
chǎng lùn
  • field theory
场论[chǎng lùn]
  1. EMC效应与光锥量子场论

    The EMC Effect and the light-cone quantum field theory

  2. 本文用u(?)×u(1)场论描述高温氧化物超导体。

    This paper describes high-temperature superconductors by means of u ( 1 )× u ( 1 ) field theory .

  3. 场论说对二端口网络H参数和A参数的推导

    A Deduction of the Parameter H and Parameter A about Two-port Network with Field Theory

  4. 量子场论的T算符和粒子间相互作用势V之间的正确关系

    Correct Relation between the T operator in Quantum Fiels and the Interaction Potential V

  5. 格点规范场论MonteCarlo模拟中一种节省时间的取样方法

    A fast sampling method for Monte Carlo simulations of lattice gauge field theories

  6. O(n)对称的φ~4场论模型在三维无限长柱状系统中的精确解

    Exact Solutions to O ( n ) - symmetrical φ ~ 4 Field Model of a Cylindrical System in 3 Dimensions

  7. (Ω,A_(ab))场论中测地线的进动

    Geodesic Precession in the (Ω, A_ ( ab )) - Field Theory

  8. 各向异性弹性力学场论的Hamilton体系

    Hamilton ′ s system of elastic field theory for anisotropic body

  9. 连续体力学统一场论和Maxwell电磁场方程

    Unified Field Theory of Continuum Mechanics and Maxwell 's Equations

  10. 基于非线性几何场论求解热弹性板大挠度弯曲的BEM法

    BEM for finite deflection of heated elastic thin plates based on geometrically nonlinear fieled theory

  11. 本文讨论了共形对称性,量子共形对称理论以及相变现象。讨论了二维共形场论中最基本的自由玻色场和费米场,也介绍了玻色化、高斯泛函、SG模型及其简单应用

    An introduction is given to the conformal symmetry , quantum conformal field theory and

  12. 从有限温度场论出发,算出了SU(2)×SU(2)线性σ模型在有限温度和密度下的单圈有效势;

    The effective potential of SU ( 2 )× SU ( 2 )σ model at a finite temperature and density is calculated .

  13. 近代场论与凝聚态物理Bose-Einstein凝聚问题的理论探讨

    Modern quantum field theory and condensed matter ? The Theoretical Approach on Bose-Einstein Condensation

  14. 以夸克和胶子为自由度的非阿贝尔规范场论QCD的一个重要性质是渐近自由。

    One of the important properties of the nonabelian QCD theory is asymptotic freedom .

  15. 临界Casimir效应的场论方法研究

    Investigation of Critical Casimir Effects with Field Theoretic Method

  16. 运用分子场论对金属间化合物Nd2Fe(17)Hx(0≤x<5)的磁性分析

    MFT analysis of nd_2fe_ ( 17 ) hx ( 0 ≤ x < 5 ) intermetallic compounds

  17. 处理此领域的问题除了格点QCD外,最常用的方法是使用唯象模型,如有效场论。

    In addition to lattice simulations , the most popular method is phenomenological models , for example , effective field theories .

  18. QHD理论是研究强子自由度的相对论性的量子场论。

    QHD is a relativistic quantum field theory of hadronic degrees of freedom .

  19. e-H碰撞微分散射截面的场论计算方法研究

    The quantum field theory method for e-H collide differential cross section

  20. 关於量子场论的非哈密顿(Non-Hamiltonian)形式

    On the Non - Hamiltonian Formalism of Quantum Field Theory

  21. 讨论QGP的非平衡效应所要用到的两个最基本的理论框架是有限温度场论和动力论。

    The fundamental theoretic methods dealing with the phenomenon of the QGP in non-equilibrium are the finite-temperature field theory and the kinetic theory .

  22. 使用量子场论中的Schrodinger波函数描述2-费密子系统。导出了时间相关Green函数及其谱表示。

    Using Schrodinger wave function in quantum field theory , the time-dependent Green func-tion and its spectral representation for 2-fermion system are derived , and the Schrodinger equa-tion as well as the normalization condition of his wave function are deduced .

  23. 利用场论和重整化群方法,我们研究了无穷大平板系统全临界区间的Casimir效应。

    Using the field theory and renormalization group theory , we have studied the Casimir effect of a infinite film system in the whole critical range .

  24. Gauss-Bonnet-Chern定理的拓扑结构和高维纽结膜的φ映射拓扑场论

    Topological Structure of Gauss-Bonnet-Chern Theorem and φ - mapping Topological Field Theory of Higher-dimensional Knot-like Branes

  25. 非平衡统计场论与临界动力学(Ⅰ)广义朗之万方程基于Langevin问题探讨广义M-J集的物理意义

    NONEQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL FIELD THEORY AND CRITICAL DYNAMICS (ⅰ) GENERALIZED LANGEVIN EQUATION Study on the physical meaning for generalized Mandelbrot-Julia sets based on the Langevin problem

  26. Sine-Gordon方程为电报方程的一种非线性形式,它和相对论性场论中的Klein-Gordon方程有很密切的联系。

    The Sine-Gordon equation is a nonlinear form associated to the telegraph equation . It originates in the name of the Klein-Gordon equation in relativistic field theories .

  27. 由于Bethe-Salpeter波函数是建立在量子场论框架之下的完全相对论性的理论,因此包含了全部相对论效应。

    The Bethe-Salpeter formalism is established in the framework of quantum field theory , therefore , it includes all relativistic effects .

  28. 一般有两种方法计算输运系数,一是通过Boltzmann方程,另一个方法是通过Kubo公式和量子场论工具。

    There are two main techniques to compute the transport coefficients . One is to employ the Boltzmann equa-tion , the other is to use the Kubo formula in field theory .

  29. 本文从对称变换保持系统的动力学方程(以及对易关系)不变出发,推导出量子场论中的连续对称变换所产生的守恒律,而不借助于拉格朗日体制的Noether定理。

    We shall show that continuous symmetery transformation in quantum field theory , which leave the equation of motion invariant , will generate conservation laws without use Noether theorem of Lagrangian formalism .

  30. 我们把质子和介子作为夸克构成的强子束缚态,用场论方法求出了SU(5)大统一规范理论(GUT)的质子两体衰变振幅。

    The proton and meson are regarded as bound state which are composed of quarks . The pionic two-body decay amplitude of the proton in the SU ( 5 ) grand unification gauge theory is computed by using field theory method [ 1 ] .