 一维非均匀流对流方程高阶数值解法平面二维对流输移问题新解

    High-order Method to Solve the Advection Equation in One-dimensional Non-uniform Flow

  9. 均匀流中横向振荡圆柱绕流场的数值分析

    Numerical simulation of circular cylinder oscillating transversely in a uniform stream

  10. 板坯结晶器内钢液非均匀流的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Uneven Flow in Slab Continunous Casting Mold

  11. 均匀流中潜艇水下运动表面尾迹的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of surface wake for submarine moving in homogeneous fluid

  12. 航空发动机轴承腔润滑的气液两相均匀流研究

    Homogeneous Flow of Two-phase Gas / Liquid Flow in Aero-engine Bearing Chamber

  13. 无压均匀流圆管水力计算新图解

    New Nomogram for Hydraulic Computation of Unpressurized Uniform Flow in Circular pipe

  14. 浅滩上不均匀流结构的研究

    Structures of Non - uniform Flow on Crossing Bars

  15. 均匀流条件下月池水动力特性研究

    Hydrodynamic Performance Research on Moonpool under Uniform Flow Condition

  16. 在非均匀流中线性水波的缓慢调制

    Slow Modulation of Linear Water Waves in Non-uniform Flow

  17. 不均匀流中船舶操纵运动仿真模型及应用

    Simulation model of ship maneuvering motion in uneven current and it 's application

  18. 二维均匀流作用的线性表面张力-重力短峰波解析解

    An analytical solution for two-dimensional uniform currents on linear surface capillary-gravity short-crested waves

  19. 梯形断面明槽中恒定均匀流的流速分布

    Velocity Distribution of Steady Uniform Flow in Open Channel with Trapezoid Cross section

  20. 回灌渗滤液的非均匀流在渗流前期占主导地位,但低频率、大水量、低速回灌以及较高的垃圾压实密度、较大的垃圾厚度使渗滤液运移相对均衡。

    Non - uniform flow prevails over the earlier stage seepage of recirculated leachate .

  21. 它们是流经刚性表面的稳态非均匀流产生的声音;

    They are the sound generated by steady but inhomogeneous flow past rigid surfaces ;

  22. 明渠二元均匀流时均能耗散率的分析

    Analysis of Energy Dissipation Rate of 2 & D Uniform Flow Within Open Channel

  23. 定常均匀流中颗粒均匀分布的稳定性

    Stability of particle distributions in steady uniform flows

  24. 实验在低湍流度的均匀流中进行,模型表面光滑。

    The experiments were carried out in low turbulent smooth flow . turbulent model .

  25. 非均匀流等溢流角设计高超侧压进气道

    Hypersonic sidewall compression inlet with constant spillage angle design at non uniform incoming flow

  26. 网河恒定非均匀流的稀疏矩阵解法

    A Numerical Sparse Matrix Method for Steady Nonuniform Flow in a Net of water

  27. 均匀流管自由振动的能量分布特征

    Characteristics of Free Vibration Energy Distribution in a Pipe Filled with Uniformly Flowing Fluid

  28. 利用小波多分辨分析寻求汽液两相均匀流模型的近似解

    Finding the Approximate Solution of Steam-Liquid Two-Phase Homogeneous Model Based on Multi-Resolution Analysis of Wavelet

  29. 二度非均匀流流速分布初探

    2-D velocity distribution of ununiform flow

  30. 四边形锥柱在均匀流中流体载荷的实验与数值计算研究

    Experiment and Numerical Research of Hydrodynamic Force Acting on a Cone-Shaped Rectangular Cylinder in the Even Flow