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  • atlas
地图册 [dì tú cè]
  • [atlas] 合订的地图集

  • 一看地图册就清楚了,这城靠近海滨

  1. 她想买一本世界地图册。

    She wants to buy a world atlas .

  2. 桌上的那本书是地图册。

    That book on the desk is an atlas .

  3. 有了地质图、书籍和地图册,你便可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。

    With geological maps , books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals .

  4. 我清楚地记得我在《牛津学生地图册》(OxfordSchoolAtlas)中看到了长城的雉堞线。

    I vividly recall seeing in the " Oxford School Atlas " the Great Wall with its battlement symbol .

  5. 这本地图册含50幅地图,包括北美地图6幅。

    This atlas contains fifty maps , including six of North America .

  6. 请问西北流域的地图册放在什么地方?

    Could you tell me where the plat books for the northwest Valley are ?

  7. 这份地图册已经过时了。

    This atlas has gone out of date .

  8. 把地图册和其它书堆在一起。

    Packed an atlas along with other books .

  9. 这是一本地图册。

    It 's a book of maps .

  10. 你完成那本地图册了吗?

    Are you through with that atlas ?

  11. 请将这个地图册包起来。

    Please parcel up the atlas .

  12. 我们找到一本大型地图册,里面有一些世界地理的明细图。

    We found a large alas with good maps that showed details of the world 's geography .

  13. 他编写了一部地理书,书中绘制了一套当时世界的地图册。

    He was able to produce a geography book containing an atlas of maps of the known world .

  14. 孩子表示要出去见见世面,父母立马给孩子买回来了一大本地图册。

    When I expressed my desire to see the world to my mom , she bought me an atlas .

  15. 根据理论与实践相结合的原则,把图像系统分为14个类型,统计了每一类型在教材和教学地图册中的图幅。

    Based on the principle of combining theory with practice , the image system may be divided into 14 types .

  16. 正式的表册;登记表;(尤指)名单,花名册收集地理名词词汇的词典(如地图册后面)。

    Official list or register , esp of names a geographical dictionary ( as at the back of an atlas ) .

  17. 孩提时,就觉得地图册比书有趣得多,它们就像是想象力的旅行指南。

    As a child , I found atlases more interesting than books ; I thought they were like travel guides for the imagination .

  18. 参考书[不论是否有插图(不包括地图册、商业目录、乐曲集和儿童图画书)]

    Printed book [ whether of not illustrated ( excl. atlases , trade catalogues , cusec books and children 's picture books ) ]

  19. 本文根据《中国文物地图册·陕西省分册》所提供的资料对陕西仰韶文化聚落群进行研究。

    According to Shaanxi Province Book of Chinese Cultural Relics Atlas , the article researches the settlement clusters of Yangshao culture in Shaanxi province .

  20. 但对我而言,学校的地图册有一个问题:它们过于拘泥于课程内容,往往既没有新意、又保守。

    But , for me , the problem with school atlases was that they stuck to the curriculum and tended to be predictable and conservative .

  21. 本周(5月30日)肯尼亚发表了一本新的地图册,它将引起人们对于区域生态系统和贫困之间关系的关注。

    A new atlas that draws attention to the relation between regional ecosystems and poverty was launched in Kenya this week ( 30 May ) .

  22. 决策者将使用该地图册帮助他们建立在特定地区减贫的最好政策。

    The atlas will be used by people responsible for policy decisions to help them construct the best initiatives for tackling poverty reduction in specific locations .

  23. 如果你想了解某些事物,不妨借助一些参考书中——字典、百科全书、地图册查阅信息。

    If you want to find out about something , the information is in the reference books --- the dictionaries , the encyclopedias , the atlases .

  24. 当某些领导人表示,“没有欧元就没有欧洲”时,我们应该耸耸肩,看看地图册,好让自己安心。

    And when some leaders say that " without the euro there is no Europe " we should shrug our shoulders and look at an atlas to reassure ourselves .

  25. 肯尼亚政府已经使用这份地图册规划了扶贫资金的分配,并评估了不同的问题是否得到了公平和成功的解决。

    The Kenyan government has already used the atlas to map the distribution of funds to alleviate poverty and to assess whether the different issues are being addressed fairly and successfully .

  26. 答:我上学时的第一位校长是个牧师,他说我们床头应该摆放三本书:《圣经》、祈祷书和地图册。

    A. My first headmaster , who was a church minister , said we should have three books at our bedsides : a Bible , a prayer book and an atlas .

  27. 在此基础上论述教师在历史课堂上运用图册的方法和学生学会使用图册的步骤,为教师在历史教学中更好地使用历史地图册提供借鉴。

    Also it discusses the ways teachers use atlases and the steps in which students learn to use them in class , which will provide reference for the application of atlases for history teachers .

  28. 他打开母亲床头的台灯,掏出地图册翻阅起来,他一眼就看见了北京近郊有一条大河。

    Switching on the light at the head of his mother 's bed , he took out his little atlas and flipped through it and immediately spotted a great river in the suburbs of beijing .

  29. 历史地图册是根据国家教委颁布的历史教学大纲、历史课程标准编制的历史课本的配套教材,是中学生学习历史不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    History atlases are supporting textbooks which are written according to the syllabus and curriculum standard issued by the state education commission for History courses . They are essential to middle school students when learning History .

  30. 林赛:在翻看一本蒙古地图册的时候,我发现了一个像长城的符号,但我在图例中查找时,却发现它并不是中国长城。

    Thumbing through an atlas of Mongolia , I saw a symbol for what looked like the wall , but when I checked it out in the legend , it was not the Great Wall of China .