
  1. 红粘土原状土样难予进行长期有效的保护。

    It is difficult to effectively preserve undisturbed sample of red clay in a long term .

  2. 然而,保存完好的古水稻土剖面极难获得。

    However , it is extremely difficult to obtain a well-preserved ancient paddy soil profile .

  3. 在沿海平原和辽河流域盐碱土上很难种植旱地作物。

    It was difficult for upland crops to grow on the saline-alkali soil in the coastal plain and Liaohe river regions .

  4. 有限元分析法在理论上较成熟,但因其存在土体模型和土性参数难确定等困难,难以实际应用。

    The finite element method is mature in theory , but it is difficult to fix the earth model and the soil parameters , so being difficulty to be practice applied .