
  1. 开发地基处理新技术,新工艺;

    2 , exploring of new technology on ground treatment ;

  2. 水泥土夯实桩处理技术是近年来开发的地基处理新技术,它利用工程土和水泥拌和形成混合料,通过机械或人工洛阳铲成孔,并填入水泥与土的混合料形成桩体。

    The soft foundation treatment technique with soil-cement tamped pile is a new technique developed in recent years .

  3. 锚杆静压桩作为地基加固处理新技术,在实际工程中,其应用领域越来越广泛。

    As a new technology in the improvement of foundation soils , anchored silent pile is more and more widely used in practice .