
  • 网络geological logging;mud logging
  1. FAD定量荧光检测分析仪研制及其在地质录井中的应用

    Development of Quantitative Fluorescence Analysis Detector and Its Application in Geological Logging

  2. 如何解决PDC钻头钻进的细碎岩屑录井问题,已成为地质录井界有关人士关注的焦点。

    How to solve the logging problem of the fine cuttings drilled by PDC bits has become the focus that has been paid close attention to by the geological logging persons .

  3. PDC钻头地质录井方法探讨

    The discussion of PDC bit geo-logging method

  4. 地质录井数据库网络信息管理系统

    The network information managing system for the geological logging database

  5. 测井与地质录井结合准确判断油气层

    Exactly deciding hydrocarbon reservoir through combining well logs with geological log data

  6. 复杂断块油气田水平井地质录井技术的应用

    Horizontal well geological logging technology for complex fault block oil and gas field

  7. 地质录井过程中真假油气显示的热解识别方法

    Pyrolysis Identification of Oil and Gas Shows in the Course of Geologic Logging

  8. 钻井液滤液分析方法在地质录井中的应用研究

    The application and study of the analytical method for drilling fluid filtrate in mud logging

  9. 煤层气井空气钻井条件下地质录井面临的新问题及解决方法

    New Problems and Resolvents in CBM Well Geological Logging under the Condition of Air Drilling

  10. 油为5白油,体系荧光级别在6级以下,对探井地质录井无影响;

    The fluorescence grade of the system is under 6 and this has little influence on mud logging .

  11. 地质录井油气水层识别有多种方法,如岩心岩屑肉眼观察法、录井数据图版法、线性函数判别法等。

    There are many kinds of oil-gas-water recognition methods such as the core and cuttings testing , cross charting , linear function recognition .

  12. 在勘探生产实践中,随钻地质录井经常会遇到新区新井地层划分认识的问题。

    During the exploration and production practice , geologging while drilling may often encounter the strata classification for new wells in new area .

  13. 综合录井仪是集地质录井、钻井工程和信息评价于一体的钻井监测、资料录取系统。

    Comprehensive mud logging unit is a sort of engineer monitor and data acquisition system which assembles geologic logging , drilling engineer and information evaluating .

  14. 因此,可以说这种技术的开发应用为国内常规地质录井的岩屑分析向高科技手段发展起到了借鉴的作用。

    Thus , it can be said that the developed technology provided a reference for developing cutting analysing of conventional mud logging to hightech means .

  15. 综合录井仪作为综合地质录井的主要工具,在油气勘探开发过程中具有重要的作用。

    Comprehensive logging unit is the main tool for comprehensive geological logging . It plays an important role in the exploratory development of oil and gas .

  16. 荧光显微技术作为把烃类和岩石显微结构构造直接结合观察的手段,可在许多方面解决现场地质录井的疑难问题。

    Fluorescent micro technique as a mean in directly constituting the structure of hydrocarbon and rock micro , can solve difficult problems about wellsite geological logging in many aspects .

  17. 如何确保地质录井取得完整资料,顺利解决上述问题,是录井技术人员面临的崭新课题。

    How to ensure the integrate data is obtained by geologic logging and solve the above problems smoothly , is the new topic laid ahead of mud logging technician .

  18. 该方法在新疆某油田的实际应用结果证明,用支持向量机算法进行地质录井油气水层识别具有简单可靠、适应性强和识别精度较高等一系列优点。

    The real application of this method to an oilfield in Xinjiang shows that the support vector machine arithmetic is simple , reliable , more practical and higher accurate for use .

  19. 该文提出的五参数综合解释模型,是井口地质录井综合解释油气水层的一种定量解释方法。

    The article proposes the comprehensive interpretation model with five log - ging parameters , which is a comprehensive interpretation method for oil , gas and water beds during on-wellsite geological logging .

  20. 地质录井是地热勘探过程中获得原始资料最直接的方式,地质录井成果的质量对成井质量起着至关重要的作用。

    Geological logging is the most direct way to obtain original data during the geothermal prospecting , the quality of which plays a very important role for the quality of well completion .

  21. 在地层因素相对不变的前提下,采取改变钻井参数降低转盘转速的对策,可以使岩屑颗粒直径明显变大,从而减小对地质录井的影响。

    Under stratigraphic factors ′ relative constant , taking the countermeasures of changing drilling parameter of low rotary speed , can make cuttings diameter become bigger obviously , thus reducing the effect on geo-logging .

  22. 现场应用表明,泡沫钻井液适用于地层裂缝发育、漏失严重、低压以及超低压地层钻井,能满足地质录井要求,利于及时发现、保护油气层。

    Field using indicates that foam drilling fluid is suitable for drilling the formations with fracture developing , severe leakage , low pressure and ultra-low pressure problems , and can satisfy the requirements of logging and formation protection .

  23. 从现场录井的角度详细阐述了地质录井的特点以及主要的地层鉴别特征,归纳总结出对地层层序、厚度变化的认识及对外工作体会。

    From the point of wellsite mud logging , the paper set forth mud logging characteristics and distinguishing features of major strata , summed up and concluded out understanding on stratigraphic sequence and thickness variation and external working experience .

  24. 但目前国内所建立的现场钻参数据库都偏重于地质录井服务,少有建立专门的、分析钻进过程是否稳定的钻参数据库,更没有从数据中进行数据挖掘的功能。

    But , drilling parameters databases in domestic all emphases geology log serves at present , few special can analyze drilling steady or not , say nothing of the function that the data information excavate from the gained data .

  25. 地质录井资料是识别油气层最直观、最重要的第一性资料,是储集层含油气最直接的标志,也是测井解释判别储层流体性质的重要依据之一。

    The geological log data are the most visual and important firsthand data of identifying hydrocarbon reservoirs , the most direct mark of hydrocarbon-bearing formations and the one of the important bases of identifying reservoir fluid nature by log data .

  26. 综合利用地质录井、测井和分析化验资料,对测井曲线质量进行分析,井眼环境对自然伽马和三孔隙度测井有一定影响,但影响不大,通过环境校正可以消除井眼环境的影响。

    Through the comprehensive utilization of geologic logging , well logging and analysis assay , to analyze the quality of well logging . Moreover , borehole environment certain influences natural gamma and three porosity logging , not too much . It can be eliminated by using environmental correction .

  27. 利用修井机钻调整井地质综合录井难点及应对措施

    Difficulties of comprehensive geological logging and measures to cope with them during drilling adjustment wells using service rigs