
  • 网络sub-surface building works;subsurface building works
  1. 随着近年来地下建筑工程增多,场地在地震下的响应问题也逐渐引起人们的重视。

    According with the appearance of more and more underground buildings , people pay more attention to the seismic response of the site .

  2. 近几年来,随着城市建设的发展,地下建筑工程数量和规模迅速增加,深基坑开挖与支护技术也得到了发展。

    Recently , the quantity and scale of underground building increase rapidly with the development of city construction , which triggers the development of technique of deep excavation and support .

  3. 全断面钻爆法适用于围岩坚固稳定,采用钻孔爆破方法将洞室开挖断面一次性开挖成型的地下建筑工程洞室开挖掘进方法。

    The whole section explosion method which is the one for underground construction digging , suitable for stable and strong dam , form a section for one time by drilling explosion .

  4. 隧道属于地下建筑工程,施工中常遇到各种不良地质地段,突泥、突水、瓦斯突出、岩爆等灾害性地质现象(即隧道地质灾害)时有发生。

    Tunnel belongs to the underground construction engineering , during the construction , we often meet multifarious geological hazard , such as dashing out the mud , water , gas and the rock outbursts .

  5. 我国城市地下民用建筑工程建设标准化浅析

    Elementary Analysis on Standardization of Underground Civil Building Construction in China ′ s Cities

  6. 商品房中地下建筑防水工程施工质量问题分析与预防

    Analysis and Prevention on the Problem of Waterproof Engineering Quality for the Basement of Commodity Houses

  7. 探讨了用雷管爆炸的方法评估混凝土强度的原理和在矿山地下工程和地面建筑工程中应用的可能性。

    This paper introduces detonator blasting method to assess the machanism of concrete strength , and discusses the applicable possibility in underground and ground works .