
  1. 斯卡伯勒市政会在今年早些时候委托地质专家对这些悬崖进行勘测。

    Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs .

  2. 为了证实他们是所见即所得,NASA科学家们向六位没有接触该项空间工程的地质专家讨教经验。

    And to make certain they were seeing what they thought they were seeing , the NASA scientists sought the experience of a half-dozen geological experts who had nothing to do with the space project .

  3. 层间剪切带工程地质专家系统知识模型的建立

    Construction of knowledge model of expert system for interlayer shear zone

  4. 建立矿山水文地质专家系统几个问题的探讨

    Some problems on the establishment of the mine hydrogeology expert system

  5. 许多地质专家参加了这个地区的调查。

    Many expert geologists have participated in the survey of this area .

  6. 一个实用的石油地质专家系统

    A Practical Expert System for the Evaluation of Oil Gas Resources in a Field

  7. 大坝与地基的整体稳定性问题历来都是设计和地质专家关注、重视的问题。

    Monolithic stability of dam and foundation is a problem that is great concerned by designer and geological expert .

  8. 攀西地区位于我国重要的铂族元素地球化学省(川滇地球化学省),其铂族元素成矿潜力已得到许多地质专家的公认。

    Panzhihua-Xichang area is located in the geochemical provinces or megaprovinces of PGE , its ore-forming potential has been confirmed by many geologists .

  9. 地质专家表示,危地马拉城街道上出现的天坑可能不是自然因素造成的,而是人为活动的结果。

    Human activity , not nature , was the likely cause of the gaping sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City , a geologist says .

  10. 但地质专家们警告称,这个问题的敏感性意味着这些结果可能不会发表。他们指出,2014年出炉的上一次调查结果最初被列为国家机密。

    But geology experts caution that the sensitivity of the issue means it may not be published , noting that an earlier one in 2014 was initially classed a state secret .

  11. 因为不同的地层结构将导致反射波的时间和幅度不同,所以根据这些数据可以反推出地下结构,而地质专家将根据这些结构,推测油气蕴藏的可能性与储量。

    Because different rock layout structure leads to reflections different in time and amplitude , from the digital data rock layout structure can be deduced , and geophysical experts will check out the possibility and capacitance of oil resource .

  12. 借鉴国内外地质专家分类,笔者把开发早期阶段定义为评价阶段和方案设计阶段。

    According to the category which was made by the specialist in China and abroad , I define the assess stage and scheme design stage as early stage of exploitation in which the aim of reservoir stochastic modeling is .

  13. 1963年维昂特大坝引发大洪水致使意大利北部几千人丧生。地质危险专家思考了它对中国三峡工程有何启示。

    In1963 , thousands in northern Italy lost their lives in huge flooding caused by the vajont dam . a risk expert considers what this means for china 's Three Gorges project .

  14. 地质钻机设计专家系统中钻机数据库的研究与开发

    The Database Used in the Expert Systems of Drill Design Research

  15. 中文地质资料分类专家系统设计的初步构想

    Some initial ideas for the expert system designing of Chinese geological reference classification

  16. 用于地质填图的专家系统&AMARA

    An expert system for geophysical mapping & amara

  17. 铁路地质综合勘察决策专家系统

    Expert system for decision based on railway geological comprehensive reconnaissance

  18. 圈闭地质综合评价的专家系统模型

    An expert system model of geologically integrative trap assessments

  19. 四周群山、峡谷间,隐匿丰富的地质遗迹,地质专家们承认这是一个“天然的地质博物馆”。

    Abundant geological vestige resources are hidden in mountains and canyons here , hence the name " Natural Geology Museum " by professional geologists .

  20. 中国地质大学的地质学专家程杰说:我认为这些陷坑不像是由人类活动所致。

    Cheng Jie , a geological expert from the China University of Geoscience , said : I think it is very unlikely that the sinkholes were caused by human activities .

  21. 为查明地面塌陷、房屋倒塌原因,深圳市水务局邀请在深圳的水文地质、工程地质专家进行研讨。

    In order to find out the cause of the above phenomena , Shenzhen Water Affairs Bureau invited many experts in hydrogeology and engineering geology to discuss on the relevant problems .

  22. 实现GIS与GMS的集成,可将地表信息和地下信息结合起来更加完整地表达地质现象,给地质专家提供更多的可视化信息和分析工具。

    The integration of GIS and GMS combines terrain and subterranean information to represent the overall geologic phenomena and can provide more visualization information and analysis tools to the geologists .

  23. 其因复杂的水文地质条件,被地质专家堪称为地质博物馆,尤其是隧道岩溶涌水。

    It is called " the geological museum " by the geological expert because of complicated hydrology geological condition , especially the karst water in the tunnel .

  24. 平面地质图综合了地质野外勘察工作成果与地质专家知识,揭示了地区的岩石、地层和地质构造等信息,是人们了解区域地质最易获取和最直接的数据源。

    Planar geological map is a complex of results of geological investigation outdoors and geological expert knowledge , which reveals regional information , such as rock , strata and geological structure . It is the most attainable and direct data resource for people to understand regional geology .

  25. 复杂地质界面模拟是三维地质模拟的重要组成部分,它为地质专家对地质问题的正确判断、分析提供综合的三维可视化信息,是地质工作者十分需要的。

    However , complicated geological interface is the important part of three dimensional geological modeling ( 3DGM ) and very need for geologic operators because it can provide three-dimensional visual message that can make correct judgement and analysis to geology problems for geologists .