
dì qiàn
  • graben;rift valley
地堑 [dì qiàn]
  • [graben] 至少两个断层之间的地壳下降部分,一般长度宽度大得多

  1. 汾渭地堑南段平均P轴直立,显示张性构造运动。

    The vertical mean P axis in the southern part of Fen-Wei Graben indicates tensional tectonic movement there .

  2. 铁法盆地属于晚中生代的NNE向半地堑煤盆地,北西西系是其主要的成盆期构造。

    Tiefa basin is a late Mesozoic NNE-trending half graben coal-bearing basin , and the NWW structural system is the most important synbasinal structure .

  3. 阜新盆地属于晚中生代NNE向地堑式煤盆地。

    The Fuxin basin is a late Mesozoic NNE-trending graben coal-bearing basin .

  4. 进入新生代后,形成了一个受NNE、NE向断层控制的半地堑式复合盆地,叠置于中生代盆地之上。

    And it was a half-graben composite basin controlled by NNE and NE faults and superposed on the Mesozoic basin .

  5. 中白垩世孙宗湾组的沉陷进一步向东侧移,形成了以F1断层为盆缘断层的半地堑;

    The subsidence of Sunjiawan episode in Middle Cretaceous are further transferred eastward , and the half-graben defined by the fault F1 was formed .

  6. 北海维京地堑Beryl湾中、晚侏罗世高分辨率沉降分析及其意义

    Middle-Late Jurassic high-resolution Subsidence Analysis and its implication of the beryl embayment , Viking graben , North Sea

  7. 后者受控于NW-SE向的拉伸应力场,形成了由NE向的断裂系统控制的半地堑式断陷盆地。

    While the latter was controlled by NW-SE trending extensional tectonic stress field , forming half graben bounded by NE trending fault system .

  8. 地堑的走向一般为N60°E左右,相对于冲绳海槽的走向更偏向于东西方向,偏角在15°左右。各段中央地堑是被NW向断裂错开的。

    The striking direction of central graben is N60 ° E roughly , that is 15 ° more to the east comparing to the striking of the Okinawa Trough .

  9. 那是在2000年3月份,我和我的朋友保罗(Paul)正在位于巴拿马-哥伦比亚边界的达连地堑(DariénGap)寻找稀有植物物种。两位哥伦比亚导游刚刚带我们进入一片林间空地。

    It was March 2000 and I was with my friend Paul in the Dari é n Gap on the Panamanian-Colombian border looking for rare plant species . We had just entered a clearing with our two Colombian guides .

  10. 超层序Ⅲ由F(T5-Tg)层序组构成,为盆地初始发育阶段扭张构造应力产生的地堑内形成的层序,分布局限,其体系域展布特征不明。

    Supersequence ⅲ consists of sequence member F ( T_5-T_g ) distributed in grabens or half-grabens and formed by transtensional stress during the initial stage of the basin developing . Its spread area is smaller and its tract patterns are riot clear .

  11. 东部地区速度变化以低速异常为主:①整个华北和东北地区,都呈现Pn低速异常,特别是华北盆地区、渤海湾和山西地堑低速异常非常明显,最小低于7.8km/s;

    The whole North-China and most northeastern China have low velocities , especially in North-China basin , Bohai bay and Shanxi rift valley , the velocities are abnormally low . The lowest velocity reaches 7.8km/s .

  12. 延涿地堑构造及其块体稳定性简析

    A preliminary analysis on graben tectonics and block stability in yanqing-zhuolu

  13. 渭河地堑盆地新构造运动及其基本特征

    The neotectonic movement and its basic characteristics in the Weihe graben basin

  14. 汾渭地堑与贝加尔裂谷系的比较构造分析

    Comparative tectonic analysis of FEN-WEI graben and Baikal rift system

  15. 隆起周缘具半地堑结构的凹陷是良好的油气聚集带之一。

    The half-graben around the dome was better place for oil-gas migration .

  16. 大多数地堑和半地堑是由深度近水平的拆离正断层控制的。

    Extensional basin includes mainly graben and half-graben controlled by low detachment .

  17. 山西地堑系现今构造应力场特征

    Characteristics of present tectonic stress field of Shanxi Graben System

  18. 银川地堑地震背景与近期地震活动趋势初步分析

    Preliminary analysis on seismological background and recent seismicity trend of Yinchuan graben

  19. 佳-伊地堑方正断陷的断裂控盆效应

    Fault control effect at Fangzheng fault depression in Jia-yi graben

  20. 山西地堑系的现代构造活动特征

    The characteristic of recent tectonic activity in Shanxi Graben System

  21. 伊通地堑边界断裂的性质与演化

    The property and evolution of boundary faults of Yitong graben

  22. 伊通地堑层序构成及层序地层格架样式

    Constitution of sequence and pattern of sequence stratigraphic framework in Yitong graben

  23. 地堑成为铀矿沉积的有利部位。

    A graben creates a favourable setting for uranium deposition .

  24. 半地堑反转构造的砂箱实验模拟

    Sandbox experimental modeling on the inversion tectonics of half-graben

  25. 河南汤阴地堑的地震地质特征与地震危险性

    Seismotectonic characteristics of Tangyin graben , Henan province , and its earthquake risk

  26. 地堑系断陷盆边缘海的成因与地壳伸展运动

    Origin of graben system , down-faulted basin and marginal basin and crustal extension

  27. 南海是由岩石圈断裂所围限的陆缘地堑断块。

    South China Sea is a marginal graben block bounded by crustal faults .

  28. 扇三角洲序列样式及其控制因素&以伊通地堑为例

    Patterns of fan delta sequence and their controlled parameters

  29. 中国东部山西地堑系的形成机制及构造地貌、地震探讨

    The Morphotectonics , Seismicity and Origin of Shanxi Graben System , East China

  30. 地堑形成的力学机制

    On the mechanical mechanism of the formation of graben