
  • 网络TURKMENISTAN;Turkmen
  1. 土库曼的天然气主要分布于卡拉库姆盆地。

    The gas of Turkmenistan is distributed mainly in the Karakum basin .

  2. 土库曼天然气出口多元化政策与决策机制分析

    Analysis on Diversified Policies of Turkmenistan Natural Gas Export and its Decision-making Mechanism

  3. 塔阿法(TalAfar)是大量土库曼人的居住地,他们与伊拉克逊尼派阿拉伯人均与基尔库克和摩苏尔相邻。近年来双方关系一度紧张。

    Tal Afar is home to a large population of ethnic Turkmens , whose relations with Iraq 's sunni Arabs , in both neighboring Kirkuk and Mosul , have been in recent years .

  4. 土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。

    Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment .

  5. 作者对从事对土库曼学生的汉语教学方面的建议。

    Of students engaged in Turkmen Chinese language teaching advice .

  6. 撒拉语和土库曼等语的关系

    On the Relationship between the Salar and the Turken

  7. 与它最接近的是土耳其语和土库曼语。

    Its closest relatives are Turkish and Turkmen .

  8. 土库曼地区沙漠化进程的预测

    Forecasts of Desertification Processes in the TURKMEN USSR

  9. 土库曼天然气的发展规划及其对我国西部油气开发的影响

    Turkmenistans gas program and its effect on the oil and gas development in West China

  10. 据土库曼国家电视台报道,他死于心脏骤停,享年66岁。

    He died of a cardiac arrest , Turkmen state television reported . He was 66 .

  11. 土库曼曾是苏联的一部份,随著一九九一年苏联解体而成为独立国家。

    Once a part of the Soviet union , Turkmenistan became an independent country with the Soviet breakup in1991 .

  12. 论文研究思路如下:第一部分关于对土库曼学生的汉语教学的情况考察。

    Thesis ideas are as follows : first , the first part on Turkmen students study Chinese language teaching situation .

  13. 经过本人的考察及实习经验,加上一些参考文件论述对土库曼的汉语教学情况。

    After my study and practical experience , plus some reference document discusses the situation of Chinese teaching in Turkmenistan .

  14. 在征服了中亚三个汗国之后,俄国接着就又开始了对土库曼和帕米尔地区的侵略。

    Russia began to invade the region of Turkmenistan and Pamirs after the conquest of three khanates of Central Asia .

  15. 美国在周日空投的人道主义救援物资包括水和食物,投放目标为伊拉克北部土库曼镇的信奉什叶派教的居民。

    The US airdropped humanitarian aid including water and meal Sunday to residents of Shiite Turkmen Town in Northern Iraq .

  16. 同阿拉伯人相比,亚述人,库尔德人和土库曼人,在文化、历史、衣着和语言上都有很大区别。

    The Assyrians , Kurds and Turkomans differ from Arabs in many ways including culture , history , clothing , and language .

  17. 哈萨克、吉尔吉斯、塔吉克、土库曼与乌兹别克五国政府各派出代表团与会。

    The government of kazakhstan , kyrgyzstan , tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan has each sent its own delegation to the meeting .

  18. 所有被单仿佛一片苔原,土库曼农民把的胡子露在了被单外面,而枕着帽子的士兵则把那饱受风霜之苦的脑袋露了。

    From a tundra of sheets poked the beards of Turcoman farmers , and the weathered heads of soldiers resting on their caps .

  19. 土库曼山的海拔相对来说比较高,但是如果没有一定的技术支持,很难想象宫殿能够一直保持冰冻的状态。

    The Turkmen mountains are relatively high , but it is hard to imagine the palace remaining frozen without some sort of technical help .

  20. 在对护身符做出详细解释后,接下来这里还有一些土库曼文化琉璃珠护身符样式,都是我的收藏。

    Following this fine explanation of amulet cases , here are some examples of amulet type beads of the Turkoman culture , from my collection .

  21. 对土库曼学生进行汉语语法教学时,可以采用动作表演法、道具演示法、举例法、对话法等方法。

    In Turkmenistan in Chinese grammar teaching , can use the method of acting , for example , property demo method , method and way of dialogue .

  22. 一个世纪之前,在这个滨海地区的沿岸,提基亚土库曼人用泥土建立起43个堡垒,他们在周围放牧骆驼和凶悍的阿葛马克马,并耕种土地。

    Along this narrow littoral , a century ago , the Tekke Turcomans had grazed their camelstough Argamak horses , tilled the soil around forty-three earthen fortresses .

  23. 更不可思议的是,俄罗斯人加入了他们中间:高大的金发男子在跳舞,热情洋溢的年轻姑娘在亲吻著他们的土库曼朋友。

    Adding to the strangeness , there were Russians among them : big , blond men who danced , and affectionate young women kissing their Turcoman friends .

  24. 他说,该社区主要由土库曼少数民族居住,但是该社区的代表们没有说出他们认为是谁策划了爆炸事件。

    The neighborhood , he says , is ed by the Turkmen minority , but representatives of their community are not saying who they think was behind the explosion .

  25. 本文以土库曼某油气田盆地为研究对象,该油气田盆地位于图兰地台东南部,是在海西期褶皱基底上发育起来的中新生代盆地。

    This paper studies the Turkmenistan oil and gas fields , which is in the southeast of Turan platform that is Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin development in the Hercynian folded basement .

  26. 土库曼阿拉拜保留了它们远古时代的优秀品质,例如,不挑食,即使在很长时间里只吃很少食物、没有水的情况下依然有能力坚持工作。

    The Turkmen Alabai retained its origin thanks to such qualities as modesty in meal , ability to do even with very poor food and without water for a long time .

  27. 最后根据上述对土库曼预科生的研究以及教材的编排、教学中的实际情况,对教材编写和教学策略提出了一定的建议。

    Finally , some suggestions of compiling textbooks and teaching strategies are given according to the research of the acquisition of the existential construction of preparatory Turkmen students , the compiling and the actual situation of teaching .

  28. 第三,对汉语词汇中的文化内涵进行了探讨,从文化词、固定结构所体现出的文化内涵入手,比较分析了汉语和土库曼语的语言文化差异。

    Third , has carried on the discussion to in Chinese glossary cultural connotation , from the cultural word , the fixed structure manifests the cultural connotation to obtain , comparative analysis Chinese and Turkmen language cultural difference .

  29. 相反的,它们在一起,土库曼阿拉拜在年轻时代就从它们的妈妈那里学会了驱赶畜群、完成警戒任务、杀蛇、掌握了打斗技巧、对靠近的敌人吼叫。

    In contrast with them , the Turkmen Alabai learns in his young age from the mother how to graze the flock , fulfill guard duties , kill snakes , master fighting skills , bark at the approaching enemy .

  30. 在土库曼斯坦,学习汉语的人日益增多,但到目前为止,还没有一部汉语和土库曼语对译的双语词典,这在一定程度上影响了土库曼斯坦人汉语学习的效果。

    In Turkmenistan , the number of Chinese-studying person increases day by day , but so far , also there are not a Chinese and the Turkmen language to the bilingual dictionary which translates , which has affected the Turkmenistan person Chinese study effect in the certain degree .