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dì lì
  • Geographical advantage;favourable geographical position;topographical advantages;land productivity
地利 [dì lì]
  • (1) [favourable geographical position;topographical advantages]∶地理的优势

  • 天时不如地利。--《孟子.公孙丑下》

  • (2) [land productivity]∶土地有利于种植作物的条件

地利[dì lì]
  1. 本文运用了定标比超(SWOT)分析方法指出:我国在加入WTO之后,信息市场的优势是:地利、人和,我国已有一部分跻身于国际市场;

    Using SWOT method , the paper points out : after China 's entry into WTO , information market 's advantages are : favourable geographical position , support of people , our country has partly come into international market ;

  2. 《心理访谈》的成功,可以从天时、地利、人和三方面进行阐述。

    The success of psychological interview , can be explained from three aspect : timeliness , favourable geographical position and support of people .

  3. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。

    The time isn 't as important as the terrain ; but the terrain isn 't as important as unity with the people .

  4. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。(《孟子》)

    Heaven 's favourable weather is less important than earth 's advantageous terrain , and earth 's advantageous terrain is less important than human unity .

  5. 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)广泛地利用于半导体表面局部电位的测定,电学功能试验和大规模集成电路失效分析。

    SEM is widely used to determine local potential at the surface of semiconductors , for the electrical function testing and the failure analysis of LSI .

  6. MiM给了我空间、时间,以及进入金融业和来到伦敦的地利和资源。

    The MiM gave me the space , time , the geography and resources to move into finance and to London .

  7. 作为兰博基尼(Lamborghini)和一批豪华游艇品牌在香港的经销商,黄锦培(LeoWong)可谓占尽天时地利。

    As a dealer in Hong Kong for Lamborghini and an array of luxury yacht manufacturers , Leo Wong is in the right place at the right time .

  8. 提出了基于科学计算可视化的基本原理和方法,采用面向对象的程序设计语言Delphi和图形接口OpenGL开发可视化的结构计算分析软件,使得科学计算可视化与计算分析紧密结合起来,最大限度地利用计算成果。

    Based upon introduction of the principle and method of visual technology software is developed utilizing object-oriented programming language-Delphi and graphic interface-OpenGL to realize visual structural calculation and analysis , which combine visualization in scientific computation and calculation analysis in together .

  9. 瑞士位于法国、大利、地利和德国之间。

    Switzerland lies between France , Italy , Austria and Germany .

  10. 哪一方得天时地利?哪一方能贯彻执行法令?

    Which side is capable of executing orders effectively and efficiently ?

  11. 我总是处在天时地利之中。

    I am always in the right place at the right time .

  12. 天时,地利,人和,与您共享!

    Favorable climatic , geographical and human conditions , share with you !

  13. 第五,利用天时地利,形成战略联盟。

    Fifthly , use good timing and place to form strategic alliance .

  14. 爱是天时地利的迷信,真的吗?

    For that time , it was the wrong guy .

  15. 坐享黄金地段,尽揽天时地利。

    Enjoy the gold location , the favourable climate and geographical position .

  16. 首先提出的基本问题是:我们该如何合理地利用纸,以保护自然资源?

    How should we use paper in order to protect the natural resources ?

  17. 我例外地利星期日到学校去。

    Exceptionally , I went to school on Sunday .

  18. 太阳正慢慢地利西方沈落。

    The sun was slowly sinking in the west .

  19. 另外一些占有地利之便的欧洲国家则能够向外扩展。

    Other European countries , more favourably placed , were able to expand .

  20. 天时地利,还得有心有情。

    The day , the place , the heart must be just so .

  21. 我很荣幸地利各位面前表演。

    I have the honor , ( honour ) of performing before you all .

  22. 我们把成功归因于天时地利。

    We attribute our success to being in the right place at the right time .

  23. 天时地利,已造就最好的一个地方,给人居住。

    Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man 's habitation .

  24. 只不过是天时地利而已。

    Just right place , right time .

  25. 上帝的意旨是要我们快乐地利一起。

    God wills we be happy together .

  26. 蜜蜂成群地利果园飞来飞去。

    Bees swarmed about in the orchard .

  27. 那名演员神气活现地利舞台上走来走去。

    The actor strutted about the stage .

  28. 他得天时地利。

    He took advantage of the situation .

  29. 不过,有目的地利用应聘者的性取向,有可能带来好的效益。

    Deliberately targeting gay and lesbian candidates could turn out to be good business , though .

  30. 天时、地利、人和&《心理访谈》栏目的成功因素

    Successful Factor of Psychological Interview Column