
  • 网络continental collision
  1. P-T轨迹样式表明,赣中变质岩带的变质作用可以分两大期:第一期发生在大陆碰撞带环境中,变质作用的温度压力演化受均匀地壳增厚及隆起侵蚀过程控制;

    The first metamorphic event takes place in the tectonic environment of the continental collision zone . The geological factors that control the pressure and temperature conditions are the processes of uniform crustal thickening and uplift .

  2. 本文应用P-T-t轨迹理论重新认识这些问题,认为引起辽河群变质作用的根本原因是大陆碰撞造山带使辽河群俯冲到地下深处;

    This paper applies the theory of P-T-t trace in these problems . It is concluded that the basic reason for the metamorphism of Liaohe group was the subduction of the group caused by continental collision and orogeny .

  3. 印支期主要呈NW-SE向和NNE-SSW向、SN向,主要受中特提斯构造动力体系中羌塘地块与欧亚大陆碰撞拼贴产生的远程构造效应影响;

    During the Indosinian movement , the directions of the major tectonic stress fields are along NW-SE , NNE-SSW and SN , which were basically resulted from the collision between the Qiangtang block , a part of the Tethyan dynamic system , and the Eurasian plate .

  4. 中国西北大陆碰撞带的深部特征及其动力学意义

    Deep features of continental collision belts in northwestern China and their dynamic implications

  5. 以上电性特征为研究印度板块和欧亚大陆碰撞机制提供了地球物理依据。

    These important electrical characters provide important geophysical evidence for studying the mechanism of India-Eurasia collision .

  6. 秦岭大陆碰撞金成矿机制与金矿带时空定位

    Continent Collision Mechanism of Gold Mineralization and Temporal and Spatial Orientation of Gold Mineralized Zone , Qinling

  7. 构造环境上,个旧花岗岩形成于大陆碰撞环境,为碰撞晚期或后碰撞构造环境;

    Granites of Gejiu formed from continental collision environment , concretely from late-collision or post-collision geological environment ;

  8. 构造事件的沉积响应&建立青藏高原大陆碰撞、隆升过程时空坐标的设想和方法

    Sedimentary response to tectonic events : Reconstructed spatio-temporal scale of the Indo-Asian continental collision and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau uplift

  9. 中国大陆碰撞带是以结构复杂、形成过程复杂和物质成分趋于混杂为主要特征的。

    The collision zones in China Continent are mainly characterized by complex structures , complex forming processes and mixed materials .

  10. 大陆碰撞造山带中超高压榴辉岩从变形程度上通常可以分为面理化榴辉岩和块状榴辉岩两类。

    According to the deformational degree , ultrahigh-pressure eclogites in continental collision orogens can be divided into foliated eclogites and massive eclogites .

  11. 用三维有限单元模型模拟了印度&亚洲大陆碰撞在板内的力学效应。

    A three dimensional elastoplastic model was established to explore the mechanical aspects of the India-Asia continental collision by finite element modeling .

  12. 秦岭造山带是一个多旋回复合大陆碰撞造山带,是我国重要的多金属成矿带之一。

    Qinling is an intracontinental polycyclic complex collision orogen , and also is one of the most important polymetallic ore forming belts .

  13. 结合锆石定年结果及岩体产出的区域地质背景,我们认为临沧花岗岩形成于缅泰马陆块与思茅地块大陆碰撞造山过程的后碰撞阶段,应形成于晚三叠世。

    Therefore we consider that Lincang granite was formed in post-collisional stage between the Burma-Thai-Malaysia and Simao block in the late Triassic .

  14. 碰撞阶段(E32&Q),从始新世晚期起,印度陆块与亚洲大陆碰撞。

    And ( 4 ) Collision stage ( E 32-Q ) . The India Massif was collided with Asia continent in the Eocene .

  15. 金矿带及其控矿构造带的形成和迁移原因在于大陆碰撞。

    The formation and the movement of the gold mineralized zone and the ore control tectonic zone is the result of the continent collision .

  16. 大陆碰撞造山带复合叠加型岩石圈热结构&以云南三江地区为例

    A compound and superimposed thermal structure of the lithosphere in the continental collision orogens & a case study of the Sanjiang region of Yunnan

  17. 我们进入了大陆碰撞的新阶段,这最终会在未来形成新的盘古超大陆。

    We are entering a new phase of continental collision that will ultimately result in the formation of a new Pangea supercontinent in the future .

  18. 它原是晚古生代冈瓦纳与西伯利亚大陆碰撞后形成的一个复杂褶皱区。

    It was exactly a complex folded region that had been formed as a result of the collision of Gondwana and Siberia Continent in Late Paleozoic .

  19. 文中重点介绍了乌拉尔-阿曼巨型线性构造带和阿尔卑斯大陆碰撞带的影像特征和地质意义。

    In this paper , we put emphasis on the introduction of the image characteristics and geological significance of Urals-Oman giant lineament and Alps continental collision .

  20. 与弧背前陆盆地和周缘前陆盆地相并列,并对应于板块构造演化历程中的大洋消减、大陆碰撞和陆内缩短三个不同性质的聚敛阶段。

    Therefore they are corresponding to the three different featured convergent stages of ocean subduction , continental collision and intra-continent contraction in the structural evolution of plates .

  21. 大别山造山带作为三叠纪华北与扬子大陆碰撞成因并形成超高压变质岩石已经没有异议。

    It was widely accepted that the Dabie orogen underwent an ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism as a result of the Triassic collision between the North China and Yangtze continents .

  22. 绝大多数中国大陆碰撞带都不是一次形成的,而是经历了多期次、活动性质各不相同的、复杂的形成过程。

    Most of collision zones in China continent were not formed on one occasion , but formed through complex processes with multi-tectonic events and different geological actions .

  23. 它的形成主要受地热条件的控制。麻粒岩的形成可以与大陆碰撞、大陆拉张以及大陆弧模式相联系。

    Its formation was controlled mainly by the condition of terrestrial heat . Their main formation models are related to continental collision , continental extension and continental arc .

  24. 作为板块运动的最终结果,大陆碰撞造山带是识别地球历史演化中板块构造机制起主导作用的重要标志。

    As a final result of plate tectonics , continental collisional orogens are formed , and the identification of such orogens is regarded as a milestone in recognizing the operation of plate tectonics in Earth 's history .

  25. 从它的活动历史和几何学特征分析,在大陆碰撞以后的前期属于挤压&走滑运动,而现今则以走滑运动为主。

    From an analysis of its history of activity and geometric features , its activity belonged to the compressional-strike slip movement in the early stage of continental collision , while at present the strike-slip movement is dominant .

  26. 大别一苏鲁造山带出露有世界上规模最大、保存最好的超高压变质地体,是三叠纪时扬子板块向北俯冲进入华北板块之下,而形成的大陆碰撞造山带。

    The Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt , formed by the collision of the Yangtze craton and the North China craton in the late Triassic , has been know as the largest and best-preserved UHP terrane all over the world .

  27. 兰坪盆地的构造演化受控于古特提斯的闭合及印度与亚洲大陆碰撞的造山作用,盆地经历了陆内裂谷、拗陷盆地和走滑盆地3个阶段的发育过程。

    Tectonic evolution of Lanping basin , controlled by closure of Palaeo-Tethys and collisional orogen between India plate and Asia continent , has undergone three evolutional stages , i.e. , intracontinental rift , sag basin and strike-slip basin .

  28. 其主要成矿作用是在印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞的大背景下发生的,主要矿床类型为热水沉积改造型矿床,主要成矿时代在始新世-早中新世(约56-21Ma)。

    Mineralization took place mainly in tectonic settings of India - Eurasia collision in the period from Eocene to early Miocene ( about 56-21 Ma ) . The main type of ore deposits are hydrothermal sedimentary rework type .

  29. 粘性薄片模型在某些方面比较成功地代表了岩石圈在大陆碰撞和造山运动中的变形过程及其后果的主要特征,但也存在一些不足之处。

    The thin viscous sheet model has more successfully represented the major features of the lithospheric deformation and its consequence during the continental collision and orogeny in some aspects , though there are still some shortcomings in this model .

  30. 超高压变质带形成于扬子和中朝板块大陆碰撞的构造环境,是扬子板块陆壳向北俯冲到一定深度的变质产物。

    The ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt was uplifted rapidly by obduction to the middle crust in the process of continuous subduction-obduction in the collisional tectonic setting , so it was an allochthon thrust on the subducted basement of the Yangtze plate .