
  • 网络Saint George's Day;Sant Jordi;Dia de S ant Jordi
  1. 他在圣乔治节那天发布的长达90也的入选宣言中,强调表明了他的经济和防卫策略,然而却隐晦带过BNP的核心目标,即撤销移民政策。

    When he launched its90-page election manifesto on St George 's Day , he stressed its economic and defence policies and played down its core aim , which is halting immigration .

  2. 一项调查显示,英国是欧洲最不爱国的国家,只有三分之一的英格兰人知道本国的国庆日圣乔治节是哪天。

    England is the least patriotic country in Europe , with just one in three British people aware of the date of St George 's Day a survey has shown .

  3. 联合国教科文组织选择4月23日的灵感来自于一个美丽的传说。4月23日是西班牙文豪塞万提斯的忌日,也是加泰罗尼亚地区大众节日圣乔治节。

    Unesco 's selection of April 23 for world reading day arose out of a beautiful legend : April 23 is the date that famed Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes died , and it is also St. George 's Day , celebrated in Catalonia .