
  • 网络Diwang;land king
  1. 但是在社会公众方面却对诸如重大矿难、苏丹红、毒奶粉、地王、假疫苗等企业社会责任缺失问题深恶痛绝,甚至产生对社会的不满情绪。

    The public detests the absence of the social responsibility such as mine accidents , Sudan accident , poisonous milk powder , land king , and fake vaccine , and it even arise social dissatisfaction .

  2. 下一个“地王”是谁?

    Who is the next LAND KING ?

  3. 据CRIC数据显示从2008年开始,万科集团已经买了13块黄金土地,成为中国二号地王,仅次于有国家支撑的保利地产集团。

    China Vanke has won 13 pieces of premium land in the country since 2008 , making it the No 2 land king after state-backed Poly Real Estate Group , according to CRIC .

  4. 地王干红中国第一瓶

    Di Wang Dry Red Wine-the First Bottle in China

  5. 焦点透视:深圳地王拍卖港商何以按兵不动?

    Focus Lens : Shenzhen to Hong Kong businessmen can bide one 's time Wang auction ?

  6. 中心区高层建筑与城市空间有机结合的设计初探&柳州中侨地王大厦建筑设计实践

    Discussion on Design of High-rise Building in City Center Integrated with Urban Space & Zhongqiaodiwng Building Project in Liuzhou

  7. 许多曾经的地王,宁愿放弃定金,也不愿继续开发项目,甚至出现了许多断供的现象。

    Many former " prime sites " give up the deposit , rather than continue to develop projects , so a lot of supply shortage .

  8. 中国私企房地产开发商万科,中国最大的上市房地产开发商,在星期三称其经营策略就是不要成为地王。

    Privately-owned China Vanke , the country 's largest listed developer , said on Thursday that one of its operating strategies was to not be a land king .

  9. 最近两年京城地王频现,房价也随之水涨船高,尤其集体土地上房屋拆迁量也越来越大。

    Beijing the last two years " prime sites " frequency is , prices have subsequently gone up , in particular , the amount of house demolition on collective land is also growing .

  10. 住房难已成为当前我国最突出的民生问题,与此相对应的,却是地王频现、房价高涨、经济增长日益依赖房地产业等现象。

    The housing problem has become the most serious livelihood issue . Correspondingly , however , land prices and housing prices keeps on rising , even economic growth is increasingly dependent on real estate .

  11. 拉4:16我们谨奏王知、这城若再建造、城墙完毕、河西之地王就无分了。

    We certify the king that , if this city be builded again , and the walls thereof set up , by this means thou shalt have no portion on this side the river .

  12. 据称接近20%在房地产繁荣期间卖给地王的土地都还未建设,而由于他们付款后到来的经济危机,3%的交易被房地产开发商没收。

    Nearly 20 percent of property sold to land kings during that period remains unbuilt , while three percent of the deals were forfeited by developers due to financing issues after they paid deposits , it said .

  13. 但国企高管天价工资、央企地王拉升房价等新闻不断刺痛公民的眼睛,国有企业的监管也引起社会的广泛聚焦。

    The news that the senior management of state-owned enterprises own too high wages and central enterprises push up house prices make every citizen grieved . The supervision and regulation of state-owned enterprises lead to the wide attention of the society .

  14. 第四,2009年地王频现的背后,暴露出我国分税制下土地财政制度的弊端,这是解决当前土地问题的根本。

    Fourth , behind the high frequency of the King of land in 2009 , the abuses of the financial system of land under our tax sharing system have been exposed . This is the root of resolving the current land problems .

  15. 终有一天,基督便要作全地的王。

    One day Christ will be seen as king over all the earth .

  16. 诗47:7因为神是全地的王.你们要用悟性歌颂。

    For God is the King of all the earth ; Sing praises with a skillful psalm .

  17. 当我们祈求「愿你的国降临」,那就表示我们察觉到基督还未在全地作王。

    In praying this prayer we recognise that Christ is not yet king over all the earth .

  18. 相反地,王和他的妻子儿子野餐之前在郊区的一个水库钓鱼。

    Instead , Wang , his wife and son went fishing at a reservoir in the suburbs before having a picnic .

  19. 你的子孙要接续你的列祖。你要立他们在全地作王。

    Your children will take the place of your fathers ; so that you may make them rulers over all the earth .

  20. 耶和华必作全地的王,那日耶和华必为独一无二的。他的名也是独一无二的。

    And the Lord will be king over all the earth : in that day there will be one Lord and his name one .

  21. 以色列人未有君王治理以先,在以东地作王的记在下面。

    And these are the kings that reigned in the land of edom , before there reigned any king over the children of israel .

  22. 你会不会告诉他们,我们是切望基督快些再来,到那日主便在全地作王?

    Would you say that we are telling God that we are longing for the time when Christ shall rule over all the world ?

  23. 圣经毫不讳言耶稣基督最终将会作全地的王。而且,全宇宙都要伏在祂的脚下。

    The Word of God leaves no doubt that ultimately Jesus Christ will not only be king over the earth , but over the whole universe .

  24. 约西亚的儿子西底家代替约雅敬的儿子哥尼雅为王,是巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒立在犹大地作王的。

    And king Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah the son of Jehoiakim , whom Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon made king in the land of Judah .

  25. 2000/2001&2002/2003南极夏季期间,对中国南极长城站所在地乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛及邻近区海鸟群落组成与种群分布特征进行了观测研究。

    During the period of 2000 / 2001 & 2002 / 2003 Antarctic summer , fauna of the birds and their distribution were investigated on Fildes Peninsula , King George Island , Antarctica .

  26. 以色列人未有君王治理之先,在以东地作王的记在下面,有比珥的儿子比拉,他的京城名叫亭哈巴。

    Now these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the children of Israel ; Bela the son of Beor : and the name of his city was Dinhabah .

  27. 那时,我们夺了他所有的城,共有六十座,没有一座城不被我们所夺。这为亚珥歌伯的全境,就是巴珊地噩王的国。

    And we took all his cities at that time , there was not a city which we took not from them , threescore cities , all the region of Argob , the kingdom of Og in Bashan .

  28. 于是约押去见王,将这话奏告王,王便叫押沙龙来。押沙龙来见王,在王面前俯伏于地,王就与押沙龙亲嘴。

    So Joab came to the king , and told him : and when he had called for Absalom , he came to the king , and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king : and the king kissed Absalom .

  29. 是非常著名的布根地顶级酒王之一。

    This is one of the top wines in Burgundy .

  30. 一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉

    A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown