
  • 网络Geographic direction;international trade by regions
  1. 试论经济地理学的地理方向

    Remarks on economic geography 's geographical orientation

  2. 外商直接投资对我国出口贸易总额、出口商品结构、出口贸易方式和出口贸易地理方向影响的实证分析;

    Sample analysis of influence about FDI to sum of export trade , composition of export goods and direction of export trade ;

  3. 目前,我国专用汽车行业主要存在产品技术水平落后、研究开发能力薄弱、国内市场供需不平衡和专用汽车出口地理方向过于狭窄等问题。

    At present time , the special use automotive circle in our state is facing with some problems such as lower product technology level , weaker research and developing ability , unbalanced supply and demand in domestic market , narrower geographical direction of motor vehicle export and etc.

  4. 光纤陀螺寻北仪(FOG)是一种用来测量地理真北方向的惯性器件,其主要优点在于它不依赖外界环境信息,可以全天候,快速准确地找出真北方向。

    Fiber optical gyroscope north finding device is an inertial device used to measure the geographical north direction . Its great advantage is quickly and accurately implementing all-weather finding without depending on the environment .

  5. 本文首先分析了我国大豆产业的生产与消费现状以及对外贸易地理进口方向;

    Firstly , this article analyses the actuality of production and consumption , the direction of foreign trade about the soybean industry in China ;

  6. 二位置寻北方案利用光纤陀螺对相差180°的两个方向上的地球自转角速率水平分量的敏感,精确地解算出地理真北方向与陀螺轴向的夹角。

    By making use of the horizontal components of the earth rotation rate sensed by FOG at two directions with a phase difference of 180o , the intersecting angle between the geographic north and the reference axis of the FOG can be calculated accurately .

  7. 另一方面,传统测绘行业正处于向地理信息产业方向转型的重要阶段,未来广阔的市场空间也为城市勘测单位带来难得的发展机遇。

    On the other hand , traditional surveying and mapping industry is at an important stage of transition to the direction of the geographic information industry . The broad market brings the opportunity for the development of surveying and mapping institutions .

  8. 澳门是一个陆地面积较小的城市,至今我们还未有一个完善而长远的地理科发展方向给初中学生,至使我们的学生对澳门的认识还有很大的进步空间。

    Macao is a small city and so far we do not have comprehensive plan and direction for junior school students , therefore in the aspect of increasing our students ' knowledge to Macao , we still have big progress to make and a long way to go .

  9. 从学科发展特点看建设我国地理科学体系的方向与对策

    Analysis of the Features of the Geography-System in China and Prospective view of Its Establishment

  10. 为此,深入探讨21世纪地理教育发展的方向和模式,是目前地理教育的首要任务。

    Therefore , to probe into the orientation and mode is the primary task in the present period of geography education .

  11. 根据这种反馈信息,国家有关教育部门可以制定出合适的教育政策,教师和学生可作出相应的教学对策或学习对策,促使地理教学按正确方向有序地达到既定的教学目的。

    These information are the base of establishment of national educational policy , and also are the necessary condition by which teachers can make their own teaching strategies and students can design their own learning methods so that geography teaching can arrive to it 's goal by right direction .

  12. 结合区域特点的比较分子系统地理研究,在更广泛的地域和更多类群中开展研究是我国鸟类分子系统地理研究的方向。

    Compared with these two regions , avian phylogeography in China is newly started and more comparative phylogeographic studies are required for different geographical regions and species .